
This just might be an Urara thread.

I just wish the meme raws faggot would encode his shit faster.

Did you miss that it's already out?

2 urara threads and both OPs had the urges to make them more or less at the same time. Coincidence? I don't think so. We have succesfully synchronized periods.

This one is better anyway.

Why is she so foxy?

How did you put the word 'indecent' in such small square?

Because WolfxFox works really well.

We're all little girls here, why wouldn't this be the case?

Next week so PV seems to imply taichou stalking the uraras and lewd connotations.

I don't know if we'll manage to survive to the end.

We need more shows with underwear like this

I want to rape Nono

Is this yuri?

These girls serve men for money and there's nothing cool about that.

the uraras are not prostitutes. they are nice girls.

Yes, in the ED they're looking for their romantic love and end finding all each other.

I fuck on the first date.

Considering you'll only date Chiya or Kon, or both, that's not surprising.

Picked up

it's good. but your heart may explode at some point

Nono wants to marry her sister. Purity is dead. Burried.

Really though, this show is a fucking masterpiece holy shit.

>Koume dating Kon

Koume exists to be solely Chyia's sex toy

Literally who is the target audience for this show?


me too


Tummy fetishists and yurifags

Should get more attention. It's pretty good among kiraras, And has more yuri balls than New gaaaaaay.

W-what is Kon doing?

Claiming her prize.

she is being kind and gentle with her good friend chiya

Those on Sup Forums with the absolute best taste. This show really is something special; I wouldn't expect the average kid or newfag to understand.

I want taichou inside me.


I'm not sure if I'm having a bout of shit taste, but I'm only at episode 2, but I can't get into Urara like I do with other CGDCTs. It just seems so blatant with its fanservice and pandering.

Should I keep watching?

three episode rule

It depends, do you suck cocks or not?

There isn't really much fanservice in ep2; what is in the show is actually quite mellow as it is and autists over react.

This is legitimately my AOTS so far, and I don't think it's likely to change either.

Until episode 4 I found this show to be so-so, nice art, cute girls, but I didn't feel it.
During episode 4 I started feeling it and consider it as a high-tier show.

It feels like one of those shows which are getting exponentially more enjoyable the more shit your life is. So maybe smelly otaku hikkikomori lolicon escapist losers or just your average anime fan who likes cute girl shows with a cozy atmosphere.

I'm quite successful and love this show so much. I think it's more a matter of taste.

i have averaged six figures for the past five years, urara is AOTS

Can girls marry dolls?

But it represents her mother.

Those ribbons on Chiya's arms are really convenient, but I feel Koume would give them a better use.

I want to fuck the plumbob

Any other kirara with yuri subtext? already watched stricku, new gay and yuyushiki. Nene a shit.

All of them.

Sakura Trick and Gochiusa

Has american fairy fucked Naru in front of Yaya yet?


Or it could just be that great minds think alike.

I second picking up Hanayamata, its got some drama, but it always resolves quickly, an interesting premise and awesome music.

Don't forget two things:
1. "osakoi" means "lesbian sex"

>synchronized periods
It's a myth.


Machi's PAATO PAATO is best.

This is excellent advice though you forgot one thing. Don't forget to clean browser history before inviting your friends over for "osakoi" practice

Taking dumps is a bonding exercise.

Aside from the apparently poor disc sales is this show any popular in Nipland? Due to the distinct cultural setting and premise I wouldn't expect much popularity in western demographics except the most hardcore audiences but I hope it gets some love in the long run like Gochiusa.

>Chiya won't need you or the fox girl anymore

Is this new girl some kind of sumata youkai? I want to molest her and those thighs so badly.

nnb? too obvious?

nevermind, i'm a failure.

Sakura Trick isn't exactly subtext.

>Sakura Trick
Excuse me, user, what?

Really though.

Is Taichou gay?

Of course. She has to keep her relationship with Nina a secret so her underlings don't lose motivation.

This is only proper

Koume is a genius.

You know that it's considered slutty to wear yukata like that

You just don't understand fashion, user.


Give her a break, she's French.

Koume is a slut so I don't see the problem.

People who like sexualized 15 year old girls.

AKA me

So Awoo is really confirmed to be a White Wolf Tengu?

Hidamari Sketch? The first and best.

People who enjoy FUN

Fucking whores.

Don't insult them like that. The proper term is sex workers.

Oh shit, it's a manga?! Any translations at all?

Not yet, but we're working on it. There's no chance we'll catch up to the anime.

The guys that translate Dandelion are working on a translation for this.

>Sup Forums translates manga
>drops it as soon as anime has finished airing

every time

Dandelion aired in Summer 2015 and we're still at it.

Guess someone pointed it before (I've missed most threads), but I fucking knew that Koume looked like someone.

My wife Koume is so cute.


Me on top.

She's literally Nico.


She isn't a shit like Nico.

thank you for your efforts. i look forward to it.

Is rabureibu yuri?

//a told me this is a guy

This anime is trash, it did it all wrong. You're not supposed to bring up marriage or their future husbands in the actual show, you can allude to it but you don't make an entire episode out of it. Already I like it less now than I did last week. You just don't do that in this type of anime.

Never believe what Sup Forums says, also ignore the falseflagger above this post.

If you're looking for yuri subtext, look elsewhere. A whole city of women sounded too good to be true, and indeed it was.