Don't be like the democrats and claim moral victory or protest or some shit. Reflect on why we lost and fix it so that we can win next time. Do not double down on that shit like the democrats it never works.
Just own the defeat. Don't be like the democrats
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Haha fucking trailershits BLOWED THE FUCK OUT and absolutely BUTTBLASTED!!
Doesn't matter. Literally impossible to hold.
A few facts.
>Moore was hated by his party
>Jones and the DNC spent more on this seat than any other seat in history, upwards of 400k a day towards the end in select districts
>It took a literal media smear campaign being shilled by 9/10 stations and papers to get Moore within 1.2% of winning
All this victory has done is ensure Republican voters not to be complacent, much like the dems were in Florida. They blew their load on what might end up being a held seat for maybe 8 months by the time Jones settles in - settles in to unfamiliar territory at that.
yeah but we can still reflect on it for future elections. We shouldn't dig ourselves into a hole like the democrats.
I agree. Own it.
If you want a republican that's good, don't vote for any fucking one. Who are you, some republican fanboy or neocon?
At least promote someone admirable like Ron Paul or his son. Or somebody that's similar.
Otherwise, don't waste your time.
not a god damn authoritarian christfag child molester
Yes exactly. I think the dems have blown their load
>Reflect on why we lost
You lost because of clear election fraud
Watch the video. This isn't like the other cases
>1000s of fake ballots pre filled out for doug jones
>attack ads so false they had to be removed from the air
>voter intimidation
The stole the election. This wasn't a regular loss, it was a fraud.
Crowd sizes?
Fuck off to plebbit
even if it was rigged there is nothing we can do about it. Just plan for other elections.
Idk its the only pic related to the campaign i had
fuck off retard
>there is nothing we can do about it.
You can call for another election. There is more than enough proof that the election was rigged, and the election was close enough that you can do another vote.
>might end up being a held seat for maybe 8 months
I know little how this works here, can you explain this a little further, are there elections soon after this one again?
Agreed. Don't give them any ammo. Show them that what happened to Clinton supporters was absolutely fucking unacceptable. Just sigh and gear up for 2018.
It hurts us to admit it but Moore was a weak candidate. Smears aside, if you look at his election gameplan and how to responded to the attacks, he's basically Hillary tier. There's a reason he doesn't have a good election record if you analyse his game plan in details.
>are there elections soon after this one again?
2020. this was a special election to fill sessions' vacant seat
2018 i mean
Yes because it was a special election to fill a vacant seat. Same should happen for Franken when he finally leaves although Minnesota has governor appointment to fill the vacancy interim.
And yet Bill the rapist got a total pass despite multiple accusations. The demoshit media apparatus created a narrative of guilty-just-with-accusations, and use it exclusive against Republicans even Innocent ones like Moore. This is some next level shit.
>why we lost
Because the jleft media empire spun a yarn of bullshit that got discredited for what it was? Scandals are first page, retraction come on the sixth in fine print.
They'll follow Trump's lead. Which will to be to cry about it and point fingers. You can't be a Trumpcuck Conservative now without being a narcissist.
>despite multiple accusations.
dont forget physical and even DNA evidence
>even if it was rigged there is nothing we can do about it.
There was a time in this country when the men would storm city hall and get the fucking military to come count every ballot by hand to make absolutely sure we weren't being screwed. Then pushes like you were born.
But everyone in Hollywood is guilty based on accusations tho am I right?
>even if it was rigged there is nothing we can do about it
Blackpill peddling doubleniggers need to leave, "there's nothing we can do about it" should not be your attitude about anything we bitch about.
>Reflect on why we lost
Bannon, Trump, and the GOP went balls to the wall to support a candidate that was never qualified for such a large position.
Don't confuse Trump's television cult-of-personality with actual support for the hateful views that the right wing crazies are spewing.
I don't know, calling the GOPe out on it's hypocratic bullshit whinging about honor with a family that doesn't even know what service smells like was pretty good.
Whataboutism isn't an argument, you limey cunt. I thought weavers were the only animal that could fuck it's teeth up so bad it affects the brain, but you make me curious
We know why he lost.
