Is He Still "Your President?"

How's Trump working for you cuntservatives? Still think this man is God's appointed prophet?
All he does is tweet about shit, any bill he signs backfires, he supports a pussy-grabber (because he himself is one, but hey, aren't all politicians like that?), he crumbled under pressure of investigation, and WE HAVE NOT SEEN HIS TAX RETURNS!!!
I'll admit, I voted for him because I was curious to see how this was turning out. I'm disappointed he didn't deliver on job creation, but I'm satisfied with his delivery of drama creation.

Other urls found in this thread:

Everyone took Bannon's pick over our president. Fuck Bannon and anyone who took that retards word over the person we elected.

trump is controlled opposition, convince me otherwise

>makes conservatives look dumb
>replaces Jeff Session with a liberal
>hasn't accomplished jack shit

This is Sup Forums. Don't expect rational analysis of arguments, and definitely don't expect people who post on Sup Forums to be capable of self-reflection and admitting their wrongs.

A good majority of the time, Sup Forums's favourite policies are simply reactions to liberal ideas. They don't come up with their own policies, they just react to liberal policies and/or movements. They voted in Trump, quite literally, just to stick it to liberals and didn't have the foresight to see past the initial goal of "Ha! Suck it lib cucks". Now they're left with somebody who is viewed as a a legitimate embarrassment on the geo-political stage by most other developed countries. It seems like an accurate reflection of the situation America finds itself in these days.


>Is He Still "Your President?"
>implying we'll get a better alternative within 8 years


Now that's what I call an old meme.

But yes I'm still very happy with Trump's presidency so far.

>replaces Jeff Session with a liberal
Since when?

Oh my god shut up

I want strong borders, I want strong military, I want a good economy, I want an infrasture initiative, I want tax cuts (yes, even some on the rich).

The "fuck you" part of Trump was a part of his appeal, sure, but it wasn't the whole deal. I also fucking hate how you liberal fucks think that righty opinions are backwards or just reactions to liberals when there are very good cases to be made for them. Christ.

Hey! We're bringing all those things back in style! If only those Democrats would stop causing the U.S. so much discord!

If only they knew how to even work together to build a single wall! They just want to argue over what COLOR it is.

>name fagging
>muh twitter
>muh feminist bullshit
>muh tax returns
>former trump supporter here
You must be new on the job or the site. Either which way take this, you’ll need it. Remember, if you want to keep all the colors in the rainbow intact, they all need to separate because then they will be gone and you’ll have nothing but brown shit.

>Now they're left with somebody who is viewed as a a legitimate embarrassment on the geo-political stage by most other developed countries.
I keep hearing this argument from leftists, and it makes no goddamn sense. Why would the right care about how people like Merkel and Macron view Trump?

>I want strong borders,
Yeah screw other people chasing the American dream fucking get born here KEKS
> I want strong military,
Yeah lets increase the Military budget of the USA by 54 BILLION dollars when you could provide free college tuition for 75billion. But American politicians don't want an educated populace, they want angry racists who'll go die in their stupid wars
> I want a good economy, I want an infrasture initiative, I want tax cuts (yes, even some on the rich)
And I trust a life-long business con man to achieve these political goals!

I see how you ended up where you currently are, Americans. Sheesh

American Dreams Are FOR Americans First!

That Is My Dream For America! I'm just the handsome fellow with the balls big enough to share mine with you ;)

Hi buddy

>Why would the POTUS care about how he is viewed by other geo-political superpowers on the international stage?

I see critical thinking is alive and well in the USA. It's almost as if the Republicans specifically hinder the progress of the educational system in America to create a voter base less capable of critical thinking and more easily influenced. Mama mia

Wow, he can be almost as incoherent as his voters! Half of that quote is the rambings of an elderly man who is far past his intellectual prime. He can barely string a sentence together, never mind develop measured rationale in response to political movements he doesn't even comprehend.

>Yeah screw other people chasing the American dream fucking get born here KEKS
Chase the American dream legally.
>Yeah lets increase the Military budget of the USA by 54 BILLION dollars when you could provide free college tuition for 75billion. But American politicians don't want an educated populace, they want angry racists who'll go die in their stupid wars
If you give people free tuition, they just waste it on art and gender studies degrees. People stop being good with money when it's not theirs.
>And I trust a life-long business con man to achieve these political goals!
If you believe anyone that gets past the primary isn't a con man, you haven't been paying attention to politics. Even Obama and his cabinet were hand picked by a bunch of con men. If you don't believe me, find out how his cabinet was decided.
Also fuck off newfag.

