THIS. Invest in us, Sup Forums

THIS. Invest in us, Sup Forums

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Asking wypipo for money as usual.
The absolute state of ooga boogas.
Also, sage.

OMFG please dems hand the reigns of your party over to proud PoC womyn
No more white men should run for office under the dnc party banner ever

Yassss. Africa 2.0 now!

Why would they give you anything? It's not like you can vote for Republicans and voting for a third party is the same as voting GOP. Giving money to African-Americans is pointless. You really should know better OP.

But they already have.

I thought slavery was illegal?

Ill have to buy some dindus from Negro INC

We saw what happens when you do this, it's called Baltimore


>yfw wypipo will never be as prosperous and advanced as Liberia

This is deep

liberals haven't invested in blacks since the slave trade

we'll just give them more money to organize protests

that will keep them happy

>Gasoline setting off matches

Lmao that's pretty retarded.

blacks don't even want to build wealth to pass on to children, so.we have been investing... so much so they get free meals in schools and weekend meal bags for free.

>Vote democrat because they say they will support you
>They never do
Are they finally starting to understand the democratic party now? They just want your vote, and say anything to get it.

boomer get ye gone

>give us resources our give us resources!
The absolute state of negroes

Organized slavery should return.

>If you think black people are gonna sit on their hands and ignore Roy Moore lauding slavery, that we have forgotten Selma and Birmingham and those four black girls, and the daily racism we live with just trying to go about our business and live our lives — think again. Wake up and smell the black coffee folks.

>In spite of concerted and ongoing efforts by white people to suppress and disenfranchise the black vote — not just in Alabama — we continue to be the most dependable Democratic Party voting block. Period. Especially black women, though our brothers are far more often disallowed from voting due to having a record, or being incarcerated.

>While we have been dismissed, ‘buked, scorned and dubbed “low info”, and “not progressive” especially those of us who live in what are called “red states” — why is it you don’t get the fact that those states have been painted red with our blood ‘cause they are rigged for white racists?

>The majority of black folks still live in the South. Just take a look at the states with the largest black populations. Instead of chasing the white working class bigots who voted for Trump due to so-called income insecurity — I have been saying for years that the Democratic Party needs to focus major efforts on getting black folks their voting rights.

>There is nothing progressive about ignoring black Democrats. There is nothing progressive about playing into suppressing our votes with caucuses either (a subject for an upcoming rant)

>This is not a new topic for me and those of us who are members of Black Kos — (and just in case you don’t know it — a majority of Black Kos members are white) which most of you don’t even bother to read or rec. Maybe you should. You might learn something. David Reid (dopper0189) our founder and Managing Editor just pointed out in Black Kos Year in Review yesterday, that March 28th, 2018 will mark the 10th anniversary of Black Kos the group. That diary — a compendium of a year of hard work here — got 34 recs. Yet efforts on here dismissing and dissing black elected officials and journalists fly to the top of the wreck list.

Whats to stop the RNC from doing that?

Why? All you got to do is tell blacks that these evil white devils are trying yo keep you down with oppressive voter ID laws and they'll vote for a white globalist. Why cater to them. They already have their vote.

Have you ever fucked black women user? What does it feel like?

No they're saying that the people will ignite trump and he will explode

If it hasn't registered with them by now, it's not going to register. Save your breath.

>transform nations
Is that what we’re calling ruining them now?

the only thing im about to invest in is hollow-points.

GIBS me, dat

They already gave control of it to Obongo.

P.S.: They're fucking broke now

Black people have 50 words for "give me!"

raising money and doing nothing? typical democrats

ok but only if you agree to fuck my wife

>Giving money to African-Americans is pointless.
small boost for the lotto and liquor businesses though isn't it?

We tried that, once. Gave them their own land and self reliant communities.

It's called Liberia and it's awful.
It's also called Haiti and it's awful too.

>being so racists that you consider it "investing" in a race.
If you deserve a position in Goverment you will earn it lik everyone else, stop asking for handouts.


>We can...

Maybe you can start with getting a job?


>lead, change and transform nations
How's that working out for Africa or Haiti?

