Germany has been 80 days without a government

>Germany has been 80 days without a government

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Not true.
The government from the 2013 election is still ruling.

>Primeminister =\= government

Getmany is without a goverment since 1945

You are such a god damn nigger. Jesus christ

We have a goverment, fuckhead.

Sharia police doesn't count Hans

Feels fucking good.
For once everything stays as it is and its atleast not getting worse like usual

Get on our level kraut.

If Germany spent a single day without government, the whole time-space continuum would be fucked.

You take rules away from a German and you'd create a paradox. Either our hypothetical government less universe cease to exist, or the Germans themselves would cease to exist.

Also, you'd end up with an epidemic of starving brown people in central Europe.

But it can only rule in a provisory role.
That means they cannot make any new bullshit laws.

we were recently without government for gods know how long and literally nothing happened

in fact, the economy kept improving

They still have a majority in parliament.
They can do what ever they want.

>in 8 days its 88

I just hope Heiko Maas is kill

The Real Germans died in WWII,
you guys were the savage replacements Patton was talking about!

only goes to show that permanent parliament and bureaucracy is not needed


Its a shame that Mutti has no backbone to ask for another vote, would be top stuff to see afd climb another few %.

They are crashing the Bundestag with no survivors because Merkel is a traitor and is trying to isolate AfD

The AfD pollnumbers rise alright, but only like 1,5%. What the national resistance needs now is a chance to show that it is capable of finding solutions. Luckily AfD is doing pretty good in that regard, just watch their speeches in the Bundestag, where they even give credit to other party's speakers by applauding them, of they agree.
I have the unconvenient suspicion, that it is Merkel's plan to let the parliament and government in this state, just to conduct a Machtergreifung one beautiful day. Srsly, makes me fucking nervous.

We didn't even come close :(

and yet they found a majority in the parliament to raise their own salaries continously

Dieser Staat geht unter und das Reich kommt wieder.


is there a realistic chance that merkel will leave this time?

yeah, if the leftists take charge. Merkel is running with the conservative party
germany's options are
1. more rape and murders
2. even more rape and murders

don't you dare steal our record