Why do only ugly men sexually harass women?

Why do only ugly men sexually harass women?

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You mean why are jews ugly...

...........because hot guys don't need to? Are you fucking retarded or something, you shitslurping mong?

Either you are so fucking attractive and ignorant, or just completely retarded.

Im going with the second.

Is there a more repulsive, sleazy looking jew around? Maybe except Polanski
Imagine actresses fucking for roles, facing his fucking face and feel his rotten jew breath down their nostrils

>harvey weinstein
>ugly guys
pick one, oh deformed goy

>because hot guys don't need to? Are you fucking retarded or something, you shitslurping mong?
Sexual assault has more to do with power and dominance over the victim than sexual urges

Because when hot guys do it, it's not harassment.

It's not sexual harassment if he's handsome.

Oh shut the fuck up you Jew-slurping womens studies libtard. Sex is about sex. Choke to death on a flaming golf club while a faggot bites chunks out of your bleeding ass fuckwit.

Hot guys do it too.

Tumblerinas with problematic color hair date chads that treat them like sex objects (because that's how chads work, if you look like a sex toy they treat you like one)

Then they complain that mens are pigs go all lesbian for a while and date the less treateaning soyboy they can, because making the simple realization that maybe, just maybe the way you looked influenced the way you were treated is beyond them.

This is how women think.

because it's not called harassment when the woman finds the guy good looking

Weinstein is so much of a stereotype it hurts.

i think you answered your own question there bucko

Then how do you explain prison rape you stupid nig?

>It's not sexual harassment if he's handsome.

Or rich and influential.
If money and career advances do not materialize for her then it becomes crime.

What? You don't think peak performance male like this can't find true love?

“Harassment” is relitive to how attractive you are. If some chad tried to do the things he did the girls would probably have just went with it and kept going on with their lives.. But since he’s an old ugly fuck they just went with it..... and then told everyone they were raped

Chris Rock had a bit about this. Women don't consider attractive men coming on to them harassment. They enjoy it.

It's only harassment when an ugly guy wants some. He was clear though "Sleep with me or you're fired" is over the line, but pretty much everything up until that point is "Just trying to get laid."

A butthole is a butthole after a few years in a gross cage.

When hot guys do it it's not sexual harassment. It's flattery

>step 1: be Emma Watson or another popular female movie star
>step 2: years of abuse and/or sexual harassment understandably turn you into a man-hating raging feminist
>step 3:????
>step4:start supporting corrupt politicians and political views that help said sexual attackers while simultaneously bashing political views that are trying to eliminate them

can anyone explain this to me

What do you mean? He's Gods gift to women.


also if you're hawt, it's never sexual harasment, it's just asserting yourself.

reminder, it's all relative.

a substantial amount of the roasties who whined about that fat kike did receive career advancements, but were past the Wall, and ergo, could no longer get a job.
it's just bitches being salty of not being able to leverage their cooze for a role.
kinda explain how certain atrocious actors land such roles, it's not the acting that counts, it's just the (bangable X puttingout) ratio that matter.

How do people not get this? Hasn't everyone seen women perk up and preen when a good-looking alpha walks into the room, trying to attract his interest? If he responds and comes onto her at a pace she signals she's okay with, it's all good and she'll brag about it to her friends later. If a guy she didn't signal interest to tries the exact same moves, she shoves him away -- or goes along with it for the job and then hates him.

ugly men n handsome men treat women the same-- women only consider it unwarranted attention when he's ugly.

Stockholm syndrome, blackmail, money, MKUltra, numerous possibilities really

10/10 chads don't get reported m8

They're not ugly. You are ugly.

Mental illnesses.

Because they need to rely on power, not attractiveness.


all he did was jerk off in front of some chick when he was drunk at some party now every woman in hollywood is saying they have been molested. it's just the final phase of 4th wave feminism playing out.

Kek lad couldn't have said it better myself

Truly ugly men you won't see on television or in any leading roles.
That's the biggest discrimination story no one cares about.