> the honky ass white people in this thread who actually dont realize how black Alabama is.
White men in Alabama stayed home last women came out and voted.
thats the "absolute state" of the GOP in Alabama. Stay triggered.

It's just dumb it's like if I go into a negotiation and I want to give them 200k to purchase one of their buildings and they say we'll give you a small shack for 250k and I take the deal and go awesome now they'll eventually just give me that building because I gave them so much.

Okay let's invest in black people. I'll start:


Complete horseshit. The race in Alabama was swung by the NAACP and others putting boots on the ground, funded in no small part by Highway 31 and other PAC’s.

In other words, the Democrats used black people to win an election. She’s literally asking for something Democrats already do ... when it’s convenient.

This. It should have been reversed but people just can't be fucked to actually put thought and effort into things.

Slide Thread. Who cares what OP has to think ((((If he can)))) or your "witty/insightful", emotional response.

Everyone should go troll #blackwomen on twitter with chart of single mother rates and welfare usage

> voting for a third party is the same as voting GOP

how? exactly?

How would anything change?
Describing yourself as "woke" now carries more political risk than benefit.
If the DNC ever wanted to supercharge the right, it'd be by turning itself into a legit black LGBTQFAG party.

Honestly, imagine what we could do if we invested into whites instead of worthless nigs and gibs

>I have been saying for years that the Democratic Party needs to focus major efforts on getting black folks their voting rights.
>blacks don't have any voting rights
Oh boy, when did this happen? I must have missed this somewhere when blacks elected a black President a second time.

>we gonna change the fuck outta alabama with this one guys the Dems are finally back in powe...

I'll invest in a boat

you'll turn the DNC into a black utopia to rival Detroit

you is da leader. go do it and post it here.

niggers were a mistake

Still a nigger.

> we come to Sup Forums for the "emotional responses"
sorry, are we fucking up your safe space?

I already invest 20% of my income every paycheck on dindus. When will I see a return on my investment?

Typical niggers

Invest in Black futures today!

Niggers have seen nothing but increases to their welfare with Democrats in power. It's all they care about, so why would they ever vote for anything else?

Democrats don't give a shit about niggers, and niggers don't give a shit about Democrats, but as long as the gibs keep flowing and they keep ooga-boogaing whenever Massah Soros signs dem bonus checks, the niggers are going to be a useful tool for the party that formed the KKK.

> TIL only black people voted for Obama
you don't actually read the news, do you? you just watch young angry dudes rant on youtube. thats cool. thats cool.

We Demand 3rd World Nightmare Zones Now!!

I'll never invest in you. I'd need to see some real effort made to remove the degeneracy that infests your culture.

When I see black men off their corners slinging dope and in the home being fathers and a responsible head of their households I just might toss you a few bucks.

Until then, we will make sure there are enough jail cells to house the next generation of black males.

>Democrats in power.
you mean two presidencies in almost 40 years?
yeah, its all our fault black people hate you.

Better to invest in private prisons.

Ironically they end up investing in them.
>Based huwat poople

HAHAHAHA You don't think you get enough gibs to be used as a voting block against americans niggers? Not only do you want the gibs you want only niggers in charge of the US democrats.

>though our brothers are far more often disallowed from voting due to having a record, or being incarcerated
lol niggers

Yea das right they invest so they can buy these guccie branded cloths and basketball sneakers .

>niggers get affirmative action
>niggers get subsidized housing
>niggers get welfare
>niggers are almost like a protected animal. nobody can criticize them or there are career ending repercussions or niggers will attack like feral animals
>niggers want more gibs
Really makes you think

Gasoline doesn't explode, it burns. it only explodes when under pressure.

Black Kos
(((Reid))) president of course she says it's majority white..sure doesn't say jewish..always the jews..every time

I was instantly blocked for praising Rhodesia and SA. What did she mean by this?

I hope they do. Lol.

You have a hard time understanding what you read huh sweety? Work on that before saying stupid shit like that again hun.