It's a disappointment only in that the crazed lefties took another seat.
The reason Republicans lost is because they're cucks. They aren't willing to do everything necessary to win, even the morally reprehensible stuff, because of a sense of honor or morals or whatever. The Dems are not bound by that; the ends always justify the means. Republicans are basically pic related, except about honor, fairness, and integrity. Meanwhile, many Democrats regularly ridicule them, cuck their women, call for their deaths, etc.
Republicans have nobody to blame but themselves.
>The demoshit media apparatus created a narrative of guilty-just-with-accusations, and use it exclusive against Republicans even Innocent ones like Moore. This is some next level shit.
You can just imagine what 2018 will be like.
Every (R) will be branded a pedo as soon as they are selected to run.
>Bannon, Trump, and the GOP went balls to the wall to support a candidate that was never qualified for such a large position.
Trump endorsed Strange
GOP cut off funding
Bannon and Moore were unable to come up with a good strategy for defeating the allegations.
Nobody really cares. Now Democrats have a lot of pressure from Alabama's people and Trump is still President. Let them celebrate
Humble and congratulate. They finally won something. Alabama will most likely kick him out of office before long once 2018 rolls around. He has an extremely liberal out look in politics. Let Moore deal with his false accusers and get his afairs in order. Who knows, maybe trump will appoint him to supreme court. We have a long 8 years ahead of us.
>Trump endorsed Strange
>GOP cut off funding
Your information is 2 weeks out-of-date and you are embarrassing yourself.
Watching Sup Forums go from shitting up all the boards to quietly sobbing in their hugbox has really been a treat.
You guys are exactly the same as the democrats, you're just smellier.
Because Alabama is blacked?
>went balls to the wall
No they didn't.
You are the fuck up, so go find some niggrdick to suck, stupid Dummycrat.
you dont think Moore being a pedo had anything to do with it?
>the state of pol
Can I still make shitty "maymes"? I know the lefties have set the bar quite low, but it might still be possible to outshit them.
>They aren't willing to do everything necessary to win, even the morally reprehensible stuff, because of a sense of honor or morals or whatever.
You mean like financing a child molester to preserve a narrow majority in the Senate?
>The Dems are not bound by that; the ends always justify the means.
You mean like forcing Al Franken to resign just for trivial handsyness?
talk about living your life in a bubble, lol
>They finally won something
>forgetting about the shellacking they gave the GOP in last month's Virginia and New Jersey elections
today's win was not a one-off, but a continuing trend
how awful would it be if doug jones had to step down because of allegations that he touched some girls?
you are embarrassing yourself
Him being slandered as a pedo sure had something to do with it my dear reddit.
Not much of one. New Jersey is deep blue and run by the mob. Virginia cheated by allowing prison inmates and felons to vote. They are both blue states. Real shocker there.
That's good and all but remember, his opponent is Doug Jones not the GOP.
Even when trump was backstabbed by the gop, he would keep mudslinging against Hillary coz he knew at the end of the day, he needed to beat her not the GOP.
Since GOP already wanted strange to win, I guess we now know why trump supported him first.
I see, why waste so much on that seat then, just as a moral booster for the democrats in other states in 2018? I mean the guy won't be able to do much in such a short time and this might have not the demoralizing effect on the Republican voters they might hope it has.
I agree but we all know Moore isn't going to take this lying down.
Democrat Strategy For 2018:
>Have no platform.
>Call your opponent a racist.
>If that doesn't work call him a Russian agent.
>If that doesn't work, hire some women to accuse your opponent of sexual misconduct.
So how do we fucking counter that? It seems to be working for them so far and it's not even 2018.
nice try piece of shit
try the grand minister dexter man handling
Exactly this
Of course the accusations against him did him in. The left wants the right exterminated, through immigration, breeding, or in lots of cases, they just advocate for suicide or even genocide. The Republicans chose to "win" the moral battle by half of them not voting, and take another step toward their extermination. Except that the left are already still ignoring that half of the Republicans didn't vote,still calling them pedo supporters, saying kangs and kweenz saved Alabama, so they didn't even win the moral battle.
