Single mom bashing thread

Single moms need to be called out for the human garbage that they are.

Many of them are black. But race aside, it's hard to argue that there is a more obvious demographic that drags society down than single mothers.

They're complete drains on every taxpayer-funded government program. Whether medical, schooling, welfare and benefits, etc. It can cost $20k or more per year to educate a single child in public shcool. You know Single Mom Sharon or Shaniqua or whatever isn't paying $60k a year in taxes to offset the drain of her 3 fatherless welfare babies have on the system.

They overwhelmingly create the most vile, unethical, fucked up spawns. There is just something about the kids of single mothers, who then become adults, that is particularly vile. They're not good people. They're highly feminized from a lack of male and masculine role modelsin their life, which is exactly why the whole "Soy Boy" and "On The Low Black Gay Man" meme is so real.

They only think of themselves and mold society to their liking, by voting for more socialism, public spending, welfare, free daycare, etc. at the expense of responsible people.

Daily reminder that liberals are liberals because they didn’t know their father. There is literally no other reason. If you knew your father growing up, you are a conservative. If you didn’t know your father, you are a weak feminized soy person.

Why's it the fault of the mom and not the shitty father that can't do his fucking job?

The mom is a whore. Don’t have a kid with a man who you don’t plan on staying with for the rest of your life.

The mother likely had dozens of warnings that the guy was a piece of shit, and spread her legs for the loser anyway.

Single mothers deserve to starve in the street alongside their illegitimate bastard children for being stupid enough to mate with shitheads, and doing nothing but creating a future generation of shitheads.

They're pretty much the majority now these days, especially in any moderately urban/suburb area.

Not many places left on the planet that still has sane traditional values.

>tfw my father left my life
>tfw my mother went to try and find a good provider
>tfw step-father found
I am not white by the way. I am Chickasaw.

>step father

Your stepfather is a cuck and should kill himself, as should you, your mother and your legitimate father.

You mean nigger

deadbeat dads not paying for their kids

Again, who was the dumb bitch who chose to fuck the deadbeat?

I hope he has a fucking stroke, all white men that raise colored kids for niggers and spics should fucking hang like the cucks they are

Bluepill faggots.

>They're complete drains on every taxpayer-funded government program. Whether medical, schooling, welfare and benefits, etc. It can cost $20k or more per year to educate a single child in public shcool. You know Single Mom Sharon or Shaniqua or whatever isn't paying $60k a year in taxes to offset the drain of her 3 fatherless welfare babies have on the system.

Whatever you say, Pedro - you're still not fucking white and beaners are doing this 10 fold.

Go fuck yourself, all single mothers/mothers of multiple unsubstantiated kids are worse than niggers.


Don't call me Pedro. I'm whiter than you are.

Many of those single moms are Spics too. The Puerto Ricans, being US Citizens, are the worst.

Illegal beaners dropping out anchor babies are just as bad. But that's more of an immigration issue of controlling the flow of people who come to the US and recklessly breed.

Single mothers are a different topic, even if there's some common overlap.

Shut up, you Edomite.

You're am idiot
I earn a very good wage and pay for my own and my childrens way
My ex-husband gives me $32.60 per month for 2 children. That is what the govt run child support agency says he must pay me.
All I do is work and support the kids; private med insurance; school; the basics of food/power/water/gas - I pay. No romantic relationships for years. No time with 2 jobs, Kids sport. Etc.
I am one of so many.
Most dads are great
Most mums are great
>Why am I replying to this dickhead again? One glass of wine and I've been baited

>Father gets killed
>mother is expected to whore herself out for another man who will probably mistreat her children and show preference to his own biological children with the mother over the children she already has

My mother worked, we didn't get welfare, but after Dad was gone, she just didn't want to whore herself out, she didn't want her 2 children to be mistreated by a "stepfather", as she knew how abusive that could be.

yeah but what if the man runs away?

Wow so you're a trashy single mom Aussiecunt who lives off the welfare state, with her free schooling and socialized medicine to care for her kid.

And you not only had 1 kid, but 2 kids, by a deadbeat.

>hate single mothers
>hate abortions
Pick one goys.

