A jewish trick to breach up society or a needed reaction from beaten down males?
Redpill me on MGTOW Sup Forums
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Jordan Peterson on MGTOW
I don’t know brah, but they infest this entire site brah
It's completely gay.
Its a fucking excuse to not improve yourself and become a man women want. Be single while you're improving, but once you're ready you better create white children.
It's not a "jewish trick", the foundation of MGTOW ideas and its subsequent growth and evolution away from the founders ideas are well documented online.
Modern MGTOWs are simply men who reject societies expectations of them (get married, have children) because those social systems do not pass a cost/benefit analysis or a risk/reward analysis. In large part due to government meddling in marriage and the family unit and putting men at a profound disadvantage.
I've seen Petersons original video on MGTOW and the apology, the thing is that he fundamentally agrees with the observations MGTOW have made which is that men who get divorced get raped by the system and even with all the help in the world and all the strategy, there's nothing you can do about it, it's absolutely brutal.
Colttaine has some of the best videos on MGTOW out there, anyone who has major disagreements with MGTOW on an intellectual level need to be watching and rebutting his (and stardusks) videos.
I'm a MGTOW and have been for probably 4-5 years now, if you actually want to hear info form the horses mouth then AMA.
MGTOW is a modern reaction composed by the modern feminized male brain. The reaction that is needed would be the revival of the Nietszchean man. Basically a man with the classical masculine morality of honor, pride, self improvement, family, friendship, and independence. The Nietszchean man asks for acceptance from No noe. He sees something he wants, or someone he envys, and he lets that envy lead him rather than abstain from it like the christcuck would.
He values his legacy, and brings children to the world with the purpose of making them the genetical extension of himself. He leads when he can, and lets himself be lead i he must.
The MGTOW is the antithesis to this. They are weak and emasculated, honorless and alone. They are bitter, because they are not able to follow their desires and get what they wants, because they are not man enough to try and fight for it.
They hate women because they can sleep around like they please While they (the MGTOW) cannot. The Nietszchean man would be from his morality alone the Superior of these women. He can form them and mold them into the women he wants, While the MGTOW cries about how all women are whores and skanks.
Tldr: the MGTOW is the most pityful creature in modern society.
There's nothing about MGTOW that says "do not improve", this is a common mistake made about MGTOW. People who don't understand it often assert that it's about living a certain way and that's a mistake. It's about rejecting the expectations on men made by others and deciding for yourself what to do based on what you think is right, by your own standards.
Women want men to be an endless wallet, the state basically uses men as wealth transfer to women to buy female votes. White nationalists want white men to carry the burden to produce white children. Feminists want men to be good little white knight cucks and defend their cause.
MGTOW says, fuck all of them and what they want, what do you want? When men get to honestly look at the situation outside of peer pressure from everyone else, and decide what's best for them, they often reject marriage and fatherhood, because right now in this climate, they are utterly shit deals, no one voluntarily accepts that level of financial and legal risk outside of being pressured into it.
This is wrong. You believe that MGTOW are men who are incapable, instead of understanding the basic truth that marriage and fatherhood have become toxic institutions towards men.
There's a difference between wanting something and not being able to obtain it, and something you wanted becoming corrupt and no longer a rational thing to desire.
Loads of MGTOW sleep around, quite a lot of MGTOW are also PUAs who just go around manipulating women into sex. Nothing to stop MGTOW also being PUA.
If you want to see a pityful creature, go and look at the men who come out the other end of divorce rape, many of which simply hang themselves or shoot themselves in the head, because everything has been taken from them.
alt-cuck virgins
If you had only a remnant of a neuron left you would Know that What you're saying is ludicrous. Women are advantaged in these things because it is typically the mans Job to keep the woman in the marriage. You get her pregnant and leve the baby in her care while You provide for them and keep them happy. Also You make her pregnant again and again so that her time goes into taking care of the babies and not som degenerate shit that Will lead her to a diverse. Also You must be masculine and strong, so she won't have a biological drive to look for a bretter provider.
You're literally a whiny idiot for thinking it's supposed to be fair. Men and women are not equal - the woman is an adult Child.
You've had too Much of the egalitarian shit-brew you have been spoonfed your entire life.