Hey, I gotta speak to the wiser generation of our nation! But yeah, sometimes I gotta sound like this or that because I gotta keep my opponents on their toes!

Everyone keeps analyzing my moves but they aren't political ones. Can't Stump The Trump!

Didn't mean to link .

>blaming the right for ruining the education system
You been sniffing the playdoh too hard boy?

>senators are attorney generals

He doesn't even say anything of substance in the quote. Is this how he fooled Americans? Just use a bunch of buzz words intermingled in between incoherent bullshit and hope the average American is dumb enough to latch on to the key catch phrases he uses. That entire quote can essentially be broken down to "Im bringing the American dream back. People ask me if the American dream is dying; it is. Im going to bring it back though."

Wow he really made some great points there, nawwwwhhhht. Its just an empty statement. "You want X thing back? The X thing that them LIBKEKS in gubment right now are killing? Well im bringing X thing back. Im not going to say how, and I don't have a plan just believe me!"

You haven't had to deal with Mexicans mate, some of them literally cut the heads of their enemies. Those are the kind of fucks who sneak in, so they can fulfill their dream of a drug empire. I don't think that it's too crazy to try and keep them out, no? Plus more Mexicans in America will just make America Mexico. People make the culture.

Military is good, especially when the USA is as large and as relied upon as it is. When there are terrorists, Somali pirates, drug cartels, and norks threatening us and our allies having a strong military is a good thing. But I agree, the USA shouldn't fight in pointless wars, only ones that harm us or our allies, and even that latter part is a stretch. I know Europoor's hate the fact that America is "the world's police" but I guarantee you if it was China it'd be much worse.

And the economy has been very good. The stock market has been breaking records almost every day, wages are up in manufacturing and construction, unemployment is way down and the GDP is way up. Trump has had a direct role in at least some of that growth, it can't just be explained by the natural ebb and flow of the economy or Obama's policies.

My god you are so retarded.

Why would the POTUS care about how he's viewed by other leftists on the geo-political stage? The citizens of their countries are so fed up with their bullshit that they're being replaced by """extremist""" right wingers.

This but unironically.

Pope wears a hat, autistic people wear a hat.

President doesn't get to wear a hat! But he sure does get to give as many people as many hats as they want! Hats are power against sunburn on your head!

If you always overheat your brain, how can you think straight?

Coal miners! I'd never forget about you guys! Iron is so important to our infrastructure. I've built some really big buildings in my time and let me tell you those iron bars in the middle of concrete really helps reinforce walls!

American Iron For America's Wall!

>>wiser generation

Implying the baby boomers and generation x knew what they were getting into

He was a Democrat before the POTUS was Black. He legit gave the Dem Senator he said was "begging" THOUSANDS of dollars for nothing. He doesn't say "Chuck & Nancy" so casually because he made it up.

If Congress goes Blue, Trump could very well flip especially since the syphilis is kicking in hard now. Holy shit watching him con Trumpcucks to their faces... would be fucking GOLD.

>College is for liberal fags who study all the millions genders xD

The hate for College and University by the right in America is really astonishing. It could be because of the correlation between attending third-level education and higher IQ, along with the the fact that liberal values more likely to be held by a person with a high IQ, make the poor rebublicans feel inadequate and they want to lash out at the elitist liberals.

Source for liberal values and IQ correlation: The bellcurve, Charles Murray. Some of whose data has been cited above in relation to the SAT scores of blacks etc.

You Sound Like One Of Those Pussy Feminists Who Like To Complain Instead Of Getting Work Done!

Nobody wants your body hunny! You're just deluding yourself that any man would put up with your blabber long enough to put any kind of baby batter inside you!

How is anything you said critical thinking? You literally think that there are no legitimate arguments for conservative policies. An intellectually honest individual would be able to recognize that there are perfectly fair reasons to support right-wing politics... and also left-wing policies! Only an easily-brainwashed retard would mouth off the drivel you've been typing.

The world is a complicated place, and very rarely in my experience do people have a worldview that doesn't shape their personal policies.


