Black women votes

Why do black women religiously vote for democrats/bigger government?

Damn near 100% of them voted blue in the recent Alabama election.

100%!!! What the fuck kool aid are they drinking?

Other urls found in this thread:

>muh welfare
>muh WIC


The Negro is too stupid and lazy to succeed under capitalism, and therefore they vote for gibs everytime.

republicans are racist

See this bugs me. I know a few,very successful black folks. And they vote against their interests every time. Why? For what reason do you want the demokkkrat party in power? It makes no fucking sense

Why would you expect to vote for a party that is against them?

It's for fucking gibs man. Literally everyone on this planet knows that. What the fuck is wrong with you? Niggers are the most gullible sub humans in existence.

They're leeches.

the just really hate pedos

Yeah what morons--why wouldn't they vote for a racist diddler?

>What the fuck kool aid are they drinking?
water melon

Women have chosen the state as their providers and protectors, and black women in particular need the state to replace men (who knock them up and leave) and provide for them.

Black women are virtually guaranteed to vote democrat. The only problem is convincing them to vote.

Pretty much this. I don't know why anyone expects them to vote Republican

>Vote Democrat
>Get Gibs or at least stay the same

>Vote Republican
>You might get someone like Moore who wants to put you in slavery

They look the other way on R Kelly for decades now.

Simple.. Republican support cops when they gun down a civilian even with video proof. ... Republican call their community thug culture... So yeah I can see why they are not interested ...


But both the cop and that description are true. Dont like it do some work and change it. But you dont get to pretend the problem is someone elses fault and responsibility.

> 100%!!! What the fuck kool aid are they drinking?
The kind purchased with food stamps.

>What the fuck kool aid are they drinking?
the kind you buy with a EBT card

mind control, I'm serious, and blacks are notoriously easier to manipulate

government subsides

As if the black presence in society at large werent enough of a problem, they have to reliably vote for more gibs.

The black community is pedo-heaven though
Young niggas as old as 5 getting fucked by the big mamas, old niggas abusing dey daughters
nigs be crazy

Not My Senator!
>Not My Senator!
Not My Senator!
>Not My Senator!
Not My Senator!
>Not My Senator!
Show me what democracy looks like!
>This is what democracy looks like!
Show me what democracy looks like!
>This is what democracy looks like!
Show me what democracy looks like!
>This is what democracy looks like!
Anytime, anyplace, punch a liberal in the face!
>Anytime, anyplace, punch a liberal in the face!
Anytime, anyplace, punch a liberal in the face!
>Anytime, anyplace, punch a liberal in the face!
Anytime, anyplace, punch a liberal in the face!
>Anytime, anyplace, punch a liberal in the face!

What exactly do the Republicans have that's in their interests?

They believe in doing things for yourself instead of relying on government to support you financially and otherwise.
Dems just want them stuck in welfare mode for the next 1000 years, dependent on government

I just don't get why they still voted for Hillary even though she branded blacks as super predators.

Well let's see:

1. Women are fucking retarded. They realize quickly growing up that they are incapable of doing anything on their own without a man to help them, and most of them are dumb as hell.
2. Blacks are fucking retarded. Blacks have an iq a standard deviation below that of whites. That's like comparing a downie to the average white kid. Blacks on average are useless animals, invent nothing, contribute nothing beyond ooga booga music, and are a cancer on any society or area they inhabit. They are literally like cancer. They infect the host to its detriment and ultimate death.

Now, let's combine these two things: the idiocy of women combined with the dumb as rocks intellect of blacks.

And they vote democrat....GEE I WONDER WHY

Bc of social pressure.

Same reason doing in school well is “acting white”

Crabs in a barrel + 85iq = problems

The government is their baby-daddy. Of course they want big daddy gubmint to cut them ever increasing checks to shart out another welfare niglet.


You do realize that Clinton effectively killed welfare in the USA? You don't need the Republicans to do that.

Blacks vote for the gibs party.

It's simple, really. More dems in power equals more gibs for niggers.

they don't know why. they just know they are supposed to vote democrat, so they do.

they don't know anything about either party. they don't know who is running or anything about the person, they know nothing of any social, economic or political issue during any election. it doesn't matter. they go in and vote like a hivemind.

the only race that has any variety in their votes or takes anything into consideration, that weighs issues and makes a decision is white people. the other races just vote democrat as if we're in a racial war.
if the other races are going to vote ENTIRELY based on race, then whites need to wake up and do the same.

there is a race war going on in america and only one side is participating.