It’s a support group for uggos and betas
I don't think everything is a Jewish trick. I think MGTOW is just a coping mechanism that demoralized beta male pussies use to justify their complete avoidance of the female gender.
Have you interacted with them? It's like talking to a wall. They always start off with the divorce rape memes, they're always looking for an easy magic bullet solution like "just date Asian girls they're perfect," they're never willing to even entertain ideas that may run counter to their ideology.
They're clearly emotionally invested, and while I can't really blame them for feeling the way they do, I can blame them for sitting around on their asses on the fucking internet bitching like the women they hate and never taking one measly step towards finding a decent girlfriend, or ANY girlfriend or any non-familial female companion at all. It's really obvious none of them have even tried when in conversation, time after time after time, all they will do is regurgitate the standard MGTOW talking points: prepared arguments, memes, news headlines, celebrity gossip, etc. And when pressed, they don't back up the shit they say with statistics or even personal anecdotes like you might expect. Their minds are just made up.
These "expectations" only so happens to overlap 100% with the male biological drive. I agree women Who divorce should be punished, but not to an equal degree. Also, you're talking about the british, or american system? Here in Norway, the women ARE advantaged, but No one by their right mind would call it divorce rape. Sound like vocabulary from some MGTOW virgin-central echochamber of bitter plebs.
Right typically it was a mans job to do a lot of things, but those times have passed. Because a man could be strong and dominate a woman, but now the state hands women a gun which they get to wave around any time they want.
It used to be that you made yourself out to be the better man and that would be enough to keep women "loyal" to you, but now she can your money, your home, your children, your assets and future earnings and take all of that and go marry another guy or fuck chad. She can have all of your stuff and then whatever other beta orbiter gives her, all this is enforced through the state.
I'm actually quite traditional, I think the traditional model is probably the single best model out there to keep both people happy and produce stable and well adjusted children. But that model doesn't work in modern society because men aren't dominant, the state is.
I don't expect it to be "fair", men and women are different, there's an asymmetry there. What I expect it to be is a fundamentally good deal for me, where the benefits outweigh the costs and the risk, and currently they do not.
Men don't HAVE to marry and have children, and anyone telling you that is fundamentally looking for men to serve their best interest at the expense of the man. MGTOWs simply reject that, it's reactionary for sure, if the status quo changes then MGTOW will re-evaluate.
>Women want men to be an endless wallet,
Straight from the mouth of some one that has never been in a relationship. Women caring about money is a meme, they make their own money, most just want a guy on the same level as them. I see a lot of bullshit from bitter virgins but they “they want my money!” has got to be the biggest indicator that someone had never been in a relationship and doesn’t actually understand how they work beyond some autistic model they built in their head.
Do what thou wilt is the dogma of Satanism. There is no virtue or family or nation without self sacrifice.
Divorce really isn’t that bad here for men at all, it’s an American thing where it’s somewhat true.
These guys just need to travel.
Western women are garbage but there are better girls elsewhere.
A reasonable reactionary movement of men to oppose being treated as literal second grade citizens by law and courts.
You are treated like shit, you should make the society and the economy upset enough to change the way it treats you, just wait and all the single childless cat ladies are goblnna get too old to get bangs from tinder and raise a roar "where did all the good men go?"
As for now:
One needs to be wary in order to stay away from prison.
Never marry or you will give a woman a financial incentive to fuck you over and get away with more than half of your shit.
If you want to have children visiting a country with suitable laws and arranging surtogate mothethood sounds like the easiest way.
If you are in canada you have to dump your girlfriend every 5 months or she becomes entitled to your property.
When you have sex better have a sound recording device to prove consent in court.
better even hsve witnesses observing the process.
MGTOW is filled with sad and bitter losers who blame women for all of their own failures
>Atgument to charactet
So what?
Are you saying that they cant be right because they are sad losers? even if they really are so it doesnt make them right or wrong.
There are certain things to fix in the court system for sure, but being an assblasted bitter loser like MGTOWs are, it just isn't healthy. We should fix the court system, and if there are still MGTOWs then just gas them, they're an evolutionary dead end anyway
Women are the majority of voters, you won't ever get rid of the welfare state without removing women's right to vote.
