Most of us did not intend to be Nazis. Even people who sympathized with fascist ideals didn't go around with armband and jackboot, or even necessarily want to. It's been ongoing, squealing pressure that's forced so many to pick up the swastika. If you love your nation, wish it to endure, think that endless progress and growth might not be the best for people, then your a nazi. So a lot of people started saying "well, fuck, i guess i'm a nazi then". There's also a small lure for pure shock value, a lot of people on the board and Sup Forums would qualify for the stereotypical "rebellious age" bit.
Meme magic is real and can be traced back to baneposting so hard that names, dates, locations and even appearances manifested in a real world event. Sadly much of what grew up from that root, Kek and Kekistan and the like, have been infested with happy-go-lucky useful idiots who don't get it, but pretending it didn't happen isn't much better. Plus, that'd mean whe'd have to stop making/praising cute anime death gods, and that'd just be sad.
The alt-right doesn't exist. It was a name slapped on to the gestalt shifting of the internet. In raw form, this is the perfect army from the Art of War. Formless, directionless, shapeless, it may not be efficient, but it's impossible to fight against. lt's like a randomly solidifying gas, clustering for a moment, then vanishing, never holding any form for long, if at all. By slapping on names like right/left, repub/dem or whatever, it forces that gas into a form that can be changed, destroyed, or at the least known. Stop eating the bait so much to become something, formless is better.
it's very likely this will side off, but i think it's good to clarify some things that might not be clear or simple to people.
Asher Mitchell
Quality fucking post
Joshua Reyes
Most of us are degenerate, and have what most of the more puritan on here would call degenerate habits. We drink, smoke, masturbate, gamble, and lord knows what all else. The difference is, i think, that most here have the decency to feel bad about it and attempt to keep it quiet. It's not so much the degeneracy itself, but the trumpeting of it as a virtue that seems the most damaging. Not saying it's good to embrace degenerate habits, but dealing with the semen-belching pride-parade-through-a-church type stuff is maybe a higher priority then a guy who cranks it to traps silently and in the comfort of his own home.
The holocaust may or may not have happened. People died, yes, but the big journalistic rule-of-thumb (who, what, where, when, why, how) could stand to be filled out more. Feelings aside, we should be allowed to at least ask questions. It seems like, if people wanted to keep the memory alive, people would be more willing, or even excited, to have people review and probe the information. The violent and law-backed rejection is enough to cause suspicion by itself.
A large portion of people just want to be left alone. Many don't join causes because they feel extremely strongly about it, but by supporting it there may be a better chance of people fucking off and leaving them alone. I've summed up my own desires as "harvest moon with wifi". Small community, reasonable self-sufficiency, enough advancement to make life comfortable, but not so much that people lose track of base human values. A lot of people feel the same.
People do shill here, a lot. Not everyone is a shill, but there are tons of them all the same. People with lots of money and manpower want the right to scribble inside your brain. Be aware of yourself enough to decide if you want to allow it or not.
Joseph Scott
Have you read seven pillars of wisdom by Lawrence of Arabia by any chance? He used the exact words formless directionless shapeless when he was describing the guerrilla warfare
Chase Lewis
This is art. You get what many of us feel, but cannot form into words. Thank you.
Carter Barnes
he even used the term dispersed like gasses behind the enemy
Benjamin King
>Most of us did not intend to be Nazis. Speak for yourself newfag shits. Maybe now that your boy Moore just got his shit kicked in by a pro abortion liberal in fucking ALABAMA, you will realize your bullshit ZOG sponsored "movement" means absolutely jack shit.
Nicholas Phillips
Posting in an epic thread
Xavier Turner
Who is paying you to be here shills? You are so fucking obvious it hurts. Seriously, get out of the game.
Josiah Richardson
Landon Gomez
Jaxson Gutierrez
Democrats are not Sup Forums. Republicans are not Sup Forums. Neither are nazis, antifa, indians, canadians, americans, men, women, or anything. We're faceless ego filtered through wires and nonsense, and so it should remain. People who pipe up about how they are such-and-such, and are therefore better/more knowledgeable then thou, are no better then a girl flashing cleavage to win an argument. we're ghosts, all, every one of us divorced from whatever world we are normally in. If you have to move above/outside that for respect, then it was probably a crap idea to begin with. Do shit in the real world, sure, but don't expect a e-handjob for being so cool.