They don't actually vote on issues. They just vote for whoever the Democrat candidate is.

That's why all the love for black people having higher intelligence for getting rid of Roy Moore is stupid.

The Democrat could have been a paedophile and they would have voted for him.

LBJ said it himself when he gave tons and tons of welfare programmes for black people, "I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for 200 years."

He reduced welfare but all of those people just claimed some psychological handicap and got gibs that way instead. He didn't solve the problem, he just pushed it somewhere else.

Except for the fact that Hispanics and Asians are generally fairly split especially when concerning country of origin for these countries. See Cubans vs Mexicans vs South America

Johnson said it best, “I’ll have those niggers voting democrat for 200 years.”

civil rights act. blacks used to vote as a block for republicans until the sixties

Why the fuck would they vote for Moore at all? Are you fucking mentally retarded? You don't have to black to detest such a person and not want him to hold any office.

Every post above me also is in the belief that the blacks vote solely Democrat, when that is not the case at all. It is just that in case the republicate forerunner had extremely bad PR.

There was a based black man from Africa who told Sup Forums how blacks will happily trade diamonds for candy. For moral reasons, Republicans will never take advantage of the low-intelligence and lack of knowledge of blacks, but Liberals will cheat, lie, and even murder to achieve their goals.

Are you playing dumb? Blacks disproportionately vote for democratic party every election. ~80-90%. Few people talk about it and no one questions their loyalties or anything. If 90% of white people voted Trump you know you'd hear about how terrible and racist that is.

MY beautiful black Queens, have giving a lot to this great country

Yes I am aware that most, if not slightly all blacks vote Democrat when it comes to certain elections. But I feel as if this particular case jut comes from exponentially bad PR. Even the Whites held fast against more or some just did a write-in.

>they wuz qwanes n sheeit

Long term success rather than living welfare check to welfare check

Did you just refer to black queens as YOURS you fucking misogynistic piece of shit

Is this a serious fucking question? I'm black so let me break it down for you. Because you faggots are racist. How are you going to post nigger-hate threads and how "sheboons" are ugly, but then expect them to vote Republican? You clearly hate blacks. Sup Forums says this every damn day.

SOME xims need to check xir privilege.

Consider how much racial hatred is tolerated on the right. Black people are traditionally conservative, BUT, due to the tolerance of hatred they vote Dem.

The REAL question Sup Forums, is your hatred greater than your morals? Has hatred drowned them out?

Those "successful black folk" are just niggers in a nicer suit. They still hate you, and they still want to see you dead. The Demonigs aid them in that goal. They're voting to keep ten million niggers in gibs so they can continue to fuck your women, white boi.

What is the association between this board and the republican party?

The fact that this board is vastly right-wing.

I'm going to explain something to you as a more moderate conservative.

I don't hate black people because of some innate race thing. I hate them because they're underperforming human beings. I hate them because I'm consistently disappointed with their terrible moral character. I look down on them because they're incapable or unwilling to better themselves.

But I feel disappointed because I see them as fellow human beings. Liberals view you as children that can't know any better or do any better. To them, you're stupid pets. They'll keep feeding you and giving you small things. Just enough to keep you happily wagging your tail on the leash. I offer you absolutely nothing because I don't look down on you.

You can pick whichever side you want. Free stuff and infinite pity from people that are actually racist against you and view you as too inferior to take care of yourself, or my judgment as a fellow human being. Your call.

any absolute evidence yet?

Wtf are black womens end game? I know gibs but wtf are they using it on? Do they not strive for greater? Are their lives pure hedonism?

Are national socialists right wing? Because that is what the majority of people here claim to be.

People here will tell you it’s about gibs and not the fact that anywhere you guys go on the internet you post pictures of Hitler and talk about how much you hate blacks and Jews. You faggots know it’s not liberals posting this shit and so does literally everyone else.

It’s not just that the KKK and David Duke support the president and party, it’s that you guys celebrate this and think nobody noticed. You claim the scare about nazis is an overreaction while covering the internet in 1488.