If you don't think it is possible for a man to be dominant and keep a woman, you havet to be saying that from personal experience. I'm rater darwinian, and What you are doing now is basically a Great eugenics program to exterminate the beta shithead. It's not about risk analysis or costs Vs benefits. It's about your life, your genetic lineage, your culture and Nation. Hey, if you want to die alone, bitter, childless and "le Muh own waayz", be mye guest. More pussy for me and whatever mohammed you've got living in your area Who Knows masculinity is the strongest force on the planet.
Your Nation is pretty Much the betaest place ever though. A female leader Who oppresses you, and a small inferior minority terrorizing the masses lol.
Never change eternal anglocuck
A symptom of a post-modern society in decline.
Many MGTOW are men who were married successfully for many years and who were burned by divorce and family court system. The assertion that MGTOW is fundamentally to do with avoiding females is misinformed.
Many MGTOW are either PUA or have relationships, but use strategy by avoiding co-habitation and other conditions that might constitute common law marriage or civil partnerships, as well as avoiding situations for pregnancy such as not trusting women with contraception, etc.
Of course they overlap, there's nothing more natural in the world than men and women pairing off to have babies. The problem is that society and more specifically the state has become to overbearing and now puts artificial risk against that system, you can't separate biology and social pressures, we exist inside a society which has laws and punishment.
Most legal systems are fairly terrible towards men, I'm not talking about any specific one although I am British so I live by British law, most 1st world countries have atrocious laws surrounding common law marriage, civil partnerships, alimony and also have extremely bias family courts.
When I say divorce rape I mean that 97% of alimony is paid by men, about 90% of family courts award custody of children to women and of the 10% that men do, it's normally because the women doesn't turn up or contest. Men pay almost all the child support payments, in some places that can be calculated as an amount to keep the mother and children in the same luxury as during the marriage so some men are paying hundreds of thousands. In other places your wife can cheat and get pregnant by another man and you'll have to pay child support, in France even getting a DNA test to prove otherwise is illegal. Courts frequently award the house of a couple to the adult awarded child custody so you'll also lose your home by court order. Courts can rip up prenups, in the UK they basically don't mean anything legally. That's what I mean by rape.
as many things in this world, can be summed up like this: the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
The idea itself, giving women a "taste of their own medicine" after they suckled for too long from the fat udders of feminism, was not bad...then it became just a bunch of men who failed with women (for different reasons, some good some bad) being bitter and obnoxious about it.
LaVeyan Satanism, which he claimed was based on Ayn Rand's philosophical view of the self...and where there's no Satan, only your Ego (which is kinda funny, since the greatest trick of the Devil is making us believe he does not exist).
How do you fix anything when the voters are women?
Women are majority of adult population, have more votes, are way more cohesive and have ingroup preference.
if all men get off their ass and vote for pro-male laws they gonna lose to women.
Women dont need you as a provider because they can get the state to rob you for them.
Women can get impregnated anytime they want to.
The only thing you can offer them is companionship, because ultimately they are afraid of dying alone with 40 cats. So dont dive them any until they get desperate enough to give you the rights they took from you.
Wanna get laid then seriously go to hookers or tinder with a sound recorder, your own non-broken condoms, and antiseptic to prevent infection just in case.
Fox and the grapes the movement.
They also shitpost most of the blacked porn with exception of the few chink australian hapas who want to trigger some Sup Forumsacks too.
MGTOW is for betas. Finding a good woman, settling down, and raising a large family is what every white man should be doing.
Yeah sure, the good woman.
where is she.
It's not possible no, because there's an artificial system called the state that hands her a loaded gun which she can use any time she likes without repercussion and nearly 50% of women do use that loaded gun. The stats on this are very clear.
Nearly 50% divorce rate, women initiate divorce >80% of the time, the most common reason is dissatisfaction. If you don't think that's a risk vs reward concern then you probably don't even understand what that means.
Your genetic lineage doesn't mean shit if you don't get to raise or even see your own children.
More pussy for you? Really you want to get married to a single woman and MGTOW basically get to fuck about and use these women and dump them and you're going to get more pussy.
It's the logical conclusion of feminism
Gotta look for them, m80. They won't just fall in your lap.