Most single mothers are single mothers because the father just up and left...

Shouldn't you blame them?

Women can only perform as well as their limits allow them, which is why a strong and stern partner is needed when raising children. The thing missing is the strong and stern person. We need to make men manly again, and shun those who just abandon their children completely from society.

Imagine what kind of woman your mom was that her husband abandoned his children.

Also deadbeat dad's are a myth. States aggressively pursue child support and the federal government matches every dollar they collect. In a sense we all pay child support.

>deadbeat dad's are a myth
They're not though, a lot of men are shitty people as well, who just don't really care about the kid or don't want to deal with it. They may have to financially support it in some way still, but it isn't the financial support that a child needs...

Those kids never had a chance anyway if the father was the sort to run away. Their only chance at becoming decent human beings is to be put up for adoption and pray that a real family picks them up.

As a side note, for the love of Christ don't marry a man who is so irresponsible and of weak moral fiber that he even has a chance to just run away from his family. That sort of thing would never be an option to a real man, and it's a truly disgusting degenerate that would even consider it.

No there's a fuckload of just shitty men who will ditch the first sign their girlfriend is pregnant. The woman might be naive but she does honestly believe that the dude will stay with her, she thinks that it's a happy thing and that it will cement the relationship and make it permanent. It's the guy that bails on responsibility, and if the woman is part to blame for having bad judgement in men, the man is equally to blame for being a shit tier dude who can't accept responsibility.

Men need to take responsibility for the women they impregnate, do right and settle down. The only alternative is abortion. Dumping a pregnant woman and a fatherless child on the American people is deplorable.

Lots if people are shitty.

But currently 85% of divorced mom's get full custody. That doesn't reflect balance.

Trying to "guarantee the living standard" of divorced people is fucking retarded.

You can't have a system that dry fucks dad's and treats mom's like helpless children and expect dad to stick around and not call Mom a lazy bitch.

Some divorces go smoother than others. But it's mostly in the best interest of the child if the parents get the fuck over themselves, follow the basic tenants of marriage, and fucking get along.

People have a right to be deadbeats anyway. Don't let deadbeats cum in your whore hole. Child support is a fucking scam

hey dont forget they hold quite similar genomes to yourself they are after all migrants from proto-asiatic civilisations

Also, shit can happen. My dad was driving home from work, it was winter, the roads were icy, and a drunk driver swerved into his lane suddenly and even slamming on the brakes the ice made it so he couldn't get out of the way in time, head on collision at highway speeds, both of them instantly dead.

Of course you'll still see my mom as a whore, for choosing to stay single and work and raise her kids rather than getting remarried.

I look at widows completely differently.

Unmarried single moms
Unmarried single moms of multiple children
Divorced single moms

All different

I was raised by a single mother and have plenty of stories of what it's like growing up in the care of a selfish cunt.

>Single mother wanted a little girl and to trap a husband
>Has a one night stand with my father, obviously he want's nothing to do with this shit
>She stalked him, broke into his house and smashed up his shit while 5 months pregnant
>I pop out, she give's me both a girls first and middle name dooming me to a life of torment through my schooling years.
>Attempted to raise me as a girl, putting me in dresses, buying unisex toys ect
>rebel against this at around the age of four
>shit turns sour when i no longer want to be a little girl
>Beating's start, regular, vicious, never on the face though
>She took everything out of my room except the bed and would leave me in there with the exception of school and toilet trips with the blinds closed
>She would leave me with my extremely abusive step-grandmother and uncle over some weekends so she could go out dating
>She knew my uncle was molesting me and my step-grandmother was beating me (Step-Granny also beat her own son to the point of minor brain damage), she didn't care as long as she was getting some dick
>Kicked me out of home at 12 after her black boyfriend beat the shit out me

Bro u should run for dictator

Kill me mum first

a widow is still raising kids by herself unless she gets a cuck provider or ends up with an abusive stepfather.

>During my extensive time in room with nothing in it (sometimes this went on for 10 or more weeks) I'd bash my head against the floor to make myself light headed so I could feel something nice for a change.

