/ptg/ President Trump General - Out in Da Hood Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs pastebin.com/0znNg4MM

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump signs NDAA 2018 12/12/17
>AG Sessions/DHS Sec Nielsen briefing on MS13 12/12/17
>SoS T-Rex @Atlantic Council 12/12/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, Dir USCIS Cissna) 12/12/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 12/12/17
>WH Video: FlotUS Melania visits Children's Natl 12/12/17
>WH Video: Christmas @VP's Home 12/12/17
>WH Video: First Family hosts Hannukah Reception 12/12/17
>Pres Trump signs order taking us back to the moon and beyond 12/11/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on Res 2391 (G5 Sahel Vote) 12/11/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 12/11/17
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #20 (Lara) 12/11/17
>WH Video: Soon, Christmas @VP residence 12/11/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #43 (her name was Kate) 12/9/17
>Pres Trump/HUDSec "Sleepy" Carson arrive in WPalm Beach FL 12/7/17
>Pres Trump tours MS Civil Rights Museum 12/9/17
>Pres Trump speech @opening for Civil Rights Museum 12/9/17

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



>Created 259,000 (13.2%) less jobs February through November than Obama did in 2016 [1]
>Had the weakest job creation month in 83 months [1]
>February - November job creation numbers are the lowest since 2012 [1]
>February - November job creation numbers would be ranked 6th when matched up against Obama's numbers [1]
>Trade Deficit up $49.1 billion (11.9%) through October versus 2016 and getting worse[2]
>The US Dollar is down "bigly" versus the Canadian Dollar, Mexican Peso, Euro, Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, and most other currencies [3][4]
>The Dow Jones Industrial Average's growth, adjusted for the dollar's weakness, for the January 20 - December 1 period is down 15.3% vs 2016 [5]

Where's that "strong economy" Drumpfkins?

[1] data.bls.gov/timeseries/CES0000000001?output_view=net_1mth
[2] trade.gov/mas/ian/build/groups/public/@tg_ian/documents/webcontent/tg_ian_003364.pdf
[3] x-rates.com/historical/?from=USD&amount=1&date=2017-01-20
[4] x-rates.com/historical/?from=USD&amount=1&date=2017-12-01
[5] secure.marketwatch.com/investing/index/djia/historical

hahaha get the fuck out of here bannon

I think Roy should have campaigned harder if he wanted to win. Doug Jones out campaigned him fuck me.


I'm kind of blackpilled right this second, but imagine the salt if Moore actually somehow wins or if Jones isn't actually a cuck and turns Republican.

Who keeps drawing these?


Republicans are just Democrats.



>Thousands of fake ballots found pre-filled out for Doug Jones.
>A shell company called Highway 31 was involved with creating completely false attack ads against Roy Moore.
>These attack ads were so blatantly false they had to be removed from air.
>Serious voter intimidation.

Don't let this slide. The democrats stole the election, and there's documented evidence. They aren't getting away with it this time.


>Gerrymendering in 2020 would fuck over Republicans HARD

In GA-6 Democrats AND Republicans turned out. ONLY in that election. Not in Virginia or any of the other ones. Huge issue.


Why are you ashamed of yourself Thailand???

So is Steve "Israel First" Bannon's career officially over?

>Has Sessions done anything of ANY worth that's not related to some bullshit weed thing?
Not to my knowledge, no. Unless you're an illegal immigrant or use marijuana he doesn't lift a finger.

Jesus Christ, STFU Bannon

What a shit excuse, you fucking picked him

Imagine the salt if Sanders becomes Republican.

I slipped on ice and hurt my back this morning so I can't go into work. I guess I am here shitposting all day.



>I think he was trying to do the right thing.
My point exactly. His goal is nobel, but he completely misjudged the time and means of accomplishing this goal. And Bitch McConnell didn't help either.

Establishment is etablishment. D or R next to your name makes no difference. It will be hilarious though if the last second mil vote somehow pushed Moore to the finish line.