>The idea itself, giving women a "taste of their own medicine" after they suckled for too long from the fat udders of feminism, was not bad...
That was never the point of MGTOW. The point is for men to protect themselves from toxic institutions like marriage/fatherhood and the massive legal and financial risk that comes with them.
How can every white man do that if the good woman is rare and hiding somewhere?
Are all white men supposed to fuck the only three good women there are? Are they supposed to take turns or just have one massive orgy?
Do you understand how much you contradict yourself?
>but being an assblasted bitter loser like MGTOWs are, it just isn't healthy
Define health in this context.
>We should fix the court system
Cool, let's do that. How?
The mens rights activists are fighting for reform but the state panders to women for their votes, so mens rights groups are basically just labelled as hate groups.
If the system is toxic and shit then why opt into that system to begin with? Back to your original point, is it really healthy to dive headfirst into a system which seeks to exploit you for all your resources? I'd describe that as seriously dysfunctional and not healthy in the slightest.
Suicide rate in men post-divorce goes up x11, suicide is always great for your health.
The institution of marriage is a tool of the jew desu
Didn't contradict myself at all, m8. There are plenty of good women around, even if you're incapable of finding one. Even a mediocre woman can be molded if she has a strong man.
MGTOW has splintered into many groups. Some believe that women that engage with popular western culture will always be lost, these people are logical.
Some want to be incel, this is not logical.
Be a man and keep her you beta tool. No man that has kept a stable relationship Will ever be MGTOW. MGTOWS dont sleep around because they cant stop talking about some unjust laws or some unfair advantage women has. If you really think so I dare you to get some pussy. You're probably some 16yrld Virgin Who watches skeptics and bullshitters on YouTube.
Once you get a woman, you Will understand that it really is the dumbest shit ever. You talk about women ask if they are some genius cunning evil orcs, but in reality they are children to be raised by a man. Keep a woman for > 2 years and you Will see she starts adopting your views, your humour, your ideas, and that she starts planning your future together.
Read some actual philosophy and good books. Nietzsche is great for traditional masculinity, mein kampf is Great for family values and more masculine ideals.
Dump the MGTOW crap asap or you Will die alone, Lonely, bitter and regretting.
>Some want to be incel, this is not logical.
Care to explain that?
The more you think about it the more you realize tradcucks are the same as feminists, they keep shaming men and overvalue women
They keep telling us to Man up but offer no solutions
Even pop culture whores can be fixed if they are handled right desu.
EVERYONE dies alone.
>in one hand is a strong man
>in another is getting his house, his car all to yourself and half his money, lifelong support and massive child support as well as autismbucksfrom state taxed from other men
Gee i wonder what would a reasonable self interested individual chose, a companion or a slave?
Dont you get it?
Enslaving you is objectively more beneficial for a reasonable person than having a two-way relationship with you and having to do things your way, she could simply have it all taken from you.
I cant even blame them, really.
If I was offered a willing slave who would work for me for the rest of my life i would take it.
If anything what you're looking for is a weak, dependant, stupid woman, rather than a good one. She would produce a weak stupid offspring for you.
>More pussy for you? Really you want to get married to a single woman and MGTOW basically get to fuck about and use these women and dump them and you're going to get more pussy.
Well, yes, I have sex with my wife every day and the funny thing is casual sex fucks men in the head too, especially more so if you're a MGTOW type who is already paranoid about women fucking you over, because it'll just reinforce all your worst assumptions and give you whole new anxieties and you end up mentally JUSTed too.
Feminisme and traditionalism overlap on literally botting. Feminists dont want marriage or children to be a thing even. As you saying the only thing we gave in Common is shaming the weakest of the weak who quit before it even began. Dont abandon your duties to continue your genetic lineage and your culture. MGTOWS are in essence egocentric hedonists who care for nothing but personal short term happyness.
>Keep a woman for > 2 years and you Will see she starts adopting your views, your humour, your ideas, and that she starts planning your future together.
Until she meets Chad or Tyrone.
>No man that has kept a stable relationship Will ever be MGTOW.