You can not force something to work. Look at shit like tickle-me-elmo, one-hit-wonder band popularity, and digi-pets. Fads and interest do not make sense and cannot be controlled. What's more, if they die they die, and generally noting can be done to change it. Shit like "it's okay to be white" are amazing, and when it works it's great, but people get lazy and apathetic. That doesn't mean move to "stage 2" or whatever, just let it die. Remember that even bell-bottoms made a comeback, everything old will be new again, but only if you don't push it. let movements and ideas lay fallow a bit, and you'll be amazed how much of the initial spark they can recover. Apathy works both ways, it's annoying, but keeps people from learning from the past and building up a tolerance.
Benjamin Jackson
Anime website.
Evan Wilson
??? Wanna purity spiral harder?
Ian Long
>Realizing when a coordinated narrative is being pushed is purity spiraling. OK
Wyatt Diaz
Nazi's lived in the '30's. We live now. The Nazi's were German, we are not German. The Nazi's fucking lost, and we're going to exterminate every kike on earth.
James Sullivan
Apathy and nihilism are killing us. It's that simple and i can't stress it hard enough, they are killing us. Passion is what drives us and has allowed mankind to make and do so many things, but it's being smothered under sarcasm, irony and the general tone of derision handed out from the modern world. It's so...wrong to speak out loud, to be moved to tears by pain or beauty, to wax poetic in expression of love or hate. Instead bland, bland, bland, an endless dial tone of culture waiting for something to happen, but quickly drowning out anything outside the pale.
How many things have you not said because you were scared of what people would say? How many things have you hidden or even cast aside because you didn't want people to snicker at you? What did you not do because you were worried about what people might say? This feeling of dim repression is a large part of what's smothering the soul of the west to death.
Life isn't fair, or equal, but that's not a bad thing. some rise, some fall. Some have skill, some don't. However, dragging down the great so they will not outshine and shame the small is murdering the soul of the west. It is a great thing to wish to help and empathize with your fellow man, but not everyone can be a great artist, singer or statesman. It's better that way. To each their own, with compassion, yes, but shattering your tools as not to offend or shame those without is madness. Find your own slot, however great or small, and worry less about how it reflects on others.
Lincoln Martinez
Quality Op. I witness. Sure, the nazi imagery is powerful. But it was not what changed my mind. Attacks on my people, on children, on everything that make people decent and fair did. Faking history. Painting everything wrong and perverted as good. Disguising weakness as tolerance. Disguising ethnocide as diversity. Disguising war crimes as war for human rights. And at the end, attacks on my refuges from reality. SJW crap all over my hobbies. Then it was over. Our backs against the wall, we had to surrender or push back. I studied national socialism and understood. It happened before. It happening again. They literally create us. This meme contains more truth than many know.
Joshua Sanchez
And what exactly is the coordinated narrative? >The alt-right doesn't exist. It was a name slapped on to the gestalt shifting of the internet. In raw form, this is the perfect army from the Art of War. Formless, directionless, shapeless, it may not be efficient, but it's impossible to fight against. lt's like a randomly solidifying gas, clustering for a moment, then vanishing, never holding any form for long, if at all. By slapping on names like right/left, repub/dem or whatever, it forces that gas into a form that can be changed, destroyed, or at the least known. Stop eating the bait so much to become something, formless is better.
I just felt this statement resonates with Sup Forumss greatest strength, it's inability to be properly demagogued like a formal organization
Brody Gutierrez
I could explain and attempt to justify a lot. State i'm an insider, an old man, a young girl or whatever, but it wouldn't matter. I said things, and they make sense or they don't. Might well be a shill, trying to twist the narrative. Might be a troll, licking up (you)s like candy and giggling at the anger and attention. Might be a middle-aged father who's seen a fair bit of hell and hopes for brighter days. In the end, it doesn't matter. People will agree or not, understand or discard, as they wish. And that's how it should be. This is basically an exotic bathroom wall. Offhand, anonymous, and easily cast aside and painted over. This doesn't mean you can't put actual words of wisdom up if you so desire, but attaching too much connection to it is just silly.
No real point to be made, i guess. Seen too much wandering away, too many formless thoughts trying to breach the surface, and just felt compelled to try and push some of them up. At least i can say to myself that i tried, and all that. Maybe that's what's needed more in the world? People just to try, even doomed to fail, if only to tell themselves they did? maybe, maybe not, but it does help me anyway.
Gavin Davis
Yeah I had the most normie of my friends tell me that meme was most understood by them, was very surprising to me
Joshua Perry
>And what exactly is the coordinated narrative? Oh I don't know maybe 4 different "anons" showing up immediately and unilaterally agreeing on how great the OP and his post are. When in reality the post is shit, means nothing, is vague and contrived.
