EU superstate by 2025 with an EU army, EU airforce and EU navy. Oh and all EU states by then will have to use the Euro.
Peace and prosperity to you all. May you live long and in multicultural socialism.
EU superstate by 2025 with an EU army, EU airforce and EU navy. Oh and all EU states by then will have to use the Euro.
Peace and prosperity to you all. May you live long and in multicultural socialism.
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fucking germans! Were dropping the nuclear weapons on you this time.
Germany Merkel circumventing the Germany Army limit after WWII!
It's illegal!
yay praise Tyranny
Europe. Europe never changes.
>contribute bare minimum towards NATO
>expect fully funded EU army
thinky thoughts
I hope you are ready to fight some Krauts again.
I hope the ruskies are ready.
To defend what?
It will be logistical and political nightmare.
>language barriers
>political in-fighting among top brass
>jurisdiction disagreements >tactical conflicts
>no centralized rank-structure
>jacked up maintenance/supply chains
>lots of member nations need their military built from the ground up
At least Austria-Hungary had Habsburgs to hold everything together, who does EU have? Besides, the only EU nations with any force projection are France and UK, and UK is one foot out of the union. Some superpower.
EU army first and foremost task is to put down civil unrest. I don't remember exactly where it was written, it was an EU contract or something (arround 2009 I think). However there was basically written, if there is a "revolution" in one EU country, any other EU country is allowed to invade and "stop" it. It's insane.
He'll rule supreme.
>The jews literally take over Europe
I guess Hitler was right... who would've guessed.
Dont forget the part where the italians backstab everybody.
Lol good luck still existing at this moment in time.
“””bad men Russians and yourselfs”””
That's true. However, Merkel is already doing this for years. At Hindu Kush, the German Army invaded and is there since then. They said "Germany is defended at Hindu Kush!!". Bullshit, but just why didn't the USA say "Nope, you can't do that!"? Obongo, or was it Bush at that time?
>United states of Europe
Lmao the EU probably wont even exist in 2025.
At least this time you'll be on the right side.
For those of you in the EU, take a look how your being given the illusion of choice. He's basically saying we are doing 'this thing' no matter what and if you don't like it you'll have to leave. Except he won't let you leave without financially destroying you.
We won't use the EU army for our personal interests goy, trust us.
What's french defense plan?
(((their))) interests
Thats what happens when you put women in power.
Whole Europe is giant Pussy worshiping continent. Look at Sweden, Germany, France. All pussywhiped countries and then we dare to say something about Americans,
I am disgusted
will brexit happwn by then lol
what do the n*rmies think of this?
The army will be hijacked by Muslims to take over the world and force islam upon everyone. It will be like order 66.
Normies don't think about politics mate, only about emotions. They'll start barking about their feels when the army (if it ever comes together) does something.
Only together can we face up to the challenges of the 21. century. A strong and united Europe is good for the world.
you just won't stop will you germany?
Normies LOVE the EU and the idea of a superstate. I think the main reason is that they do not understand what the EU actually is and that any important decisions are done without letting the people have a word in it or even know about it.
dont bother these people are to stupid to even think about what happens in the next 10 minutes let alone a generation from now when their children have to clean up the mess ..with their own blood and lives.
Not with the west and north as spearheads. Those regions are lost.
There will never be a EU army Goy trust us.
We don't want a United States of EU Goy trust us.
I somehow doubt it will come to be within our lifetime. Most EU countries don't even have an army, just fags parading for benefits and stories.
>implying Western Europe will interrupt friendly relations with Russia over butthurt of the poorest and most irrelevant members of EU
EU army? With Germany? Where planes don't fly, tanks don't drive, soldiers have weekends and working hours and minister of Defense is a women who was a family minister before and the only thing she knows about war is children running around with nerf guns?
France's nukes, think that is the main trouble, I'd bet the EU and Germany want to put a lot of them under 'EU control'.
can't wait for France and Poland to DP Germany to death
Friendly reminder
Funniest thing ever is that idiots think this will provide peace... when in reality this steps on the toes of the US.. yeah good luck even if you succeed of having a army while shitting on your own nations and people and force them to live together with people that want to slaughter them.
>decisions are done without letting the people have a word in it
That's not really a problem when/if the EU prospers. The problem is making sure that the EU behaves like a real democracy when it doesn't prosper any longer.
Nobody said it has to be efficient army or even as army in working order.
It's just more gib shekels for the "middle-menajment" for their "harmonization programs" & "integration projects". And when they fail, it will be just an argument they need more gibs.
Okay. So what happens if Muslims become the majority in Europe, which by the way Is likely. They take control through infiltrating government, and then what? They will have a whole eu army to command? We are going to have to nuke Europe aren't we?
The people making the decisions right now were not elected, why do you think that would change? We are incredibly far from a democratic decision process and they would like to keep it that way.
well at least they will have something to do with all the new europeans they have been importing.
rare flag
I want out of this ride.
why would you attack the biggest importer of your goods you retard? That's literally killing your own economy at this point.
The whole reason they are pushing for this now is that they are afraid they may have lost a reliable ally with the US. What other options are there, trying to befriend Russia again?
No, Kraut, that's a meme flag.
EU can't even control its borders. Frontex is a free taxi for immigrants invaders. Army to suppress native Europeans it is.
This idiot again?
Federica Mogherini dead
Lol you didnt lose shit you choose to shit on the US after trump got elected for the fun of it.