Sort of by definition, so what? If you're just using MGTOW as a pejorative then let me just stop you there. That's not going to work, you're going to have to accept that MGTOW understand that a tool society uses to get men to opt into systems that are otherwise bad for men, is peer pressure like this kind of shaming language. MGTOW are aware of this, it's core to being a man going your own way that you reject the shaming of society about how you should be doing X or Y or you're not a "real man" or some variant of that.
Oh you "dare me"? You don't know the first thing about me or the women I've slept with and had relationships with, all you have is your assumptions. I offered to answer questions in this thread, and instead of being intellectually honest and actually inquiring about what my experiences in life are, you simply assume I'm a MGTOW because I can't get pussy. Do you understand how insane your ramblings are if you're actually wrong?
I'm 34, I lost my virginity at 18 in a long term relationship of 3 years which I decided to end. I've slept with 8 different women, 7 of which were in my 20's. I've been celibate about 4-5 years.
I've read Nietzsche, I've watched Petersons lectures on Jung, Rogers, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Solzhenitsyn, I'm well read, I understand personality very well now. None of these things are arguments, "read Nietzche" is not an argument, you actually have to formulate an argument that doesn't involve making up fantasy about your opponent in an extraordinary straw man. Something tells me you don't have the fortitude to do that though.
Pop culture whores can be handled but it requires you to force them to sever their ties with cancerous influences.
Being an incel, if your goal is white nationalism, or even leaving behind anything of value is not logical. If you have no goals and view life as purposeless then it's logical.
Over correction like a pendulum swing caused by feminism, it'll settle down
Children give you a reason to live when you're old
Try harder to see where you are in historical terms and trends to see what will happen.
How do I join MGTOW? Where do I meet MGTOWs?
Tradotionalist dream - woman is sitting at home with kids doing nothing, while the man is working, fighting, dying and doing literally everything for her.
Feminist dream (discontinued/abandoned) : man and woman bot work for the family while the kids are in a govetnment institution (kindergarten-school-uni)
Gynocentrist/Female supremacist dream(what you have now): woman is sitting at home with kids doing nothing, while every man who had prevviously been marroed to her or got her onocked up is working, fighting, dying and doing literally everything to pay for her social priveleges, welfare, support, and security institutions.
You sound low T. Eat onions.
I agree, causal sex isn't actually that good for men. Men are drawn to sex especially when they're younger not just because of the biological drive, but because it's new and novel and generally speaking not easy to obtain. I had multiple friends with benefits throughout my 20's when I abandoned long term relationships (long before MGTOW was even a label) and a few one night stands.
I stopped that around 30 and have been celibate for about 4 years, which is no big deal for me. I don't think FWB even when you can maintain it without drama is good for men particularly.
I'm no more paranoid about women fucking me over than I would be paranoid about my parachute not opening if I went sky diving. You acknowledge there's some non-zero risk it'll happen, the consequences of which are very messy. It's not paranoia when there's real risk associated. People make risk/benefit calculations all the time and decide to act or not act based on those assessments. Marriage has slowly become one of those things that fails to pass that assessment for an increasing number of men, which is why the marriage rate is in decline.
Well the trick is tyat anold man with money can gey young pussy to pop kids for him (see Trump)
An old woman is worthless and barren even with the money.
We can outwait them.
Literally r/atheism tier lol.
You can say you are whatever you want to. If you can't prove it I might as well say I'm Theresa May and you're under arrest for being here. Your anecdotes mean nothing. You dont understand shit by listening to petersons lectures. Ive seen them all myself and he's a buffoon.
You're a 16 year old Virgin Who is upset because your arguments are shit and none cares about your feels of being treated unfairly.
Besides, my argument still stands, and you're going to purge your position from this earth by not breeding. IMO for the bretter.
Is there any hope society will change?
Yeah, just raise your wife like any man would and she won't fuck you over. Get a ton of children and raise them with your values and you've got it. The most efficient way to enact change.
>Being an incel, if your goal is white nationalism, or even leaving behind anything of value is not logical. If you have no goals and view life as purposeless then it's logical.
They're not goals of mine.
One of the inherent benefits of MGTOW is that not fathering children means you're not invested in the future past your own death. So doesn't matter to me if shitskins take over or white culture is annihilated, I wont have genetic lineage to be concerned about. It doesn't bother me if my genetics end with me, I know some people care about this, but I don't personally so argument that appeal to this aren't going to work, I simply don't value it.