That's where you're wrong kiddo. Raging ManCow got ahold of one of his returns and wound up eating crow on her show...

*2 years

>Trump: "Paying as little tax as possible makes me smart"

>Also Trump: Cutting taxes on the rich will incentivise them to spend the money they saved on job creation!"


Vagina boob

I went to a typical liberal college long enough to know how it works. The arts and humanities groups rule over campus culture. The STEM people, who generally don't care much about politics, adopt the campus beliefs of the college. The campus enforces those beliefs by making its students take anti rape programs and other leftist bullshit.

Your high IQ people are liberals because, politically, they're typical bluepilled normies. They've never been exposed to the kind of content this board does, so they go on with their lives, never truly wondering what third worlders bring to western countries. Maybe with all the twitter shitposting Sup Forums does, they'll finally see.

You'll have to remove him from office. I don't see that happening without evidence of a crime.

No I'm not a feminist. I don't even believe in that radical third-wave feminism shit. I can see that you're some sort of delusionist, like typical conseravtives, thinking that you're doing the Lord's work, thinking their respective generation created the cosmos in a week, and that the young people are stealing it from you.

Do you retards actually think this works?

Hey, sweetie, it's okay.

I'm sure one day some guy will think you're great on the other side of my wall!

Hillary Clinton remains the worst cunt on earth.

I didn't expect good things out of our government, ever. Clinton is worse than Trump by a wide margin.

>the fucking president of the United States does stupid thing
>generates negative reaction
>"hurr hurr reddit libtards"
Rinse and repeat

The choices were Trump and HIllary Clinton who should be executed for Treason.

The only GOP who would be as unacceptable as Hillary Clinton would be Jeb Bush, (now, a lot of GOP are proving themselves unacceptable, but back in 2017) Both Georges would also be candidates for executed for treason.

As a person who wants things to not suck, everything is pretty disappointing, and getting more and more disappointing.

Trump has been disappointing. Hillary should be dead.

>Yeah screw other people chasing the American dream fucking get born here KEKS

Holy shit you liberals are legit mentally retarded. How do you walk and breathe at the same time? Whatever, enjoy your South American banana republic, coming soon to a European country near you.

>le ebin gender studies maymay
Humanities degrees account for less than 10% of post-secondarpost-secondary degrees.

Yeah because Kansas has such a great school system

>our president

My president

This is yours

>returns from over 10 years ago

Humanities graduates only account for 10% of total graduates. Stop arguing with your feefees

I wanted Rand Paul.

But Hillary should be hanged for Treason.

The fact that Hillary should be hanged for Treason makes Trump better than Hillary.

It's a low bar, and Trump has cleared it. Not be Hillary.

It's like Trump is Carter pretending to be Reagan, and Hillary is Stalin.

The problem is that the Trump administration is less than 30 people, I'd think? I assume that Trump sent over Cabinet Secretaries and the employees told them to to fuck off. There are like 15 people in the White House maybe. Trump can trust X number, maybe that 15, and there are likely people there that he can't really trust. He's not a politician.

If he was in local rock bands in a number of different cities, over the course of a number of years, he'd be able to create bands if needed, or he could book venues with the bands that he was familiar with.

His people know how to do what? Trump has tv guy, real estate guy, general mogul, pageants. None of that really even touches anything relevant to politics. He knows how make a successful reality tv show. Sorta. I'm not sure that he actually created that show, but he was at least there, he saw how it worked. Much of what he actually did, I think, was get buildings built. And it's good that you can say "I l have general competence. You need a team to build a building and become famous for building buildings. But all those, building builder helper types might not have extensive politicial experience. Trump might not have been able to move trusted sub contractors into the White House or the FBI, NSA, Attorney Generals office. When you're in politics, you know people in politics, like if your in a band, you know other people on staffs, and your staffers know other staffers and everybody knows everybody. Trump knows people who know how to build buildings and promote the Trump brand, run pageants and produce reality tv. How many can just go right into the Attorney General's office?

I wish someone would just kill this closeted homo

I have 7 years post high school in private schools in the Northeast. It was a while ago and it was completely fucked up then. This was before SJW, and right in the middle of PC.

They account for 10% of all degrees, but they have a large influence on campus social opinions. People with other degrees adopt those beliefs before they graduate.