When he rightfully calls out uk, germany and sweden for their love of islamic terrorists that slaughter and rape the people the swore to protect.. what does uk, germany and sweden do?
They straight up lie and deny even if there is reported prove as it was in sweden.
If a prerequisit for good relationshipts with the us for germany is that it can transform europe into a slaughterhaus for islamic radicals.. well then no shit you are on your own concerning the current us president..and every sane person on the planet. You did and are doing it to yourself.
Roman Empire 2.0
We are in the 1929/1930 right now. How long did it take Hitler to re-arm Germany?
How long would it take for Germany. France, EU members to channel their economic power into building a devastating army?
Obvious choice would be to give supreme command to germany, the other memester countries are too inept.
>We are incredibly far from a democratic decision process
That's a thing alright especially if the EU fails to be a democracy. But know that people don't care that they're not a democracy if they think they prosper.
fucking hell, i hope i can get my life straightened out before then and leave Europe, Europeans wants this and i want no part in it.
there will never be a single nationalistic political party allowed after the EU army is unleashed
I absolutely agree, I didn't imply it wasn't entirely "our" fault.
>fails to be a democracy
in a time of need
where do you expect to go?
Why would France and Germany clash over defense plans? France doesn't do defense, and Germany prefers offense.
>begging for the bloodiest conflict known to mankind because they honestly thought intimidating Russia would work
It will be another big shekel grab. I hope you proeuropean retards are opening your anuses and wallets.
as shit you might think your country is, it is not Europe
But I thought the EU army was a conspiracy theory Nigel Farage was making up?
Leave the EU while you can't be shot for defecting.
Führer is still missing
You wish lol. They should have set this up decades ago if they wanted it. Now is not the time and certainly not the place. Also how the fuck can you reconcile the fact that NATO already fills this role to a significant degree? You can't maintain both a NATO and an EU force. Also good luck keeping Turkey in NATO if you form an EU force. It's like Europe wants them to completely sever ties with them and be friends with Russia instead. Yuros truly are in a free fall.
if anyone could provide a source that would be awesome
i haven't found anything and this is very, very interesting
>no centralized rank-structure
>>jacked up maintenance/supply chains
Supply chains are always messed up
The rank structure will probably be set to one standard
EU needs Turkey for the vanguard troops
Nobody can fight in the soy boy union currently
Too bad Erdogan is a Russian ally now, he will say fuck you to you femboys
some white shirt, or lots of forts except there perhaps
Turkistan is not EU and will never be.
>massively overbloated institution that gets nothing done besides creating more burocracy via stupid legislation, the literal tower of babel
>EU-army by 2025
I dont think so boys.
Somehow NATO works just fine
It works like that in the United States as well, see the civil war.
Those young fighting age men you guys keep complaining about will make the perfect conscripts for an upcoming draft for the European War of Independence against United States occupation, but keep drinking your soy latte; you won't have to lift a finger.
The United States has been occupying Europe since World War 2 and planned to use these countries as a battlefield to fight the Soviet Union. Europeans have a legitimate reason to hate the US and want their soverignty back.
>when in reality this steps on the toes of the US
That's the idea, dumbass. We have to seize the opportunity, now that the US is weak.
Mind about your niggerspics Amerimutt. We'll take care of the mudslimes at some point.
Trump was skeptical of NATO all throughout his campaign. It's only natural that we try to shake off their stranglehold as soon as possible under these circumstances.
Besides, what do you care, you aren't even in NATO.
> superstate by 2025
> bankrupt by 2026
> mfw the streetshitters will surpass their colonial teachers in my lifetime
fuck off nazifag
>tfw you'll experience London air raids within your lifetime when you join the EU army
>tfw you'll invade am*rica in your lifetime
Prepare yourselves, mutts.
>bankrupt by 2026
If only there was a country right in the smack middle of the EU with vast amounts of wealth, hmm.
Same as usual.
NATO is the US using European resources and Military bases.
Sounds like Russia just found a good excuse to pull back Eastern Europe
Lets invade them
Who are they going to recruit?
the illegal immingrants from
north africa
east africa
the middle east and
central east.
that is not an eu army, that is a foreign legion.
Stupid fucking eu officials.
there will be no united states of europe or an eu army.
Well looks like it's going to be north america against europe soon. Burgers you better not get spineless now.
They will speak their natural language of Arabic
What the fuck are you on about?
The idea is *exactly* to replace NATO. How dumb do you have to be to not see that?
>You can't maintain both a NATO and an EU force.
Why? It doesn't matter what defense spending is intended for. The important thing is that it happens at all.
>Also good luck keeping Turkey in NATO if you form an EU force.
Nobody wants Turkey in anything anymore. Have you slept through the last few years in a kangaroo den?
>It's like Europe wants them to completely sever ties with them and be friends with Russia instead.
Oh no! Not these evil hackers!
I hope not. Let's not repeat our mistakes.
The requirements for an African regiment is to burn down your village and shoot your neighbors with an ak47
not sure they would pass any practical requirements in a decent military.
lmao not gonna happen
It's in the Lisbon treaty.
> All these problems with an army made up of different nations
Yeah... That is the point. They are going to use the millitary as an excuse to merge all nations under their control... by hijacking their militaries.
Says the canadian. Though I for one welcome the American overlords, much better than the shit we have right now.
Aren't there more am*ricans speaking spanish today than not?
>being a cuck to liberalism
Bet your father is anglo.
Yeah the laughing number of any european politician is gonna reign.
The only things hes supreme in is downing bottles of redwine and getting angry at his own stupidity.