Malacath always had the worst questline


>anderson pooper had a little too much to drink last night and attacked trump on twitter
>cnn says his account was 'hacked'

they have an excuse for everything


Alabama is a single seat with a 3 year duration. The House is 50+ seats.

Right now???

Because I know the swisscuck didn't see it

I'm going to filter you because you're annoying and because Finnish people are useless imbeciles who deserve to be flooded with Somalis far more than the Swedes, but Republicans couldn't lose the House in 2018 even if they wanted to simply because it would require too many conservative districts to flip.

People who think "DA 2010 MIDTERMS SAW FLIP SO 2018 WILL SEE FLIP" are fucking morons who refuse to look at the map and realize that in 2006 the liberal Republicans in the Northeast and West Coast were voted out and in 2010 the conservative Democrats in the South and Plains were voted out.

Elections are not fucking magic.

>declares war on the GOPe
>"wtf why is the GOPe at war with my guy?"

You are stupid in many ways

better question is how do you live with such low intelligence

Nah man, he'll be around "fighting" the (((Establishment))) by getting tragically flawed primary candidates into general election contests so McTurtle can keep stealing money from the American tax payer until he dies.

Guys, let's not fall for any more conspiracy rubbish.
We proved to be better than the libs when Don won and they went psycho, as they claimed we would.
Let's not succumb to temptation and lower ourselves to their level.
Instead, let's focus on nominating more reasonable, level-headed candidates in the future.

I cannot possibly see the Democrats winning anything come 2018. I say this because they are doubling down on associating with SJW's. Go to any un-moderated comment section on any site and SJW issues are always the majority hating on leftists. I live in Los Angeles and if you read the comments in our local newspapers online, like daily breeze or LA times, it's always 80+% of people here sick to fuck of democrat politicians. Only reason they have stayed in power is because of voter fraud and rigging elections.


This guy isn’t going anywhere. How will Boomer cucks ever recover?

yknow finn, you irritate me. However, it almost feels like you shit on us in here to keep us from getting blindly complacent.

Like a well wishing bully.

Clot for McTurtle when?


Every morning, the same copy pasta, it's like you enjoy being BTFO.

>Finnish people are useless imbeciles who deserve to be flooded with Somalis far more than the Swedes
Kill yourself, that's a proxy or shitskin
You don't talk about closest military ally like that nigger

>GOPe Boomer shills say Bannon is unhinged

Morning Joe is my favorite show on TV!!

Republicans staying home could and will fuck us if we don't staet doing sonething.

Woke up sick, I figure it's time to read and shit post. Hope your back feels better user.

>just imagine how hilarious these impossible scenarios would be
Imagine how hilarious it would be if you guys actually ran a competent candidate

picking a fight with our team can come after we we destroy the other team.

He is.


>Brooks is your first choice
>but instead of backing brooks in the primaries you back moore because ???

Yeah okay genius 5D chess there bannon can't wait to see what other great candidates you back since you're clearly not going to fuck off


Literally fuck off you retarded shitposting fucktard

Sup shareblue

I wouldn't be surprised. It's amazing the level of cognitive people have about "our side" in the Congress. They're all the same. Democrat or Republican they all serve the same masters and they're not the American people.

America will be like Sweden in 50 years time, there will be no white Europeans left and will have Brazil tier crime and poverty.

in retrospect, the sessions appointment has done more harm than good, i'd say.

In every election besides GA-6 Democrats have turned out, Republicans haven't. That's 9 elections out of 10, way more if you divide Virginia into parts. (way more than one election, isn't that supposed to be the saving grace??)

Insert that to your 'calculators.' I wonder why...

she really doesnt like the gillibrand tweet

I hope frankenstein doesnt resign

not that anything could possibly teach the retarded cuckservatives a lesson but it would be funny

Shut up cunt

"At least we're not like them." Verbatim.

You can also make the historical argument that the incumbent President often loses seats in the next mid-term election

Is this from today, or yesterday?

The didn't turn out in VA, AL, KS, MT, SC, GA-34.

But its all good, no reason to be concerned. Alabama was purple anyways amirite?