You don't join. Going your own way is something you have to decide to do yourself. If you post something that isn't complete sperg on the /r/MGTOW you'll be spotted by private forum recruiters who will offer you invites into private forums. Or there's lower quality public ones like mgtow.com and others.
Celibacy can cause changes to T levels and I've had them checked and they're fine. These are rational decisions made using logic, nothing to do with emotion that's driven by hormones.
If there is enough of single women in approaching the end of their fertility desperate for their last chance to reproduce or have any family they might soften the anti-male legal system.
just wait for when today's feminists get too old of tinder and realize that they can have children anymore and nobody at all needs or wants them anymore.
Its already slowly kicking in with all the articles like
> "where did all tge good men go?"
Away from you stupid bitch lol
>just raise your wife like any man would
>raise your wife
Mail order child-brides could land you in prison and generally come mostly from genetically deficient shitholes like SEA
Is it true that feminists aren’t having kids? A woman at work falsely accused me of harassment, and she’s done it to someone else. Both cases were dropped. It wasn’t sexual harassment, but basically she couldn’t handle me telling her no when it came to her idea for a project.
She has multiple kids and is probably 30.
She’s insane and I feel sorry for her children.
For mail order brides (adult of course), I’ve heard they are scams.
Peterson has 2 Masters and a PhD and lectured at Harvard, do you actually listen to some of the shit you spout?
Yes, you've no more demonstrated that your married or you have regular sex, but I take your word on that because it facilitates discussion. My arguments don't rely on spilling my spaghetti everywhere about your personal successes with women, or lack thereof, only YOUR argument relies on that. Which is essentially not an argument, just character assassination, which is based on nothing.
My arguments haven't been rebutted, so they can't be that shit.
I am going to purge my position from this earth, voluntarily. it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Your children will go on to live surrounded increasingly by degenerates and a state which is increasingly oppressive.
>Is there any hope society will change?
Yes I believe so, i think these things come and go, kind of like the pendulum of politics. I think eventually women will get so unhappy (female happiness has been on a steady decline since about 1940-1950's) and there will be new female movements towards traditionalism. But that wont be in my lifetime, that's a multi-generational change that we might not see for another 80-100 years is my bet.
Then you are a waste of space in society and can't complain if an authoritarian regime removed you.
You are a spreading a toxic ideology not beneficial to humanity and will not help humanity in the slightest.
You Just outed yourself as redditor and confirmed all my prejudices against MGTOW.
Why dont you get back on reddit and keep on advocating this sort of idioti faggotry. Why dont you go back to r/atheism and get a brojob from some other fedoratipping fatspo mongrel?
If you're not invested in the futura you're Just a hedonist, and not Worth a penny more than some materialist pop culture slut. You're probably a shill regardless, and a very crookednosed one as such. Gtfo.
>When you have sex better have a sound recording device to prove consent in court.
>better even hsve witnesses observing the process
Most of them just climb whe wall of dicks and explore their sexuality until BOOM 35 hits like a truck out of nowhere and she realizes its too late now.
Especially all those business/career women.
The meltdown in this thread is hilarious, Stockholm Syndrome at its best.
>muh pure unicorn
>muh race
>lazy faggots
Idiots who mistake moral values for obligations and mindless sacrifice deserve everything that's coming their way in the form of heartbreak and court rape.
Your world will crumble, not because of joos, but because you propose unfair terms.
Humanity is improved when the bad parts burn away, that is what has happened all throughout the history of humans via evolution. The badly adapted die away.
If society gets to the point where men are opting out voluntarily then it's gone bad and needs to burn off like dead wood.
I don't have a problem with that. If society gets it shit together and shows signs of hope, I'll opt back in. But not until it's to my benefit.
In this respect MGTOW isn't an ideology, it's reactive to changing environment, if the state retreats from marriage and the family so men and women can deal with each other on reasonable terms, I'll be the first to opt back in.
it's gay
Well ofcourse.
if you dont keep her in a cage in your basement she will marry you or just stick around l, get citizenship of your first world country and fuck off to live off welfare/alimony.