> tfw neets and incels are just too good for single moms
you never had a shot at reproducing anyway anyway

They are literally parasites.
All the taxpayer money they suck, like the paratsites they are. Besides that, they're constantly looking for a man to parasite from.

Single mom scum should legitimately kill itself.

My dad left my family to "pursue his career". Dad is "softcore socialist" despite being an engineer. Genuinely was sad for castro and cheguevara's demise. Mom was left alone with me and two little brothers (one afflicted with a immunodeficiency disease). She was a teacher, worked her ass off to get promotes to headmaster of the school. Spends all her paycheck on us, sent me to university and forced all of us to study a lot. We go to the gym, we eat out in restaurants once in a while. We don't miss a thing. She is conservative and so am i. Never re married, never even had other fiancé. She dedicated all her prime life to us.

I agree that most single mothers are scum, but I think that what is impactful is how you get pregnant. Most of the single mothers get children "by accident " , meaning that both of the fuckwits decided to ruin a child's life in order to have few seconds of climax by nutting inside.

Or like in my case you plan to have a child. Then your mother will move mountains to make you grow upright

This is why removing all female rights is a MUST.
White sharia now!

Lol try harder, roastie scum

Not saying it's perfect or ideal.

In the event of fatherlessness there is no ideal outcome and it's foolish to expect that.

But arguing a case for fatherlessness because widowed is an outlier.

It's akin to abortion because rape

The majority of fatherlessness in black communities is because of premarital sex

The majority of fatherlessness in white communities is because of easy no fault divorce due to "dissatisfaction". There is no risk for the mother to be a single mom. She will get her gibs and if dad can't give enough the majority will call him a "deadbeat".

Damn user.

You doing alright now?

So.. niggers

This really is the biggest problem facing our society. Failed family courts lead to broken families. We must revoke a woman's right to vote to fix our families

Yes single mothers deserve to starve.

The children should be put in Spartan style training for the struggles to come.


Yes, I'm married, I'm a nurse, my wife is a doctor, We have 2 beautiful kids and live on 4 acres with sheeps, goat's and chickens.

I was very lucky though, at 12 I was taking in by good people, most don't get that chance.

We don't live in the 1920's anymore, faggot. Stop larping.

The average man today has just 20 minutes per day with his children. His role is pretty much non existant.

It takes two to have a kid. Why don't women see this epidemic of single motherhood and be more choosy when seeking out a man to have children with?

I'm glad for you. Sounds like a piece of heaven.

My moll is a doctor too. I hope to marry her one day and produce several white children.

well that would depend on the law enforcers and how they handle it....why oh why they dont ask the kids what they want and enquire if the mother has bad mouthed the fathers before decisions are made?

They are twisted fucks, make no mistake...I speak from experience


I hopefully you get the chance sooner then later, we waited so long because of her job i was wondering if it was ever going to happen.
Then she got tenure lecturing at a university and it was time to squeeze out some youngen's.

>The average man today has just 20 minutes per day with his children.
Hasn't it always been like that? What time after the industrial revolution have men actually had more free time?

>>Don't call me Pedro. I'm whiter than you are.


>he hasn't given up on modern society already

My Mom raised my brother and me for four years before re-marrying, and she never got assistance from my Dad.

I believe in you.

Does anyone have the redpills saved that show the statistics for women who have multiple sexual partners and their marriage rates, divorce rates, etc.?

You know the ones I'm talking about.

Honestly you sound great, wish you had of been my mother growing up, I was always second to a new dick.

and yeah, abortion should be legal because of those outliers. It's a lot harder to make exceptions when the act is fully illegal and requires a lot of government red tape to go through.

Shit happens, if you base everything on what the "norm" is then when those outliers happen it fucks them over.

20 minutes? Maybe if you’re a turd of a father.

You got very lucky user, do not squander this gift. Live your life at its fullest

Roasties gonna roast

My father only had a one night stand with my mother, no relationship, commitments and she wanted a kid.
Men who have this happen to them have no fucking obligation to assist, they a sperm donors and should be treated as such.
No evidence of a relationship, no fucking support should be the rule.