Doesn’t matter. Sessions is the only one who is supposed to have authority over Rosenstein/Mueller and he decided to recuse himself because MSNBC asked him to.

Sessions is powerless and so is the Senate, in that regard. Rosenstein’s kangaroo court will stay open indefinitely.

Educated white Republicans are the onlx group that actually bothers voting.


Really wish he’d stop obsessing over weed.

I choose to believe I misjudged you either way.

Sup dicksucking faggot.


I am so blackpilled, why did you allow this /ptg/!!

this morning, and she is still going


Well yeah, that's why trumpism is supposed to replace Republicans completely and rape the ashes of the GOP
But it isn't happening because Trump needs them for voting to get shit done and he can't shake the fuckers
Once McCancer dies I predict we will see a radical shift
Imo except for based Hatch and Cotton everyone in the government that wasn't chosen by Trump should be hung from a street lamp in D.C., no exceptions

AL has to pay a price for this, and one that they'll actually give a shit about. would be a shame if it comes out that nick saban had signed some young woman's yearbook before the big playoff games and is forced to step down.

I'm sure yesterday you couldn't see Moore losing the election either

Just because the only people who use the comments section are you pathetic losers doesn't mean the rest of the country feels the same

I don't like Franken as a politician, but he announced stepping down too fast under pressure. He still has due process and stuff, he may not go for real.

Yeah, no shit. It's been a goddamn disaster. If he would just do something I'd be so happy but I think he naps all day in between marijuana busts. I don't understand him at all.

Because I love you

And Democrats, currently..

Why would Boomer Republicans turn out when Fox News is telling them not to because Jesus will hate them?

Punished Seal

You stormfags are just useful idiots for democrats to make anyone right of vladimir lenin look bad

reposting this again since it was late last thread:

I'm from Alabama. Gen Z.
Did my duty. Just as surprised as anyone by the result.

The polls were fucking empty when I went just after noon. I feel like we failed the country and I'm just so sorry. Awoo for posterity.

New 88D chess trump tweet
pic related
>meadia mainstreamis

That's what I mean.
Time to get these rural retards out to vote.

Pretty sure this dude could run on freeing all baby rapists and I'd still vote for him

Why do you worship germany, aka the most cucked country on the planet next to sweden?


Oh God, she made like 20 tweets like just yesterday. She's completely nuts.

Fucking based. I wish I could vote for Snake.

>Criticizing cultural marxism makes one a loser

Alabama has become a blue state. Congratz.

> However, it almost feels like you shit on us in here to keep us from getting blindly complacent.
He is. He also does it for the easy (you)s. Capitalism is this incredible system which rewards entrepreneurship, he found a niche and excelled at it. Easy (you)s, unlike the toothpaste that gives out more (you)s than he gets

Nah, make the dems play by their own rulebook. Investigate the fuck out of this election, especially the (((electronic voting machines)))

OANN calling the election and then deleting the article was really embarrassing for them.

Laughing my fucking ass off at you trump supporting robots. History won't miss you.


Reminder, Doug Jones is only holding the position for 2018 since it was a special election.
2018 won't be much of getting things done as much as it will be about optics and preparation for elections.
Don't fret lads, hold on to that spaghetti.


So the Democrats attacked Moore non-stop because of a TEENAGER (notice they never used that word, they always said "little girl", damn accurate wording, right?) who was of LEGAL age.

And yet the Democrats never get fucking called out on supporting or having as supporters people and schools giving condoms or dildos or advocating trans-surgery for kids who have not even reached puberty yet!

We need to fucking take this on. We need to find every single school, every single institute, every single adult person who has advocated anything sexual for pre-pubescent children, and find any Democratic politicians who are connected with them, or even who just run that district or state, and fucking lay this shit on them non-stop. This should not be hard for us, we hear stories like this all the time now. Just find the stories and any active Democratic politician who can be connected should be grilled publicly for that.

What if Trump has employed a team of memers, and they're here posting OC Like this one?

>I'll accuse you of being Shareblue!
>Wait, that didn't work! S-stormfag!
Keep thinking democracy will save you from the current civilization war