They are sometimes held to their own standards, they're not perfect and sometimes their 1984-tier policing means they eat each other, but do you really expect that to make a difference? Republicans will lose in the demographic long game unless they win right now and then actually fucking do something with that win. Dems can afford to sacrifice a few on the altar of social justice.
This is what you call the "Bargaining" part of Grieving.
i know and i hope trump tells him to shut up
PRO-TIP: Dems will beat you 50% of the time if you run pedophiles.
Don't run pedophiles
Incumbents have an easier time staying in. Yes, there's the psychological victory factor, but it's also easier to stay there once there. Incumbents have access to taxpayer money to "reach their constituents" for example which means taxpayer paid for mailers to voters.
i dont believe in the 2 party system anyway
the jews will impeach trumpf by 2018
Run only virgin turboautists, can't be accused of sexual impropriety.
>So how do we fucking counter that?
Stop being racist POSes that collude with Russia while fondling underage women.
They already used it on trump and he countered easily during the election
Sexist? What about Hillary who defended Bill Clinton?
Russians? Trump literally laughed it off. Noticed it only gained traction AFTER he won
Homophobic? What about Hillary who took money from Saudis who throw gays off buildings?
See the pattern so far? Trump is good at counterpunching and deflecting. Moore on the other hand was complete shit. He even managed to dig himself a bigger hole while staying on the defensive.
You don't need to be a lawyer. Just needa be rough and dirty. Hell ossof lost coz Handel just kept spamming, you're not from here. You're an invader. That's why people like Moore and Romney get cucked at the big stages coz they have their head up their high and mighty asses.
>Massive media-joined smear campaign
>False accusation 4 muh appeal to emotion
>Soros groups rallying prisons
>Massive amount of money
All that for a 1% margin
They are out of steam and appeal to emotion is energy draining. Especially when it turns out to be lies each time.
All we need to do is organize and network more efficiently. The loss wasnt that harsh.
It's not hard to figure out what happened. Blacks turned out to vote, whites didn't. White Alabama voters decided they'd rather stay at home than save their grandchildren. I have no idea how to fix people this stupid, but maybe enough people on the Right will be pushed far enough that we'll get a civil war and some actual purges and genocide and this won't be a problem anymore.
i guarantee those women will drop the charges now.
The Dinducrats got near-100% support from their niggers.
Republicans cannot win by cucking. They need to be explicitly pro-White to counter nigger tribalism.
I hope they're ready for a court appearance. Moore is suing them all for slander and libel and he said he won't settle out of court.
>Sup Forums is Republican
Dumb phoneposters
Someone who kissed a highschool freshman is somehow worse than the Dems who want to flood their country with wetbacks. It boggles my fucking mind. These people just swallow whatever they're told with no critical thinking skills.
>Republicans cannot win by cucking. They need to be explicitly pro-White to counter nigger tribalism.
THIS, whites need to only vote Republican for the dems to become the niggers only party, whitey need not apply.
Also anyone else find it ironic that Niggers vote almost unanimously for the part that enslaved them?
Enlighten the normies about the MSM and lefty tactics. Far too many innocent bystanders still trust CNN, and are completely unaware of all the happenings that don't get reported on, and don't know about the retractions made at 11pm. Bait the MSMs into publishing fake news, and get them to attack one another. Make memes for boomers, whatever the fuck that means, and distribute them over non-MSM methods, like billboards.
>i guarantee those women will drop the charges now.
There's no charges. Pull your head out of your ass.
You mean like antifa has been doing for 13 months now? This whole thread is about NOT going full reeereeereeetard.
the fact that there is 600,000 less republican votes compared to the last 10 years is the main question.
Meanwhile all the actual pedos are voting Dem as they push for acceptance within the LGBTQ+ community.
The left will continue to consume itself. We have to be careful not to be sucked into the Maelström along with them.
well, the accusations if you wanna be anal about it.
>Just plan for other elections.
They'll try it in other states. Maybe we can use this to meme a bigger investigation into voter fraud.
Don't give a shit what you think. Just sitting here basking in a big Democratic win, getting ready to enjoy 2018.