>what is black cube
>what is pizzagate
>what is kevin spacey(youngest confirmed victim: 14 years old)
>what is jeffrey epstein(youngest victim: 10-13 years old)
>what is bill clinton(youngest victim: unknown
>what is al franken (youngest victim: unknown)
>what is roman polanski (youngest victim: 10 years old)
>what is woody allen (youngest victim: 2 years-old)

Weinstein was just a smokescreen

Seriously guys, those confident, powerful guys are not ugly.

Oh meant to say I just wrote the names of the dudes in the black book. I think there was some prince too

+1 soudesune

Whats the difference between flirtation and sexual harassment? Whether or not the guy is cute.

t. cute guy

hey i'm chad-tier and i harass women all the time

It's called the Virgin harassment Vs the Chad seduction

Technically, nobody really needs to.
I'll never get the pussy hound mentality, even though the overwhelming majority of guys I work with have it. I'm pretty sure this girl I work with is going to have every guy on my team, aside from me, sniff at her until she gives it up with a smile before I'm finished working here.
I don't get why we're like this. It's so fucked up and sick, cheaper than hell.

Because if he's attractive then women don't consider it sexual harassment. What is and isn't sexual harassment and even sexual assault these days are entirely dependent on the woman's feelings, not factual reality. That's why being attractive and in a more general sense having charisma is a super power in the modern age.

Being dependent on the woman's feelings at the time was okay, because it just meant the man had to learn to read women a bit, so he could tell whether she was inviting more or warning him off. That dance worked fine. And when people were saner, the occasional slap told a man he'd miscalculated, without needing to get the cops involved.

Where it gets scary is when her feelings *in the future* matter. If you can be punished for something you did 10 years ago with a woman who was begging for more, because her feelings for you changed since then, then we're all screwed. That's what can't continue, because in the long run, even women won't be happy with the result when they can't get enough men to approach with confidence anymore.

>Why do only ugly men sexually harass women?

Because good looking men are sexually harassed by women?

Because it's the only metric by which it is considered harassment. Handsome men don't sexually harass women because women don't consider it harassment.

Women only consider it 'harassing' if it comes from ugly men. Sex initiated by them also will magically turn into 'harassing' years later if they believe there is something to win.
It is also incredibly easy to trick a woman into changing her opinion, as easy as it is to trick a child or a retard. That's why all mentally-stable cultures have distrusted the opinion of women, retards, crazies, and children in any serious matter (and of course, foreigners).


This is my feeling as well. Also throw in some jealousy at younger pussy literally doing the exact same thing so the old roadies pull up the ladder and rewrite history to make them victims instead of prostitutes (who were paid in full for their services)

can we start bullying people for abusing ellipsis again? this shit is getting out of hand and makes us all look like forum posters.

>Be a talentless slut.
>Sleep your way into fame and money.
>Lie to trick other girls into not following your steps, to reduce risks of losing everything to a younger slut.
Once you understands that liberals are dishonest who cheat and lie all the time, they start making a lot of sense.

t. Weinstein


and ugly men develop this urge out of frustration for being ugly


Is he virgin tier or Chad tier? It's hard to tell coz he probably banged a lot of actresses in their prime. Almost rivals the power of Dan Schneider

Jew tier who they try to paint as some giant beta to save face

You would think that he spent last two decades unsuccessfully chasing these sluts

Was Asia Argento tweeted that picture?

She's and her cuck bf Antony Bourdain are the biggest crusaders again every man.


You meant Jews?
Jews hate human...
Jews are Neanderthals who are into human sacrifice (they think of human as cattle hence the word "goyim" which means cattle in Hebrew "בקר")
The Jews are animals, they are very sexual and they can't control their emotion towards sex, money or gore

>prostitutes who were paid in full for their services
well put.
At least, that fat kike wasn't molesting kids afawk.
Not that he is innocent, being a kike and all, he should be sent in jail, but that shit smells like it's some minor slap to cover much, much worse.
pretty much why they constantly invert things when you tell them something.

your pic is stupid, all humans, to the exception of non-mixed africans, have some neanderthal DNA.
There is some real criticism to the jewish filth, but this one is so dumb you'd have to believe it is some well poisonning made by their own paws.
Hell, i could almost hear the distant chittering just from reading that pic.

Because when a good looking man sexually harasses a woman, it's considered flirting.

Alpha Chads don't need to, to get mountains of pussy