For the creative man who wants to contribute positively to western tradition and fight for it's future...

For the creative man who wants to contribute positively to western tradition and fight for it's future, is there a balance between becoming a man and being able to create art? Is art something to be discarded if one is bettering his mind and body while also earning a career, or are there honorable professions that a man can raise a family on while also creating art?

I'm looking to sort myself out. Get fit, raise a family, do some light prepping in the future. To do that I need to be educated, to work hard and earn money.

Only problem is that I'm an artist, I've been taking art classes for 3 semesters. I could grind my way through school and into the industry but the red flags are everywhere; wasting creative energy on someone else's project that I don't care about, while putting up with far left literally communist activists as coworkers. The pro artist with a large family seems incredibly rare.

Or I could try and be an independent artist in a post NN internet where I have to do everything myself, and content is impossible to monetize if you're not buddy-buddy with the right people or aligned politically. Take small commissions where, again, I waste my creative energy on someone else's project that I don't care about. Possibly a barely livable wage.

The obvious choice is to drop the art thing, study engineering or medicine. Force myself to learn math at any cost. But I don't feel like I can do that, I don't have it in me to just not create. Life wouldn't feel like it was worth living if I wasn't making something, I would become depressed and resentful. It wouldn't be healthy for me OR the people who depend on me if I'm like that.

I don't know if anyone else here has experience with this, I don't know how many of you are drawfags or are serious about getting yourselves sorted, but any advice would be appreciated.

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I have the same issue. Bumping with aesthetics hoping someone says something intelligent in response to this.

If only the answer was "make Fashwave."

The answer may be to build our careers while we're young, to focus on raising our children right, and coming back to this when we're older.

That doesn't solve my problem specifically, but maybe it'd be your way forward.

Not gonna get a record deal with that but I'm pretty sure making fashwave is good for the soul.
Wish I could find a way to make money and happiness at the same time.

Art matters. Culture matters. We all have different talents. Plus, every industry is pozzed right now.

The future will be a copyleft, cryptocurrency, decentralized, maker economy. The old economy will die and the next great turning will begin.


if you get traditionally good at art you can make a lot of money doing commissions for rich people, start here:

djs make a lot of money for very little work.

That's what I'm doing anyway. Grinding my way down the path most trodden while trying to find a way off it. Maybe having a family would be enough motivation to push for a good job and find meaning in the fact that I'm giving those I love as much as I can. But I'd still need a family for that...
Whatever the answer is, I hope I don't suddenly find it when I'm 50 and already spent my entire life on a path I only walked because I didn't know what else I wanted to do. That's called a midlife crisis and I'd like to avoid it.

Obviously no one is going to be able to tell it better than you. Keep introspecting. It will be impossible to convey precisely how much you like doing art and how confident you are about your feelings on engineering or medicine. I'm myself of the creative (and lazy) type and tried engineering, it was a disaster. You can't be lazy if getting into engineering.

I think it's absolutely essential to get in love with whatever you decide to pursue. Doing something intellectually demanding with no passion for it is hell and never leads to great results.

>Right Wing artists

Jonathan Bowden on /ourguys/:

Bowden on Ezra Pound -

Bowden on Martin Heidegger -

Bowden on H.P. Lovecraft -

Bowden on Julius Evola -

Bowden on George Orwell -

Bowden on T.S. Eliot -

Bowden on W.B. Yeats -

Bowden on Savitri Devi -

Bowden on Thomas Carlyle -

Bowden on Bill Hopkins -

Bowden on Wyndham Lewis -

Bowden on Robinson Jeffers -

Bowden on Hans-Jürgen Syberberg -

Bowden on Yukio Mishima -

As an American the Robinson Jeffers and Ezra Pound ones are more your interest.

Very optimistic, but there are trends that seem to be poking holes in that ark.

The Feds are cracking down on crypto currency by pegging investors with tax evasion fees, income tax fees, transfer fees, exc. They don't understand the technology and they will therefore justify strangling it with broad strokes.

Net neutrality is a coin flip, but bandwidth isn't as big of an issue as access is. If we cannot freely access information, the maker future will be even less tenable. The maker future seems to rely on peoples' ability to transmit knowledge such as schematics for 3D printed goods and blueprints for other technology.

I don't mean to meaninglessly bitch. But these seem like major things that would hamper the free market we enjoy currently.

Also, /ourguy/ Sir Roger Scruton talking about the transcendent power of Beauty. On a similar subject check out Bowden's speech on Tragedy.

With your experience, do you think that there's a way of balancing the artistic ambition with the lucrative ambition? Such as having a day-job and the night-grind? Or does your passion need to be your career and vice versa?

If it comes to it; we will mesh net, IPFS, zeronet, and bitchute our way past. If they make crypto illegal we can still function by building a network of credit unions or our own banks that prohibit usury and avoid the traps of the fractional reserve central banks.
Whatever stupid rules they make we use them against them. Copyleft uses copyright laws to subvert copyright. That tactic is universally applicable. The only requirement is that we work together.

T.S. Eliot worked at a bank, and if I remember right Faulkner was a night cleaner for a time.

Becoming a bank teller would increase my current pay by about 30% it looks like, low barrier to entry... Might not be a bad idea.

What kind of computer skills does one need to learn in order to use all of those tools?

C++ is the standard coding language right? I know very little about computer science/programming but I've thought about it as a career path. My only problem is math; I'd need to double down on it.

T.S. Eliot did work as a bank teller for a while in his early years, and he wrote poetry during that time, but as he was getting better known his group of artist friends recognized his talent and got together and got him out of there so that he could write full time. That's called a lightning strike, and that's not gonna happen to most of us.

Faulkner did have a FT job doing nonwriting activities.

That fat drunk Bukowski was a postal carrier for most of his life. Stuck out the grind so that he could collect his pension and then really started writing FT post-early retirement. Still, he wrote becuase that's what he was. A writer.

Best advice you'll hear: Be who and what you are. Be true to yourself. Be true to your calling. DON'T do anything for money only, or family only. You've said it yourself. You WILL end up resentful of anything or anyone getting in the way of what you feel/think is "your calling."

Milton went blind and kept "writing" via dictation to his daughter. Michelangelo had crippled fingers and had his assistants tie his brushes into hands.

Artists find a way because that is their calling.

Find a way.

Programming requires a specific kind of mind. Either you fundamentally get it or you don't. The best way to find out if you can program is to find something you find interest in and find an open-source project to help with or learn from; creating a simple game is also a good choice. You figure out what language the thing you're interested in is programmed in and then go and learn from the multitudes of tutorials for that language. Programmers are very supportive of newcomers.

If you don't like programming, then don't become a programmer. The world needs all kinds of people.

If the future I'm proposing happens non-programmers will be using the technology and it will be user friendly. You don't have to understand programming to use torrent files or android phones for example.

>The obvious choice is to drop the art thing, study engineering or medicine. Force myself to learn math at any cost. But I don't feel like I can do that, I don't have it in me to just not create.

whatever you do dont listen to STEM worshiping simpletons.

I know plenty IRL and yes its hard to be a family man and full on artist right or left. Are you willing to sacrifice your family goals for art?

God bless you Bowden poster.

Was a socialist faggot who fought for the Republicans in the spanish civil war.

Read Homage to Catalonia. There's a reason no Leftists touch it these days.

Your welcome.