Just don’t have horsey giddy up child sex offenders trying to get slammed in DC. Roy would’ve been bloody meat for the swamp hounds in Washington, including Paul Ryan.
There's a headline a drudge that states "there is a limit to crazy."
I mean, this is a fucking senate seat, not the house, and 2 nights ago moores wife is reading, verbatim,mid yellow loose leaf zingers like: "our lawyers a Jew".
It's fucking uncouth, and we're just not there as a country. Granted, he only lost by a few thousand votes, which means all the white men and some of there women are, but not as a country.
The needle has to move slowly, or all at once. We're not going to fill congress, 1 by 1, with people as rough around the edges as Moore, unless they can run a good campaign, like trump. At the end of the day, it's still politics, and Moore was just a bad politician, Hillary was a bad one, and yet she still won the popular--it was like Alabama. A close 50/50 split.
Turn down your emotions and turn on your brain for a second: we need to win the 5% of people "in the middle", and Moore was never going to do that.
Just because he's cooler than strange, that's a stupid reason to not support him. Storage would have either supported trump, or been booted in 3 like jones will.
Oh well, the time will go fast, 2018 hype will start soon.
This isn't Faux Noise. Details matter.
>Reflect on why we lost and fix it so that we can win next time.
we lost because Roy Moore has been crdibly accused of sexual molestation. if Luther Strange was the fucking candidate we would have won, and Luther is who Trump was originally rooting for. we lost because of Roy Moore and those who chose him over Luther Strange
>we lost because of Roy Moore and those who chose him over Luther Strange
>GOP ran against Moore
>Not realizing that the GOP is the party is Neocons and establishment.
Yeah user really convincing point there.
What if,,,, voters just didn't want to elect a guy that couldn't really deny dating 14 year olds when he was in his 30s?
If San Francisco holds a mayoral election and the libs lose because they run a guy who did the same things, we would be mocking the liberal soul searching on Twitter the day after by saying "stop being pedophiles".
Say what you want about the legality, but the voters made it clear that they don't think adults hanging with 14 year olds is ok.
>Fapping over picking up one seat. Literally one fucking seat, in an off year special election.
>Thinks 2018 is already cut and dried.
>Forgets that CNN said a month before the election they were 98% confident Hillary would win over Trump...and look how that turned out.
Wow, you're so proud of yourself, eh, Skippy?
>diddling with American politics
>Alabama of all states
>doesnt compute American life
>genuinely believes in stated opinion
Stick with your guns and stay out of discussions about the Senate race next time
Investigate everything.
I used to believe he got ousted coz Jews don't like letting scary goy man.
I'm beginning to think it's coz trump realized he's a bigger liability than expected.
>Fapping over picking up one seat. Literally one fucking seat, in an off year special election.
>Democrat Doug Jones defeated Roy Moore in a special election earthquake Tuesday, flipping an Alabama Senate seat to Democrats for the first time in a quarter-century and dealing a huge political setback to President Donald Trump.
but keep working those talking points lol
Stop stinking your breath eating bullshit and then talk about real federal investigations.
this is probably the best thing that could have happened, to be honest.
Strange will run and win in 2020, trump will hold rallies with him and can legit say he supported him from the start and he should have won, the crowds will be massive again, they'll have 60 point leads in the polls, and the stories will be about trumps reinvigorated base and dens losing seats.
Politics is about momentum and this gives trump an underhand softball in 2020.
>implying feds didnt investigate this and deemed it fact
Heres some federal investigations . Guess who the map in the middle came from. Ill give you a hint ; 3 letters starting with F and ends with I
Heres some more investigations
>key word: rigging
Word on the street is a lot of felons voted.
And more fed investigations
So did child molesters in Alabama, except felons were caught and jailed in sanctuary cities, and still had the constitutional right to vote.
Democrats cheated,
(everyway they could),
and mainly everyone saw it
with their own two media looking eyes,
It's called brainwashing the masses!
#1 ABC over the Air free HDTV News is like the biggest JEW tool used here in the Black South!
Arrest Roy Moore before placing yourself on a moral high ground.