That's terrifying.
I hope you're doing well now my friend.

Yea man was telling another user about it earlier in the thread.

just did some reading.
Happy for you man.

I wish you all the best brother.

>Sup Forums isn't literally r3ddit, they said

I'm angry at all of you for shitting on my mom. She wasn't evil, she wasn't stupid, she was weak. Too weak to carry the burden meant for two, here lies her failure. My mother gave me everything she could, she sacrificed her life everyday for decades so i could be in a house, so i could eat everyday, she even bought me games and expensive hardware all at her own expense, she would be an angel if she wasn't so human. She worked all the time and so she couldn't raise me properly and i was left alone to make all the mistakes until my life was a pile of mistakes and i will kill everysingle one of you that are trying to pin this on her.
Two parents, one works the other takes care of the kids. This is the most efficient family unit, period. It works the best.
I will destroy all of you in this thread for being ignorant manchildren and wastes of life, you suck. Blame my dad, blame the jews, blame capitalism but if you blame my mom for being a woman than i will personally come to your house and murder your dog. Kill yourselves, die already, you must kill yourself now, unfit to live.

I bet if the father died, your dumbasses would still call the mother a whore. Not everything is the mother's fault in a situation you morons.

his money his choice, a man has the right to choose what to do with his finances.

You're a shit tier man that should be executed in public if you father a child and don't take responsibility for it. Can't handle having a kid? Don't stick it in. Have some self control.

Another story from my childhood, the reason why my mother's black boyfriend beat the shit out of me and I was kicked out of home.

>Wake up for high school, year 7
>Did something to piss mother off
>she charges into the bathroom while I'm brushing my teeth and slam's in the side of the head
>I go down hard fall into the bath tub bashing my face on the wall tiles on the way down
>Face is really fucken swollen, but get sent to school anyway
>I decided to report the incident to the school, first time I've ever tried anything
>Tell principal (In hindsight this was a really fucking bad idea), instead of the mandatory report she call's my mother for some one on one mediation
>My mother called my grandmother and my grandmother called me out to the car park
>They both begged and cried saying if I followed through she would lose custody of me and the child she just had to previously mentioned black man
>I cave, I love my baby sister and they treat her well
>I actually fucking get detention for lying about such a serious issue to the principal (Wasn't lying obviously and I was clearly cohered into denying the incident)
>Go home, get the shit kicked out me, get kicked out of home, black dad keeps my playstation.

her body
her choice
and thus
her responsibility
your wallet though

Had one. It's shit. had to be an ¨adult¨ early since she was unstable. cuckservative single mother too. lot of crap to say but I'd rather say it in real life to have a real effect in my country. She was controlling, a thot who jumped the cock carousellet and still does to this day. controlling when she was near me. and cared not at all when she had something she wanted to do. Being alone was a blessing for me those days, at least in comparison. A child or teen should not have to feel this way. She also projected her own faults into me and so on. They're trash. and just so you know, the ¨conversative¨ ones are shit too. and this is the tip of the iceberg.

Fuck single mothers (not literally.) I am so sorry user. Do hope things are better for you now though although you won't get back the years and health lost nor the loving mother and father you should've had.

I hope you learned your lesson.

Or maybe he works his ass off to support his family? My dad is a good man, but user is right, we know each other's names, that's about it.

I did, never report anything to a women if it's regarding another women, they always side with the poor, downtrodden single mother.

When divorce became the social norm around the late 50s into the 60s, and when men started to become degenerates stepping out on their families, that's when shit started to go to hell.
The 70s was one big mind fuck, influencing every race with liberal and communist propaganda and race baiting.
Single motherhood started to spread. Gone were the days of shot gun weddings and making shit work. In were the years of women being told they don't need no man and men being put through the judicial meat grinder to support a system of breaking families apart.
It's the number one reason why blacks are the way they are now. The black men who tried to emulate the white nuclear family and create a dignified communities were sabotaged by the very people who pretended to fight with them. You remove the male equation of child rearing and you have the opportunity to replace it with what ever you like.
Make them violent, make them effeminate, make them faux-victims.
Then it spread to the white community.
It's a snow ball effect that started with the one thing all kids need too grow up well. A strong household, a mom and a dad.

