Brit/pol/: Asian Report

Reminder of the price of your takeaway.

>Jahirul Miah, 41, drove around asking children on the way to school if they wanted to “have some fun” or earn cash.

> He put his hand up her top, touching skin, and forced her hand onto his groin.

>The woman’s friend asked Chikong Tang if she could use the lavatory in HK Diner.
Tang “shimmied” in, grabbed her buttocks, buried his nose into her chest and shook his head.

>Dr Kamran Ali, 39, denied counts including six counts of sexual assault.
Southend Magistrates court heard the sexual assault allegations have been made by former patients who claim Ali touched them inappropriately during examination.

>Woman raped in car in Lowestoft after accepting lift from man.
The suspect is described as being Asian, aged between 30 and 40, short and of slight build.

>A MAN tried to lure a teenage girl into having sexual contact.
Shahjhan Iqbal admitted to meeting a 13-year-old girl between September 2 and 6.
The 30-year-old asked the girl to show him ‘her p***y’ and attempted to arrange a meeting before he was arrested.

Other urls found in this thread:

is £20,000 good starting money?


Go stick your insect face in an unsuspecting white woman's chest.

why are they all such pedos?

Has goal posting went too far?

Getting up early to watch everyone loves Raymond and Frasier on channel 4 is the life

Pakistan and India are in Asia


If Britpol was a dog you'd do the decent thing and take it for a one way trip to the vets.
Also please remember to spay or neuter your tripfags.


>Private property smashed.
>Testicles kicked up into body cavities
>Knees bent backwards.
>Distal fractures galore
>Caved skulls.
>Terrible bruisng
>Deano laid out in the gutter after accidentally picking a fight with Big Dave the Prick from down the road, his blood pissing into the asphalt.
>All because Mgubu Ngwembe missed the fucking PENALTY WOT A FOOKIN SPACKA

Based ching chong

Yeeer know it's true
Weeeer red and blue

Curry in the genes

Oh yeah this reminds me need to make a thread about Frasier.

I liked Peter Bone's too.

Tossed salads and scrambled eggs


lmao, actually I find this posting pretty funny as it's often a dark, chilling reminder that the masses whom are required for the great transition to take place are so easily misguided and already have been by an elite few who plot against the people of this nation. It is a meme way of agreeing but also reminding the user of this fact. At least it's politically relevant.

Are there any special events being planned for Britpol on Christmas Day?

Cheeky shitposting after Crimbo dinner

Start emigrating.


Oh ffs now it's just spam and tripfagging.

See you later. The last thread was pretty good.


Was Woes always such a cuck and we just didn't realize it until now?

Probably 8ch to see if there's any political discussion going on, then /brit/ for any worthwhile discussion, finally brit/pol/ to talk about the Porridge Xmas special if they're showing it.

So your 2 posts were
>haha this spamming is actually great!! And here's why.
>oh no it's gone too far, bye
in the space of 5 minutes.


And I didn't actually leave, either. I said I like a certain type of spamming for a particular reason, not that threads should be shitted up by it. The user who did it to me did it perfectly, even quoting me to give it context. Not the same as just spamming african footballer names with no context. Although, subversively, it still seems politcally relevant, even as spam. If a football lad realised him and his lads were being mocked for submitting to multiculturalism and idolising africans then they might think twice about the way they are living, I suppose.

But yes, I am fickle, you are right.

Thank you for sharing this.

>Europeans WILL be mad about this
>Jesus the SON OF GOD didn't walk their pastures green


Why do they call it the Conservatives?

Wtf that guy is white

British men are disgusting that they allow their 13 year old daughters to meet 30 year old Pakistani men for sex. Literally beyond repair. How about, I don't know, teaching your fucking kid to not be retarded, you cuck?

Because they like to *jam* dragon dildoes into their rectums

Janmaat's white you fuckin nerd.

Man'll be spending Christmas Day with the famm and the squad.

It's not just Pakistanis what do it m8. Don't be blinkered by bigotry innit

How are they supposed to include these people in the curriculum? Even today there are, at most, (according to a high-end estimate put out by a research group whose focus is trans issues) about a bit over 600thou gender nonconforming people in Britain. Some estimates are actually as low as 6.5thou. How do you celebrate people who are practically non-existent?


Hope I get some new kickers for timbo innit

The state of the British populace.

That pic's bare dumb man ain't Asian famm.

I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at here

It's all different now. When I was a kid, you'd get the pedo to give you a tenner, then get the older kids to kick the shit out of him. Now, you get dragged in a van and raped by some scrawny cunt with less money than you.

Love this movie lads

meanwhile kids all across america are getting diddled by the people you voted in to power

Man used to just call the rozzers on any dodgy mandem hanging round the school innit

I think the suggestion is that when Americans say "Asian", they mean orientals, but when the Batty Boy Cunts says "Asian", they always mean paki scum. Can't be admitting it's always cunts from the same area of the world doing this shit, can we?

What in the fuck are you even trying to say?

I don't think Trump is a pedo, prob just a rapist to be fair.

*Paddy rage intensifies*

diddler in chief
wouldn't be surprised if he slipped one to ivanka

>Can't be admitting it's always cunts from the same area of the world doing this shit, can we?
Does Asian not do that?

He's a white teenagers in a Grimsby deanobox who pretends to be black


Nah, since Asian as a genericism covers a whole continent, from Middle-easterns, to Russians, to Indonesians.

lmao, just spat cheese and crackers all over my keyboard and spilt some of my tea as a result of my mirth. Chortle.


