Why does the le 56% meme trigger Americans?
>having the reaction before the image
people don't know how to make memes anymore, setup and then punchline
it just triggers neo/pol/ack ledditor boomer r/thedonald garbage
Because it makes as much sense as thinking every person Earth is populated solely by Chinese women naned Muhammad.
Because it is forced. When it appeared it had endless threads bout it.
Maybe we can get them out of here
because its true
It doesn't? But it's very obviously forced when it's in every single thread with meme flags spamming it. This place has been overrun by shills anyway though, is there a better site now?
>being this mad about a stupid meme
This is why it exists in the first place.
Of course, I don't expect monkeys like you to understand.
Because it's true and that makes a lot of amerilards insecure, especially since so many of them are like that as we saw it with HWNDU.
It's the funniest meme of 2017.
>It doesn't? But it's very obviously forced when it's in every single thread with meme flags spamming it.
Truth hurts.
They can shitpost about Europe and link garbage articles speculating about its future, but in the end the only truly fucked country is america, even sweden still got it better.
because its true
funny how many Eugnists and writers predicted this is what was going to happen even in the 1850s
le 56% goblino is an unavoidable fate for the american anti-European circumsied jewphile mutts
It dosent
this is a mongolian erotic mural painting website so it is read from right-to-left
Lel I love how Germans push it the hardest. Anything to divert attention from their train wreck
Because it's not true and I don't fuck with other Europeans as suggested in that picture.
>yuropoors finally make a good banter
>over post it everywhere
>reading left-to-right on an anime website
fucking casual, back to plebbit you go
>Lel I love how Germans push it the hardest. Anything to divert attention from their train wreck
Hahahaha, yes of course our Country is so fucked :^)
Take a Look at your Crime Statistics and then at ours. kek Hundreds of your Goblino People are shot on a daily basis.
The german flame is still burning, your national flame is a pit of ash that is soaked with the piss of the foreign hordes.
>forced meme because I don't like it
It's actually pretty funny. It's just sad that Germans use it like a liferaft and spam it the second someone mentions refugees or something
Because it is true.
Most mutts coming here are Republican/conservatives, people who still believe in "white America".
They haven't yet realized that America is even worse of then Europe, it triggers their "patriotism" and challenges their believes of their own superiority.
The people getting triggered are the /r/the_donald, who still think that being a conservative is a good thing, by that metric you can distinguish between the two groups of Americans on Sup Forums.
BASED black man, based Jew posters and the rest of /r/the_donald get triggered by it, the people who actually realize how far the US has fallen accept it, just like we Germans accept that Immigration is currently completely fucking us up.
Because it reminds us of the end times. Space travel, safe neighborhoods, functional public works, and general prosperity will only be fairy tales to a nation of mitts whose only concern is Air Jordans, Mountain Dew, and their next welfare check.
Write Germans as Americans and refugees as mutts and you have the current situation.
Why is self-reflection so hard for you people?
>It's actually pretty funny. It's just sad that Germans use it like a liferaft and spam it the second someone mentions refugees or something
Its our V3 - secret Wunderwaffe.
>Take a Look at your Crime Statistics and then at ours
This isn't news. Though we haven't made crime legal for minorities, whole you have basically given refugees immunity.
>piss soaked
>trying this hard
Impotent German rage is one of the most constant themes on this board.
Why are mutts so fucking disgusting
Because they're a jewish experiment gone horribly wrong (or right, if you're a jew).
>Fake bot meme
>Fake obsolescent internet lingo (bots can't grasp changing fashion)
>Ugly, gross, vile meme images betray bot-origin (bots can't create anything that isn't ugly)
>Vile vile clown regime internet dystopia
Die die die die die
You guys are not helping America by getting so triggered by it, desu.
>arguing my proving my point
The banter bus always seems to leave mutts behind theses days. If you give shit you have to be able to take it.
>i'm not triggered...shills...memeflags...forced...
Cry me a river you stupid Mutt. Every time the Amerimutt General was up you fgts were so butthurt you mass reported to get it shut down like bunch of jews, which is what most of you are at this point.
Because it is true...
I don't get why my countrymen get so triggered by it. America is 56% white and has a very diverse ethnic diaspora, niggas should learn to accept it and stop being self hating.
The mutts were anglos once, white and proud.
They were mutilated and tortured by the jew
An experiment, living a horrible life
Vileness and fat perfected
Who do you serve?
Amerimutts are so sensitive about this because they have no real identity and this makes them extremely insecure (also explains their mindless and jingoistic "patriotism" that has only ever been used by less stupid groups for their own advantage).
Ed edd and eddy was the best
Someone give me the worst Mutt meme yet. Give me a Mutt that doesn't even resemble the original picture anymore.
can't even speak the language they fucking invented
The Americans who actually had a bit of European humanity left in them predicted it too, which is why they tried to leave, but the Mutts wouldn't let them (as is typical of the Mutt--he won't just destroy himself, he has to destroy everyone around him--and better than him as well---everyone must be mediocre and substandard like the Mutt!).
>this desperate for a check mate
Clearly a typo, you mongrel.
"I tried to warn you bros"
Because it's true. America will go brown regarding what party you voted in.
>it's too ugly
It's only as ugly as you make it (mix it) my goblin friend
>Though we haven't made crime legal for minorities
Even in Germany if a spic wasted some random girl walking with her Dad he would get hard time--can't say the same about Amerimuttland.
>fake bot tringering = bots tringering bots
>omg why tringered? = fake bot tringering tringering
>omg ur tringered? botsay; bot = fake and gay
>And so on.
Die die die
Form a coherent sentence my nigga.
do you have the tism?
whatever you say ogro.
This shit p funny lol.
This is reaching levels of triggered i didn't know were possible. It is rather typical of a Mutt to be so ill-disciplined. You are like a raging Uruk-hai
nu/pol/ is easy to trigger and it gets pretty tiresome seeing the same shit every day without much variation. Hence why I prefer burger sourdo. Also not politics take this to /bant/ or Sup Forums if you want actual replies and not a ban.
Are you a nigger? So pathetic. Accept reality, my 56% friend.
I think the only people who get triggered by it are actual brown mongrels.
Hits too close to home. Americas always take these dna tests and are proud how mixed they are.
The actually white Americans also laugh at these. So you know that the only ones getting mad are the mutts.
>beep bloop
Die bot faggot. Your handler is going to unplug you soon anyway. Stop being a tool.
> Also not politics take this to /bant/ or Sup Forums if you want actual replies and not a ban.
Why are you trying to suppress the political realities of America?