She will also invite her entire extended family of 86 people and help them migrate easily.
I think that before opting to become a toxic individualist like this you should consider whether or not there's even a slim chance that things could get better within four generations.
Just like being anti-immigration is an excuse for whites not to just man up and compete with immigrants, right? We should have much more immigration!
But you see, most people experience No problem at all, so you must be some Kind of disadvantaged subhuman if you think it is too hard to Follow nature in any society. Also, since most people dont share your opinion, you are literally only exterminating yourself to the advantage of future generations. Thank you Schlomo for removing subhumans and weaker men from society.
No I described a mechanism where by private MGTOW forums recruit, that doesn't mean I post on reddit. This is just another faulty use of logic which seems to be a pattern with you.
Doing things that are good for you is not the same as doing things for the pleasure, you might want to look up the definition of some of the words you're using.
top fucking kek lad
>it is typically the mans Job to keep the woman in the marriage
Except they literally kill you and your family, ripping society apart and again exterminating yourself. Based Darwin award-winning dane.
Do you not have sarcasm in Norge, min bror?
För bövelen, skärp dig
>it's not the idea's fault
>our movement doesn't say that so not our fault
>it's the dumb follower's fault not ours
Once again proving MGTOW to be about escaping responsabilities.
At least I'm not some faggot beta 16yrold who can't handle life and blames society for his incompetance.
Is right, MGTOWs are Just gay hedonist scum who'se existance is as meaningful as that of a jellyfish.
The jew shill in this thread should go and off himself if he sees no meaning beyond his own life, and has no intentions of creating new life. What is even the point of being you ?
Who are you quoting?
If it Trumps fault KKK are following him around and endorsing him all the time so it gets him bad optics with most voters?
How is individualism toxic? I've considered if there's a slim chance that things can get better and it seems unlikely, but as I said it's not an ideology it's reactive to the environment, if things change there will be no need for men to go their own way, the rational choice would be to opt into a healthy and functioning society and help further it.
If society is so good and individualism is so toxic, what mechanism does society have for dealing with toxic individualism. Other than whining uselessly?
>But you see, most people experience No problem at all
Divorce rate is at about 50% in most places in the the western world. it's actually 43% in the UK and it's climbing despite marriage rates declining. So that assertion is wrong.
Actually an increasing number of men are not marrying, marriage rate is on the decline, MGTOW has had exponential growth since men started identifying with the term. People are free not to share my opinion and take a 50% cuck rate, I'm not advocating every man should go his own way, simply explaining why I do.
MGTOW is the realization that there are no good women, and the consequent refusal to associate with them.
If you're not in MGTOW, you're in denial. Like being stranded on a deserted island for weeks and still waiting for help instead of building shelter.
The individual makes up the familial unit which makes up the society. To act as if the individual is not an integral aspect of society, and that society is not an integral part of the individual is newthink.
Is correct.
>At least I'm not some faggot beta 16yrold who can't handle life and blames society for his incompetance.
When mild shaming doesn't work. Shame harder. Good tactic, it's clearly working to reduce the conversation around MGTOW.
>Is right, MGTOWs are Just gay hedonist scum who'se existance is as meaningful as that of a jellyfish.
MOAR shaming. C'mon this is like Jnr shaming time, you need to step it up a little, is that all you have?
>What is even the point of being you
To get maximums satisfaction and entertainment from threads like this.
>better even hsve witnesses observing the process
Yeah, let her "man" watch
Germany NO!
>People who hate what they can't have make it in to a lifestyle that is totally their choice.
I bet this has never happened in the history of the world before.
that must be Ahmed posting fro Hans'es computer
Hey, why dont you start taking insane amounts of drugs so that you can die in the utmost euphoric state of mind? Would go hand in hand with your unmanly character and glorious fedora!
This is wrong. There are some bad women and some good women. The problem isn't that bad women exist, the problem is that the state hands all the power in a relationship over to the woman, and strips man of his power.
Now bad women can ruin men at the drop of a hat, that's a bad deal for men and so some opt out.
Explain what you mean by "makes up the society" precisely. How am I acting as if the individual is not an integral aspect of soecity, can you explain this, I'm not sure what you're saying exactly.
You first, friend.