When the BBC uses "Asian" everyone knows they're talking about Mohammed Bin Diddler Abdullah. When they talk about every other actual Asian they'll refer to them as Chinese, Jap, Korean etc. Not sure what the point is.

Well if there was any dodgey man roaming round my ends the fuzz get a tinkle to check. get me?

It's Newspeak.


If man think I'm a white boy see 4 urself. I'm usually at Bradley inn on Friday night.

The point is that only bongs use "Asian" that way, and refuse to understand that they are the only ones doing so. indicates that even Sweden Yes is confused by that usage.

>new dennis the menace
>school is clearly modeled after an american high school
>no sign of it being set in britain at all
>non-white characters frequently take up the entire screen
>dennis is now a complete cuck who only helps people
>the butt of jokes are ALWAYS white men

A normie wouldn't have picked up on that.

But why does that matter? We aren't trying to communicate Americans or Continentals, we're communicating to eachother

Why you still watching cbbc m8?

Same reason I watch BBC news. To see the latest propaganda.

>The 'national neutrality' approach was revealed by Denis-Jose Francois, head of 3D at Jellyfish Animation, the company commissioned by Beano Studios to create the upcoming series.

>He told the trade magazine Broadcast: 'You safeguard yourself against international sales by avoiding things that are idiosyncratic to one particular country.
Your TV on global capitalism mixed with the beeb

Man's been trying to make a new meme (like pepe and wojack)

Rate it famm.

>everyone knows
not true, outliers add up

Dan the spam. Fuck off, you thread-shitting tripcunt.

memes have really gone downhill desu

you'd think we could call them pakis since we created the fucking state in the first place. Apparently it's ok to call americans yanks.

I've been trying my hand at artistry... give man an honest critique aight?

Unironically better than Emin.

Somewhat charming... i like that shade of blue.

scary and not in a good way

boys. am i autistic? honestly can't even remember writing this shit.

anyway, trusty ol' dt770's finally died after 5 years of being thr n against the wall everytime someone killed me in arma 3. got a replace for me christmas innit. where da real audiophiles at (no normies allowed)

also, is joy division and/or new order actually worth a listen? Or are these just some suicide-core marketing gimmick hipster bands people pretend to like to sound cool? only ever heard this song, the other song that Moby did better in the movie Heat, and 'Love will tear us apart' obviously.
dunno loads, sounds kinda basic bitch 1970's emo tbqh

nice to see a Britpol that isn't full of Guardian, Independent, and BBC links for a change

even this subject matter isn't as stomach churning as that garbage

Is he desu though?

Steve is /our guy/

>Ofsted chief Amanda Spielman has warned that underperforming schools can get caught in a culture of "disadvantage one-upmanship", where schools focus too much on their pupils' deprivation.

>The Ofsted chief suggested schools seemed sometimes to be competing over how many pupils were on free school meals or how many did not speak English as a first language.

>She likened it to the Four Yorkshiremen sketch from the Monty Python comedy series, where characters make increasingly exaggerated claims about hardship when they were growing up.

>These struggling schools were most likely to be in disadvantaged areas with a high proportion of poor white pupils, to have a high turnover of staff, and heads and teachers facing "burnout".

>But Ms Spielman said that there were thousands of other schools facing similar challenges which were performing much better.

>She warned of an ongoing problem with unregistered religious schools which were operating illegally and which could be teaching extremist views and seeking to "isolate young people from the mainstream".

>Ms Spielman called for stronger rights for inspectors to intervene and seize evidence, such as books or documentation.

>She warned of such schools promoting sexist or homophobic views.

britpol is my school. i'm studying for an ma in deanoposting


Did Hitchens actually say that in an article recently?

>>The Ofsted chief suggested schools seemed sometimes to be competing over how many pupils were on free school meals or how many did not speak English as a first language.
Because you keep setting targets which rely on the schools having students enter under those conditions and leave with impeccable results.
>>She warned of an ongoing problem with unregistered religious schools
That's insane, man. Is it the Papists? It's obviously the Papists. Christians are just mental and dangerous, aren't they? A real threat to Britain. Got to be the Papists.

no offence intended to the work put in, it just seems very lefty sometimes

He says it often, whenever he's asked what advice he'd give to young people in Britain.

guardian and bbc have some good articles


Oy vey goyim! No mandatory Holocaust Studies classes? The chutzpah on you!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

*shoots self*

Does he have any good interviews about when he was a Trotskyist?

There is nowhere to emigrate too

>That's insane, man. Is it the Papists? It's obviously the Papists. Christians are just mental and dangerous, aren't they? A real threat to Britain. Got to be the Papists.
They probably are more """concerned""" about Catholic schools than Muslim ones. You can't virtue signal to other cucks when you close down a Muslim school.


There's a gradient between arabs and asians where brown and yellow mix, but the term "asian" commonly refers to someone with slanted eyes and yellow skin. However, because there's a few brown shits who are technically asian (but who's nationality doesn't appear on a Chinese takeaway menu), the whole brown lot--nearly all the way to black--are suddenly "asian". It's the BBC's way of swindling the country out of placing the blame of the group responsible.

However, now the term "asian" has taken on another definition: shitskin rapists the media are too spineless to call out.

Does anyone have that email of user emailing Joe Owens about Brit/pol/ and Joe tells him to stop contacting him?