How many earth rotations must a girl experience before she is qualified for sexual intercourse?
I think maybe 6574.5 is a good number. Everyone else agree?
How many earth rotations must a girl experience before she is qualified for sexual intercourse?
I think maybe 6574.5 is a good number. Everyone else agree?
Kys pedo
Wasted digits
stoned to death
come on mods
get this shit off of boards, some of actually come here for honest open political debate about current politics
slide fail
eh, 5475 is fine here
Parents need to be accountable for their kids, not the state
I literally only get quads when I make these threads.
God has sent me a sign. This is my calling in life. I must teach them.
noice. faggots it's 18
>despondent over his defeat, former judge and D.A. roy moore takes to the internet to vent his frustrations over not having the other things he really wants
i seriously hope you get hit by a car you fucking faggot all of you should be fucking killed
12 days? you're progressive man
>be an 18 year old boy in the glorious US of A
>have sex with a 17 year old girl, one month younger than you
>get a life sentence
>get put in the sex offender registry
>get your balls cut off in prison
>get raped by niggers on the daily
end it faggot
12 picoseconds
I think that's 0.00000000000000013889 Earth rotations in pedo units
Sure, lets let 5 year olds drive cars as well. Who are you to say they aren't old enough to make their own decisions you bigot!
>ITT retards that don't know 26 US states have no age restrictions on marriage
The correct answer is of course 0. Provided it happens between husband and wife. Like god intended.
>ywn have a lgf
how to cope? it feels like shit bros.
She's cute, totally would bang her :3
About 3526866643braaaaap0ot.1 times
Repost this in all the shitposting/humor threads to prove your dedication.
4745 Is God's Chosen Number!
I need a horny kid.
Imagine this pure whitegirl getting Blacked before becoming a loose roastie...
Just buy one.
>>ITT retards that don't know 26 US states have no age restrictions on marriage
Lmao and? Go ahead and get married to a ten year old. You'll never get hired anywhere, and the FBI will just be looking for reasons to knock your door in. You would also be a complete social outcast.
>A-at least I still have my ten year old wife
sex is overrated.
You gain much more on physical, mental and spiritual level by getting big and strong on big four lifts.
I personally use hot women in yoga pants as test boosters... by seeing them, my blood starts pumping and my heart rate increases while I maintain my focus on the bar.
Key is to notice her but maintain a steady, emotionless look and avoid all and any approach or communication with her. Basically she must not notice you in and way, shape of form.
This in the only way to achieve eternal glory. Well, in this life at least.
This is Natalie Lind at 14
I don't remember voting in favor of gays or trannies. How did trannies be anything but mentally ill? Oh, you want to cut your dick off? Oh, you're a danger to yourself. You're going to a mental institution. No, we have to hear about multiple genders, and then we have to hear about how we don't like science. What about Chromosomes? Fuck that shit.
how many newtons of force may i exert on the trigger whilst pointing a gun at OP's head?
Why not. Lots of happy marriages are going on right now.
>working a dayjob for a living.
Most states have what's called a Romeo and Juliet law, which allows for exceptions in that type of situation.
For example in Florida, you can legally have sex with a 16 year old, as long as you're under 23.
I'm 24 now, and I miss that young pussy, but I'm glad that being a social failure during high school didn't prevent me from ever experiencing it. Thanks Florida!!
Literally the cutest lg I've seen
That’s literally 18 years old, dumb fuck
>Claim to be a Muslim
>Sue for religious discrimination
>Get rich quick
Wtf I love child marriage now
Do you even math, bro?
2190 for boys
How about; when they have a job and are independent
18 seems right
>look at content
>look at OP f(l)ag
>calls it non-political
its 2017 man, like we have to talk about pedophilia acceptance now. Accept it!
OP. i dont know nothin bout no numbers, but children are to be raised with care and moral guidance so that they can become productive members of society as well as individual sovereign entities to shape their life and community, not to be your underage fucktoy.
thread is legitimate. Fucking real shit comin on in society. but damn those quads. i can only even hope for trips. oh wait, i gottem.
>Like god intended.
