Just a reminder
45% of all niggers are technically mentally retarded
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All negroids are literally not human. Their genetics must be exterminated in every form no matter how diluted
Neger is geen boomdier.
Jeez edgelord comin through watch out everyone
did you not know this?
>some cunt sends monkey dna to ancestry.com
>50% chance of being african, 50% unknown race
>bonus points for orangutan who is from indonesia but got a 78% match as an african.
I wish I could find all the sources goshdarn.
“Edgy” is a soyboy reddit term used against those who support the natural and proper. Get some T, sissy.
"At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races." Charles Darwin
Kek. Wouldn’t doubt it.
Here you go. UN must declassify negroids and those with their DNA from human status ASAP
How many groids have you “exterminated” then
Ig I remember correctly it was uneducated whites that voted Trump.... So there's that
the diagram shows an illustration of a monkey called 'Orang'. In malay,'orang' means people.
Isn't it weird that orang (people) is a monkey while nigger is a human?
We've built structure like pyramid and civilization while you 'whites thief' only knows how to invade and exploit other people's land.Literally acts like a monkey.
They don't look human. Just by looking at them you can tell how stupid and violent they are.
What are you on about?
I see doctors and engineers
How about you post an image that's not for ants?
Niggers are inferior in every way. Mostly due to lacking in certain beneficial brain genes which had evolved after leaving Africa. Still, you are just gonna ridicule yourself with that monkey DNA as you would get similar overlaps between whites and monkeys if you ran them in comparison. Would still register as African since niggers are genetically more basal.
Please, if you argue race read into HUMAN population genetics and evolution. Myriad of evidence proving our point about race. But this shit ... every scientist will simply laugh at you. Keep your arguments straight and accurate! Cheers
1% of niggers being murderers doesnt mean we should kill all niggers
Also flynn effect and epigenetics
I agree. Even though they have a murder rate 7 times higher than whites, and aggravated assault 4 times higher, there's still a lot of them who haven't done those things. That's why I propose the death sentence for any murderer. That way we can employ eugenics in a way that doesn't really pass for racism.
actually the original definition of mental retardation used to be >85 but martin luther kang got it changed, so really that number is much higher
if the murderer procreated before then it is quite moot.
the image is in Dutch you tard, in Malay it's called an Orang Utan -- Person (of the) Forest. Orang wasn't a dutch word yet so they shortened it.
> larger than 85
now this is funny
hello phone poster
Better to have some impact than none
that's just going by iq
iq + enculturation it's more like 80%
nigger here
it's sad watching you hate on us.
Wether you want it or not we exist and we will slowly merge with your race.
your daughter is racist? maybe your grand daughter? but do you think all your descendant will be?
is it good? is it bad? don't know don't care
but it will happen
>we will slowly merge with your race
that's sad
it's like you already conceded inferiority and wish merely to breed up, any way you can
still less than 1% of white women in the usa will ever fuck a black dude
60% of jewish women do though, it's their little secret
So obsessed with percentages...
Why are you so insecure?
Do you think 100% of the americans answer that?
We always go with the best available data. Also interracial dating has decreased in the last couple years.
Nobody wants to date blacks user, not 'till you shape up.
So this comforts you, and you need to share this with your white anonymous friend on a board you would never show to anyone
good for you
>this comforts you
nah it's just the truth, i think niggers are exaggerating their self worth by claiming conquests they haven't made
one might ask, as a self proclaimed nigger, why are you even here? we don't bother world star
I'm not with the other black that thinks we wuz kangz etc. inferiority complex
i don't like quota in movies either
I'm doing my best to make my country better
yet you hate me. I just want to know why
Another thing about the slow merging, quadroons and octaroons almost always prefer white mates and they already look white.
What'll happen to blacks with your nigger attitude? You'll end up white, and avoiding blacks, like the high caste octaroons and quadroons do today.
>this is the future of black people and it's beautiful
you're the one who claims to want to breed us out
i just think it's doomed to failure, we'll take the tremendous 10%, bleach the fuck out of them, and let the ghetto nogs kill each other like in every other black area on the globe
just shine my shoes while you're at it
>doing your best to make your country better
>while not even living in your own country
i dont want to breed the withe race out, i really don't care, i don't see the point in it
Just saying it will happen sooner or later
you say you always go with the best available data, compare the number of mixed person with the one 50y ago... where does the "le 56% face" meme come from?
i don't clean shoes, i save lives for a living, and would save yours withoud hesitation even if i knew who you were.
did you chose to be born? did you chose to be born in the US? did you chose to be born on earth?
The average African is mentally retarded
They're not human
download it and you'll realize that you're retarded
Paris is 100% white, both her REAL parents were white.
>i dont want to breed the withe race out
you just said you did
i'm saying, you won't, most of you are not fit to piss on if on fire, the rest will find some white cuck (probably an ashkenazi jew) and breed them, and do that twice and you're not even slightly black any more
i save lives of life savers so don't pull that on me, i'm even better than you
Where you are born has no bearing on which people you belong to. Your people are African, not matter how many little KANGZ you pop out in London, you'll never be British.
you're ancestor weren't even born in the US did they?
looks like the actual hybrid offspring between an ape and a human
even if that's true there's a lot of white "blacks" out there in the usa
two or three generations of white interbreeding and they look like pic
My ancestors were born in Europe and after that they were born in a country built by Europeans as a refuge for Europeans. You will never be welcome in our civilizations because you are not one of us. Go back to your African hut.
