Explain this
Explain this
This nuts
Post the color version
why do humans still get unibrows?
Its almost as if two generations isnt enough to evolve significantly
I saw some explaination what this was, idk I don't recognize it..I think the PPL who do are supposed to be schizo or are 40% more likely to kill themselves?
fake and gay. Literally never seen this faggot in my dreams before
that's just the candy colored clown they call the sandman
How bout these guyz?
>it's an art project
seriously the creators of this came out because they're too fucking conceited to just let it be this cool thing. They had to put their faces on it.
Probably some scientist faggot tormenting people in their stasis pod
If I have a unibrow am I white? I keep it plucked but its annoying.
>am I white?
I don't know, are you? You don't seem to have a good grasp of this thing that's so important to you
that a serbian, not a human
Why does it need to be explained?
Putin is haunting their dreams?
He is the proto-mutt
It's me. A pretty bad photo but its me.
everybody knows this man, hes in your dreams every night
Coach Red Pill is a dream walker.
Stop dreaming about me
What is his race?
A jew of course!
Seriously though some serb maybe.
yah i saw himm in my dream last nite he was deepthroating a banana for money
> looks like putin
>Look at the jews nose
Lool at any other similoar charaters in this world. most of are /x and jailed with a mental illness.
Its weird to know. that the shrekovie is kknda weird.
> avatar movie was awsome
Lools at quarys. Google showed me the arizona
>serb maybe
Looks like a 100% kurd nothing slavic.