Luis Anderson
The real question is how do we TRULY convince the people that blacks and Jews need to be eliminated for the betterment of humanity?
Gavin Torres
Every day I wonder if the point of making the left repugnant and intolerable pieces of shit is for the shadow government to reveal themselves in a conservative light and destroy leftists, giving us a message of "see, we're the good guys, worship us we fucking killed those faggots for you and they're never coming back." and I could see Sup Forums going along with it just fine. Then 50 years down the line we're being forced into slave labor and submitted to the most sadistic technocracy to ever exist in concept.
Blake Flores
Muslims also
Nathan Robinson
As per the 2nd amendmant it is every citizens god given right to bear arms to detest oppressive government. Buy guns. Stay vigilant. >Id rather live a day as a lion, than 100 years a sheep
Henry Cox
Lol you have the reading comprehension of a 2 year old not to get the point in the section I quoted...seriously get help if you are that paranoid about what happens in some bullshit thread of some anons thoughts on Sup Forums at 6AM
Brayden Perry
If you can't tell that the OP is clearly JIDF then you're a fucking newfag
Ian Kelly
Nobody does that though.
Ryan Hall
This. Pretty obvious.
Owen Johnson
have a cookie ,user
Lincoln Davis
You let what other people do decide how you behave and act? How are you an individual?
Austin Bennett
>You let what other people do decide how you behave and act? Literally every human who has ever existed has done this. No man is an island. Well, no sane man.
Nathaniel Perry
Ridicule is a powerful, powerful tool, moreso then many realize. That isn't to say that you should just buck against everything, but use your head and decide, yourself, if you want to dislike or like something. It's very easy to manipulate people to turn negative into positive. To use a short example:
>two different anything, X and Y >folks want Y to prosper >"Only dummies like X, are you a dummy?" >"well, no, i just don't like Y so much, I-" >"HEY EVERYONE THIS GUY SAYS HE'S A DUMMY!"
and so on. it becomes easy to draw and confuse people from one position to the other if you understand how it works and commit to the manipulation.
The most powerful and arrogant tool, though, is the foregone conclusion. Make some progress, then just declare victory. If you make it seem like you already won, then it's very easy to get people to fall in line. Been seeing a ton of it on both sides in US politics lately, people declaring victory before a fight even begins, to try and fox people past the resistance stage. remember that victory only happens when the enemy either agrees or is eliminated by some means, anything else is strategy.
John Sanchez
I phrased that too concrete. I meant that if you see anything wrong with something that a lot of people are doing (ex: owning/not owning weapons) then why do it? If you are afraid of the future technocrat society you can't follow the pigs into slavery just because "nobody's fighting it". It takes brave people to go against the current.
James Bell
Life is a struggle.
Jeremiah Cox
Technocracy is the only rational system of governance. You seem to be a little confused about it's nature. The current globalist order is not 'technocratic', you should know this is true due to the simple fact that the media calls it such. Technocracy is a society ran by scientists and technicians based on a post-scarcity model with priority for design efficiency rather than cost-efficiency. It is a true meritocracy. The only people who should be scared by it are the kikes and their lackeys who 'run' the current order of fiat slavery.
Evan Kelly
We are the gateless gate.
>Gutei's Finger
>Gutei raised his finger whenever he was asked a question about Zen. A boy attendant began to imitate him in this way. When anyone asked the boy what his master had preached about, the boy would raise his finger.
>Gutei heard about the boy's mischief. He seized him and cut off his finger. The boy cried and ran away. Gutei called and stopped him. When the boy turned his head to Gutei, Gutei raised up his own finger. In that instant the boy was enlightened.
>When Gutei was about to pass from this world he gathered his monks around him. `I attained my finger-Zen,' he said, `from my teacher Tenryu, and in my whole life I could not exhaust it.' Then he passed away.
>Mumon's comment: Enlightenment, which Gutei and the boy attained, has nothing to do with a finger. If anyone clings to a finger, Tenyru will be so disappointed that he will annihilate Gutei, the boy and the clinger all together.
>Gutei cheapens the teaching of Tenyru, Emancipating the boy with a knife. >Compared to the Chinese god who pushed aside a mountain with one hand >Old Gutei is a poor imitator.
Dylan Williams
>The current globalist order is not 'technocratic' this, it's leet speak for 'run by economists and lawyers' , but they aren't technocrats, they are hot air balloons, a brigade of multidisciplinary scientists ought run things.