>be from england
>can't write proper english
>here representing niggers
room for improvement user
it is, we call the hueniggers
it's a miracle, an abomination
canuck nog here. Why waste your time with alt cucks ? Live your live and let them live theirs, don't allow these basement virgin dwellers tell you a damn thing. You are who you are!
i'm not even british, just on a trip.
Do you speak another language than your own?
And you aren't native american either are you?
whatever, I hope it help you sleep at night.
trust me i'm well appreciated where i live
Don't want to be one of yours. I'm just a human whatever you're saying and your constitution say it. niggers didn't wrote it, we can't even read right?
I want light eyes so badly. Are the surgeries safe by now`?
You seem alright. Go back to Africa and help your own people. Your people need you far more than we do. Can't you see that you hurt both Africa and the West when you come here instead of staying in Africa?
Achmed, you're going to need to do more than change your eye colour.
specifically which part of Africa are you talking about user? Africa is a very ethnically diverse continent...
>l-la Luz Extinguido
user pls use google translate
What else do i have to do to become White? I want to bleach my skin, too. I am not a turk/muslim btw.
That's not my concern, just as long as you're culturally enriching any country but ours.
aussie with the bantz
Cumskins burn up in the sun. Would you like to burn up in the sun as well?
yes they have laser surgery and skin bleaching creams, look for asian skin bleaching cream on amazon
but you have to act white too
Do you have access to bleach and a microwave?
whites typically have clothing user, it's a thing you know
I can't "go back" because i never left
Pretty comfy too, just bored
>hope it help you sleep at night.
i sleep in a big beautiful bed with my white, big titted blonde germanic wife
Top kek... It was already too late by the time the Europoors used slave labour to empower their economies and empires back then, had your people discovered automated labour you'r demise would've been much slower.
You have to go back. Help your own people, we're full.
We have the same life then
Can't read that shit. On mobile
yeah clothing made by chinks and pajeets in the 3rd world sweatshops. Oh so civilised! Why don't you use your own technology to make your own clothing instead of using non white labour?
Europeans didn't even use nigger slaves in large numbers. In the American south, they were an economic burden. Your people were never known for their work ethic or intellect.
Canada didn't even have slavery, m8.
except you're larping
uhh... we do that too.
in any case the brits purposefully use cooking oil instead of sunscreen. I'm not sure why.
What is Portugal? What is Belgium?What is Spain?What is France? What is Great Britain? What is America? inb4 Arab Slave Trade
No but the Anglo establishment have plenty of slave blood on their hands.
Use google reverse search
looks like a curly haired sand nigger user
Just answered you on my phone
just waiting you to call her a coalburner or whatever
wheter you like it or not it's the reality, not "larping"
oh she is curly but white
Don't be mad
It's laughable that you believe these empires were built on the backs of niggers. During the height of the English Empire, income from foreign investments never exceeded 12% of national income.
Yeah, the English are also singularly responsible for the only moderately stable countries in Africa now. A continent of KANGZ and you still need to us to teach you basic civic organization.
But,this is nothing new to you, you know how shit niggers are, that's why you're larping as a European.
Oh I love chatting with Internet nazis at 6am in the morning!
How in the fuck of all of it does a Yank know about Atomic Shitten?!
Thanks morlock
Breed with your own
I'm not larping as a Eurocuck nor am I "Kangz" The majority of Slave labour that was brought to the Americas were from Central and West Africa (Modern day Central African Republic, Nigeria, Liberia, Zambia, Uganda, and Ghana to name a few in that region. Almost all Afro-Americans can trace their ancestry back to West Africa. Prepare to be amazed user... THERE WERE NO WEST AFRICANS IN ANCIENT EGYPT the blacks that everyone is confused with are the Ancient Nubian people (East Africans).
"We wuz kangz" is a nigger meme that is being drilled into Afro-Americans still trying to make sense of where they come from.
You're a nigger speaking a European language, wearing European clothing, attempting to conform to European culture, and living in a European civilization. You're larping in every sense of the word, Your Majesty.
It's late go to bed, emus will attack tomorrow
Read this book baka. Its culture not race.
Do 100% Africans have the same emotions that Europeans do? From my experience they don't, they seem obsessed with trivial things and get upset over small things.
The lack of any progress in Africa before Europeans showed up also makes me question whether they are human. Being human is the ability to be creative and build civilization. I'm not aware of any Sub Saharan Africans who have done anything of the sort. Even something as simple as pic related would be difficult to solve for at least 25% of adult SS Africans.
lol wut Your previous owner was so nice to give 3 million of my people an Island in the middle of the Caribbean sea so I'm content!
>some cunt sends monkey dna to ancestry.com
>sends monkey dna to ancestry.com
>dna to ancestry.com
god Australians are fucking retarded.
It's about education too, but it's impossible to make them understand
The have a superiority complex
looks like a gypsy
she will look anything but white for you anyways