And while you guys are right about the value of a two parent home and leaving behind hedonism, I don’t know how any of you could honestly say you have black interests at heart with all the racist shit posted constantly. Plenty of you may be more libertarian, but do any of you legitimately believe Republicans have black interests in mind?

because they're black and they're women.

because they're dumb and need gibs to feed their niglet with an unknown father.

I mean we had 8 years of literally /theirguy/ and their resentment for whites during that time has only grown.

Anything east of Stalin is "far right."

Here you go little baby take a sip from the state's juice box dada's here
Get a job like the rest of us. Improve yourself. Stop taking things from others that you don't deserve.
>black women

>do any of you legitimately believe Republicans have black interests in mind?
Getting the nigger off welfare, back to work, and actually raising their own kids is in the best interest of niggers no matter how much they scream and kick and cry. The Republicans have, and always have been, the party trying to do what is best for niggers. Democrats have never stopped using niggers as tools for their own personal gain.

A good parent doesn't feed their child ice cream for dinner. It's what niggers demand. It's what Dems give them.

Yeah, identity politics and progressives have pushed dangerous and stupid narratives in this country and Obama garnered them a lot of support.

This section of the internet has a disconnect though. They think everything is a conspiracy, but don’t believe anything against blacks is happening. Jim Crow laws, tenants refusing to rent, businesses refusing to hire, the Tuskegee siphylus experiment, the war on drugs prioritizing black drugs and dealers, incarceration rates that are the highest in the world sometimes used as labor- none of these things are acknowledged as legitimate barriers.

You see people mad about this latest abuse of police power, but people have been saying this shit for decades. There is a huge lack of empathy for blacks because of high crime and shitty ghetto culture, but even then people that like masculinity and violence should at least find something relatable. Rap culture is practically fascistic in its glorification of power and your tribe, differing in not having family values and being pro-drug.

The answer is not in the babying of retarded progressives, not in the absolute hatred of fascists. An entire generation of people raised by single mothers would be an excellent conservative argumen for values, but focus becomes so racially based. And racial arguments don’t work well on people who have had positive experiences with blacks.

The positive things Sup Forums is generally right on are drowned out by the hatred.

>niggers taking responsibility
Something Democrats actively encourage them not to do

A good parent doesn’t show contempt either. Even if that is the right path forward, who is going to listen when it’s next to 300 posts in a nigger hate thread?

Maybe it was gibs. Or maybe it was that Roy Moore was opposed to the Constitutional amendments that ended slavery and disenfranchisement.

Probably just the gibs, though.

I dunno. Why would they vote for Trump over Hillary or even Bernie if that's the case? Would their policies fall in line with socialist voters?

Why would black people vote for racist w*test?


Alabama has been controlled by Republicans for decades and it's one of our poorest States. It's infrustructure is on par with 3rd world nations and all that pain is disproportionately incurred by blacks. Blacks of Alabama have nothing to gain from more of the same.
You seem to think blacks don't have any poltical goals apart from "gibs", which is more of the shitty Republican propaganda we're fucking tired of hearing. It isn't "gibs" to ask for better schools, infrustructure, and healthcare when large portion of the black population have lived in cyclical poverty for generations. Whites have benefitted from government benefits ever since the New Deal but those are called "gibs". I wonder why that is.
There are hardly and voice for blacks in the Republican party. This isn't the case for the Democrats. Republicans don't care what we have to say. As you just said, you genuninly believe we're "underperforming human beings". You have no intention of hearing our concerns. You don't believe we're capable of anything significant so you ignore us and belittle us, with absolutely no regard to the racist history and policies that still influence race relations today.
With Democrats, we actually have a chance to be heard and support our communities.

>Alabama has been controlled by Republicans for decades
Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago ( and other states/cites) have been controlled by democrats for decades. By black democrats.
> With Democrats, we actually have a chance to be heard and support our communities.
Typical shill.

>Alabama has been controlled by Republicans for decades and it's one of our poorest States. It's infrustructure is on par with 3rd world nations and all that pain is disproportionately incurred by blacks. Blacks of Alabama have nothing to gain from more of the same.

I'm not mad about Roy Moore if that's what you're thinking. Nothing that I posted had anything to do with that. If you want to vote for Douglas Jones, that's your choice. Just know that there have been plenty of black communities that have been dominated by democrat governors, and they are complete shitholes. It's not like those places have had some kind of Republican obstruction, it's that Democrats could do nothing to improve those communities. For decades.

