
Why are we discussing a outcome of a democratic events, aren't you faggots aware democracy is sham to keep the slave master in charge, didn't you learn that nothing can be changed through democracy?

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You should have a caste system in place. We should have a monarchy in place. I don't know what's going on anymore.

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Curry nigger trying to talk about changing things.

Hey nigger, how about you start to understand that democracy is mainly about transparency and responsibility and accountability
why don't you fucking build toilets?

Democracy is literally divide and conquer sort of shit and yet people still don't realize it

I'll take a democracy over a poonigger led autocracy any day

Democracy is mainly about transparency and responsibility
WRONG, who takes the responsibility? How many politicians in your country have gone to jail for making the wrong democratic decision and keep your plebbit bantz to yourself saying the word nigger dosent liberate your, the truth dies

we get it pajeet, next time use proxy tho

No surprises their leaf

user please I've been here long enough, words on the internet don't hurt my feefes

The white masses can at least vote for the better of two choices. But they're failing at that even. The enlightenment and "freedom" were a mistake.

>muh *isms

democracy is a joke

>the lesser of two evils
You do realize you pay the kosher tax right? It's evil on both sides stop lying to yourself

I never used to agree. I do now. Democracy is a sham. Fascism is the only true order.

Stalin said it himself
>Its not who votes that counts but who counts the votes
If it really changed anything they wouldn't let anyone vote

He's right. Democracy is where the corrupt, weak and ineffective reign. Fuck congress too. We would have had our muslim ban and the wall if Trump was a dictator.

>what kind of democracy lets you shit on a public street?


Stop larp’ing. You don’t belong here skit skin.

Stop me faggot

Larp larp larp. Poo thinks his white while pol thinks he’s a cockroach who should be wiped out.

Once again the board is clogged with shit pajeet threads that quickly die.

Yeah you faggot while your kind licks the boot of people who wanted to hang your grandparents, stick to alchohol and drugs Bruce



>Trump isn't another puppet