>hate niggers
>give homeless black man $5 and wish him luck
Who else /friendly racist/ here?
Hate niggers
understanding the differences between races =/= being an asshole
How do I get a Jessu gf?
autism is not racism
Thank you
I don't hate niggers I just don't want to live next to them.
Don't have to hate, just understand that we are inherently different. I believe that every race should choose to preserve itself and their people.
This is why I'm classist, every race has its own nigger, it's own Chad, whites are just the top because there has to be one and we dominate Europe, America, etc. In another world it's the Asians, Blacks, Latinos. that are top majority but history just didn't pan out that way.
I hope money was poisoned at least?
There is a difference between blacks and niggers
this, nigger is a characteristic.
Great now he's going to buy crack with it.
Just give it to a homeless shelter.
>giving money to the middleman
good goy
Not really most blacks are niggers.
That is why few of them pass high school and get into colleges especially without affirmative action.
I used to. Today, nope, will never willingly give money or anything of monetary value to niggers. First rule of being in an indirect race war, don't willingly give the enemy anything. That's kind of how we got to 56% to begin with, morons.
Yeah man just give your money out to random niggers that ask you for it on the street to buy drugs and liquor.
Eh kinda. I'll talk to black people on an individual basis if I think they're civilized but otherwise no.
They could be the most upstanding nigger out there but if they look like they belong in a mugshot I stop relaxing.
>t. Nonwhite
I know what you mean but I have met a decent amount of older blacks that don't act anything like niggers.
I don’t like niggers, but for whatever reason I must look like a beacon of friendliness when I go out because all the token nogs want to talk to me.
>Enabling alcoholics/junkies
Full retard, they're homeless for a reason.
That being said, I'll let you in on a little secret:
Everyone is racist to some degree. Even a virtue signaling libshit will feel a hint of fear if they walk around a ghetto. The difference between whites and other races is a white racist can keep their hate under their hat and give anyone a fair shake if they aren't a major fuckup, regardless of race. Other races, especially niggers, are openly racist. If they don't outright refer to you as "white boy" or "cracker", they'll simply be rude towards whites, even if it's in a subtle manner. Ghetto niggers will almost instantly approach whites and ask for money, cigarettes, or to use your phone, because they assume you're rich and you owe them something, and also because they know the empathy of whites can be exploited.
People tend to calm down as they age.
They're chatting you up because they're going to ask you for money.
If you have't figured out most humans are "friendly racists" to races outside of their own 99% of the time bud, you haven't been paying attention. It's kinda the point to a lot of shit around here lol.
You're just an enabling faggot.
>hate nonwhites
>visit japanese hooker on a regular basis
Step one is not making this post, but I'm happy you did because holy fuck she's perfect.
I grew up around blacks, and I’ve seen this a lot. I think it all boils down to black people being aware of the white guilt of so many white Americans and they know they can easily take advantage of them, so why not?
>give homeless black man $20 because you know he'll spend it on dope and you read in the local paper that there is some heroin going around recently and some junkies died because of the fentanyl
Post pics
i used to be, i voted for her, then some illegal spic told me to check my privilege because i wouldnt condem a white who was happy trump won.
Be black, it runs in the family
I wouldn't say that I'm a friendly racist, but I'm not a nigger so I do feel quite bad/sad when I see a hungry child on the street begging for food - regardless of his race. I try not to ever give people money, especially children, because it gets used on drugs/alcohol. So I always try and give them food instead - and if it's a sealed box of food, I cut it open a bit so that they can't take it back to the shop and exchange it for the money.
I hate niggers who specifically chimpout. I've met some pretty chill black dudes and one of my best friend is a blacky. However, this doesn't mean I'm naive. I never relax around blacks not because I'm an 'evil racist xdd' but because based on the info I have and experiences I've had with most nignogs it's just common sense.
That being said, I don't live around many blacks. I'm surrounded by spics and I really hate most of them, so maybe I'd probably hate chocos more if I were in a living situation with them.
I always give to homeless regardless of skin color
>it runs in the family
nobody runs in your family fatso
>give a black homeless guy money
>he spends it on drugs
>shortens his lifespan
i hope you knew what you were doing, because you did the right thing.
I'm not a white supremacist. I'm fine with black people existing and I don't want to rule over them. I just want they to exist in their own fucking countries in stead of shitty up mine.