Actually we should encourage the DNC to blow their money on niggers

It's basically an unending moneysink ,and if they don't invest in niggers, they be racist and we should tell EVERYONE that the DNC won't really invest in blacks beyond their votes

American elections are almost completely first-past-the-post winner take all affairs. Any vote not going to the first or second-most vote getting candidate reduces the total number of votes needed to win the election. If there are 9000 registered voters, a winning candidate needs at least 4501 votes to win. However if there are 3 candidates, then a winner could garner as few as 3001 and still be elected. Only in the most feverish of progressive fantasies will a Black Nationalist, Green, Social Democrat, or Communist candidate get more votes than the Republican party, so votes going to those parties are supporting Republican election chances.

Havent countries already invested billions of dollars into africa over several decades already? When will those "investments" start to pay off?

I think it's funny that they think black women are leading.
>We can vote, we can also lead, change and transform nations.
Transform nations is that what destroying a nation is called these days?
No nigger women, you were USED as TOOLS for the democrats. You went out literally and voted 97% of black women voted for jones. Like the gib desiring retards you are. And then afterwards you go on twitter and not only make it blatantly obvious, not realizing the implications of it. But pretending that it's a good thing and that it somehow shows leadership, and then argue that only blacks should lead the democratic party and DNC should just give money to some black people.
You know what i think it's a blessing in disguise that Doug Jones won. It's so blatant what's going on with niggers and they're even proud about it. They honestly don't even realize the implications of them talking so much about it.
In a way its a blessing that doug jones won.
make it CRYSTAL CLEAR to whites that nonwhites vote as a unified block against them, and are explicitly and overwhelmingly opposed to white interests. We don't want anybody to be falsely mistaken that the US democracy is anything more than a demographic game with one confused racial group as the majority, after all!

blacks are dead weight for society

This needs to be supported. The more anti-white the DNC becomes the more whites will start acting in their own collective interest.

"Give us free shit"

Just do it.

> invest in black people

she's right
they can transform any nation they want into zimbabwe

then you may as well say that voting for the GOP is the same as not voting at all. Many people dont realize that NOT voting...IS voting. It's you throwing support behind the status quo, and opting for no change from the current course.
In a brazenly pathetic attempt to side with whoever seems like the most intelligent people in the room, youve opted for the cynical, defeatist "theyre ALL corrupt so you cant possibly win" banner, which is simply so you can avoid having to do actual homework to defend an ideal that you know people will pick on you for having. and whats worse than being picked on, right?

Niggers ruin everything

Poor whittle trumpfkins are crying cause blumpf is going to lose congress in 2018...payback time. Salt is delicious.

Yeah and see everything turned to shit. These people couldn't even fucking take care of their own fucking neighborhoods without shooting eachother

Replace niggers with bob-ombs and the memes write themselves.

>literally "need mo monay fo dem programz"

>Y’all need to invest in buhlack pipo

I’d rather invest in Pokémon cards.

It's not good for the Dems if people have to choose between a potential child molester and a guy who goes against everything they believe in. They choose the dem only cause of how Roy Moore would have made all of them look bad. Picking him isn't a guaranteed win for Dems like you really think. Even in Virginia, people came forward saying they only voted for Dems cause they didn't like the Republican candidates but still hate the Dems. That really isn't winning, that's choosing to either saw your arm off or your own foot.

>Poor whittle trumpfkins are crying cause blumpf is going to lose congress in 2018...payback time. Salt is delicious.
How is it like being a manipulating fraud, being totally ok with using immigration and ethnic balkanization to procure votes for a party that has no other program, other than buying votes with taxpayer money to get themselves elected, and then think falsely that the rest of humanity is as tragic as you?
This is EXACTLY what the US democrats are.

They are already given plenty of resources.
Black people cannot lead a country but they sure as hell can transform it into a pile of superficial garbage.

>Invest in us, Sup Forums
Why invest in you when you're all so stupid they can just lead you around by offering you free Koolaid and telling you whitey is the cause of all your failures?
You aren't smart enough to realize that the left leads you with lies because they can, and the right doesn't because we are better people.

>whipepo help
every fucking time

Why? You hate us.
We want our own state for our people only

>two more supreme court nominations before teh next presidential election
republicans btfo