Generally speaking, the age would be 14 then, the so called age of reason. Not sure how that applies nowadays that we are infatilizing even adults, but that was the age a child could be held accountable for their actions as an adult (and thus get married) according to the Christian Churches.
>be american jew
>be old as fuck
>literally can fuck little girls without repercussion because americans praise the jew like nothing else
>be 18
>live on "the land of the free"
>have jailbait on your pc
>sentenced to 5 to 10 years in jail
>get raped and have our life ruined
americans are truly a subhuman bunch and only someone retarded as them could fall for their "liberty"
If I were in charge...
No sex before marriage.
Boys and girls can get married at 16 with parental consent or 18 without.
It is true that children can physically have sex very early, a 7 year old girl once gave birth, but this is not civilised.
The whole point of civilisation is self control, gratification delay. Can you pass the marshmallow test? Because niggers always fail it.
If you can't control your animal sub-concuss then go live in pakistani.
/thread kys pedo
A woman is not qualified for sex until she is married. A woman should begin meeting potential husbands when she enters pubescence.
even babies get horny even though they don't know what sex is
This board has an actual pedo problem.
There's not enough of them?
based user. franny is so cute and hot desu
Fuck off back to plebbit.
Kys! You hedonistic lgbtq degenerate
In each and every species on this planet mating happens as soon as the female is fertile (and sometimes a little sooner).
The only exception is us humans.
But we are no true exception:
Most men would like to mate with girls as soon as they are fertile.
But it is artificially suppressed - by making it illegal.
Why is it illegal? What is the TRUE reason?
Boys and girls are allowed to have sex with each other, for example two 12-year olds.
But somehow, as soon as the male turns 16 or 18, he is SUDDENLY FORBIDDEN to have sex with younger girls.
Why? What is the problem, where is the possible harm to anybody?
Pedophilia is not a crime. Pedophiles that have have not raped or molested a pre-pubescent child are not deserving of death. You can't murder someone for a state of mind, otherwise it would be just to kill all the LARPers that want to murder Pedophiles. Child rapists should be executed.
There is nothing biologically wrong with attraction to females capable of ovulation and breeding. That said there is at least some evidence to suggest females breeding as early as 11 can threaten the life of the child and the mother, for this reason I'd advise waiting to impregnate your early adolescent wife until she is 16, since most females will be able to safely breed by this point. It is imperative that we strive to repair society and free it of degenerate. (((AoC))) laws help create such degeneracy by normalizing premarital sex.
The female's place is in the home. Betrothment is a necessity. A female having multiple mates damages her ability to "pair bond", Microchimerism also permanently soils her eggs. Commie "feminists" pls go and stay go
Allow me to reiterate: Pedophilia is a mental illness such as Homophilia or foot or scat fetishists(Thought foot and scat are less extreme and pose less of a threat), and the mere presence of thoughts is not justification for killing these individuals. Those Pedophiles that abuse pre-pubescent children are irredeemable trash that deserve nothing but death.
Hebephilia is perfectly natural and attraction to females capable of producing eggs to be fertilized is not comparable to attraction to pre-pubescents. While this is true, it isn't generally healthy to breed until the female is around 16, so she should wait until she is that age and married.
If I'm wrong, please illuminate me.
>b-but children can consent!
>b-but women deserve freedom to whore around!
>b-but the laws developed by man over a couple hundred years trump tens of thousands of years of biology!
>b-but my feelings!
You deserve to be crucified.
I have the suspicion that making it illegal for men 18+ to have sex with teens is actually not about protecting somehow the teens, but actually about protecting the interests of older, adult females (and the economic power that comes with them) - if men were allowed to have sex with fertile girls, most men would not longer want or need adult women, because the latter are sexually less attractive than young girls to any man; not only would older women be unable to get a provider husband, it also follows that the female-driven economy (women decide over 80% of all expenses) would be hurt, that is, adult men would work less hard to satisfy older women with their work's money, then those would be able to spend less of money they would otherwise get from their men in exchange for sex (in relationships or marriage, in both it's a trade sex for money) and then the income for the upper class would suffer, because adult women would not have the cash to buy so much useless stuff.