Actually I tracked my dad down in my teens and we became fast friends, unsurprisingly we had the same humour, taste in music and media and we hang out fortnightly these days, he's got a kid around the same age as my eldest and they get along well too.

The kids coming out feminized isn't even the biggest problem. Most come out as violent assholes with no sense of morality - being a son of a single mother increases your chances of being a criminal significantly.

'tis something. his pump n dump was retarded though when it comes to kids. my father is a bit of a cuck but at least he's nice enough and not a leftie. Got to take what you can get, yeah? Still, both you and I should've had loving parents growing up. ¨nice enough¨ and ¨tracked him down and became his friend¨ is not how a father/son relationship should be.

>Kicked me out of home at 12
How did you survived?

This makes me depressed, I grew up with plenty of friends who knew their fathers and still turned out as massive soy boys...upper-middle class with plenty of money from their parents' hard work.
Meanwhile I'm the son of divorce and am the only true conservative out of my childhood peers.

My father died when i was 10, im conservative, a veteran of two branches, and a union worker, so i cant see you painting the same picture for all kids raised by single parents.


Child services and a fucking fantastic foster family.

Yeah I don't think that user has it right, "father figure" might start going somewhere, you can have good men that are poor as fathers.

Did you have a good uncle or cousin or something?


I'm the spawn of a single mom

I used to take drugs and I have a really hard time catching up to the success of society.

The only "vile" thing about me is that I dislike my mother because she's a psychotic cunt and side with my grandparents in the family arguments.

I'm not egoistic, I'm not ignorant, and I have neither apathy nor immorality, and I'm not a sissy little bitch either.
I care for the people around me, I care for the sake of my society, and I recognize the errors of my actions, and I take responsibility and consequences willingly with a sober and pragmatic mindset.

As always, Sup Forums is being pretty generalizing, but I'm a rare case of luck and proper influence by my grandparents.

I agree that most of my kind are obnoxious, unbearable piles of scum who do nothing but cost money and put more pressure on society.
Single moms have the unbreakable instinct to push blame for their failure on anyone else but themselves, and if they see fault in themselves, they don't learn from it, they just spout self-pity to gain sympathy.

Single mothers should be shot, and their children put in indoctrination camps.
You CAN turn them into something of use, but it takes a lot of very hard, consequent and constant work and education, and they need to get THE FUCK away from their worthless slut mothers.

You've got someone speaking out of experience and not out of theory here.
If you ever intend to redpill someone on the topic and not just toss around autistic rants, AMA

I always try to do my best making up the living issue that I am.

Honestly, I don't think he owes me a thing, he didn't want a kid, he just wanted a root, the only reason my mother didn't just go to a donor clinic was to attempt to force a man into marriage thanks to the social pressures around getting sluts pregnant and the child support she knew she could claim if he fucked off.

and yet you blame the women entirely for "spreading their legs for a worthless man" and never blame the "worthless man" It takes 2 bub.

Did mom tried to get you back?

That is fucked up beyond belief, what an evil evil person.

Though on the other hand, you must have had a really high power level to survive all that shit from a young age.

>Probably because tthose full households could afford nice things like television, videogames, satellite TV for their kids
>letting your kid watch television without restraint
>wondering why they don't honor their mother and father and turn entitled soys after adolescence

That's not the point, you don't need to spend hours a day with them. Growing up with a consistent reliable father in a normal family is like a different universe to growing up as basically a single woman's roommate. If you don't know this you can't have met many people during your life.

Are you a mutt? Lmfao

>it's hard to argue that there is a more obvious demographic that drags society down than single mothers.

I don't know what their fucking problem is, my good friend told me yesterday his fiance wants to break up, they have a 1 year old child, what the fuck is wrong with women? he makes like 100K a year and she makes nothing

the fuck is her problem anyway? maybe he should beat her

Nope not once, I guess she knew if it went to court she'd be in jail.

>Ever since the seventies when women started to taking control of their sexuality and mating choices,
isn't that when the CIA went full force into funding feminism?