>You seem to think blacks don't have any poltical goals apart from "gibs"

No, not true. I think at heart blacks want to get out of their situation but they don't know how. I think the problem is the opposite of how you see it. I think blacks think that their salvation lies in democrats just trying to throw money at the problem. They see democrats as their allies because they offer black people just enough promise of "stuff" that black people are convinced that democrats have their interests at heart when they don't. Or if they do, they're approaching it the wrong way.

Am I delusional in thinking that Republicans can any more than democrats? No. They don't. But there's a difference. They want black people to make it, but they want them to do it themselves because they believe in making your own way. If your metric for compassion is that things are just given to you, then keep throwing your lot in with democrats. Republicans and conservatives want to go the route of teaching you to fish rather than just handing you a small amount of fish every week. The problem is that since Republicans aren't friendly towards black and don't treat them like special needs children, black people think all Republicans hate them and we don't.

>There are hardly and voice for blacks in the Republican party.

That's not the republican's fault. If you want more black voices, there needs to be more black republicans. You guys have been on the democrat line for how long now? And where has it gotten you?

>Republicans don't care what we have to say. As you just said, you genuninly believe we're "underperforming human beings". You have no intention of hearing our concerns.

That's not fucking true. I can criticize you and be disappointed and it doesn't mean I'm not willing to listen. I am. But you ALSO have to be willing to listen. Sometimes your community IS wrong. Sometimes it is YOUR fault that your situation is as shitty as it is. Sometimes it takes a lot of strength to better a community. I'm not disagreeing with infrastructure, I am disagreeing with nonsolutions that are completely wasteful like welfare which are just dead ends. It gets you nowhere but reliant on the state.

>You don't believe we're capable of anything significant so you ignore us and belittle us, with absolutely no regard to the racist history and policies that still influence race relations today.

It's the exact opposite, dude. I think you're capable of pulling yourselves out of most of the shit you're in, which is why I don't like the idea of the government overly coddling you or treating you like children which is the democrat line. I think that kind of coddling and condescension is EXACTLY what has kept the black community from advancing in modern times.

I'm not ignoring you, I'm telling you that while I'm in favor of helping out the black community, I'm only in favor of doing it in sensible places they truly need it rather than treating them like absolutely helpless children.

>Roy Moore goes on about how women shouldn't be allowed to hold office, how the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments should be repealed, and how the country was better off with slavery
>his supporters are somehow surprised when black women show up in droves to vote against him

>Republicans and conservatives want to go the route of teaching you to fish

Then why do they keep cutting education budgets?

And yet wealthy and middle class blacks also live in Democratic cities and states. What's your point?

It's partially racism and the understanding that the Republican party has hostile elements but it's mostly just the end stage of women's liberation that is more advanced in the black community than others because it was the least capable to defend itself. The nuclear family was redesigned with the mother as the head of the household and in the absence of fathers for their children they seek the government to take on some responsibilities with the democrats being more than happy to help. This is the future of all families as traditional marriage falters tbqh

>Republicans and conservatives oppose abortion
>but not contraceptives
>or sex ed
>or child welfare at all

Really makes you think.

Gotta get dem welfare checks

Probably cause republicans call them lazy niggers 24/7, you gotta be a mutt to be this fucking stupid i tell ya.

If you look beyond muh republicans and muh democrats and listen to what they actually say republicans dont offer single plan that would actually benefit them.

>water is wet

Fuck off, shill.

Have you seen some of our public schools? No amount of funding are saving those dumps. Blacks have been having pretty good success in charter schools iirc

They voted for Trump because they wanted illegal aliens removed from the country.

Guys real talk. Who are megapedes?

Black oriole vire Democrat because they are weak, inferior and entirely defendant upon government handouts

Well, at least they'll have more abortions now.

1. Women inherently favor the superficial goodness of left ideas over the pragmatic wisdom of conservatism. (This won't change)
2. Blacks have been manipulated into one-party-status (Changing now)

Black female here. For 200 years we we're slaves so you white boys could lay back and relax. Now you work and I dont have to do shit. Karma's a bitch

If you were freely given $1000 a month would you bother doing anything other than eating McDonald's and playing vidya all day?

Right,and instead of unfucking themselves they fuck everyone else

#blackwomen is trending because in the mind of liberals its impossible for black women to be racist

back to the plantations!

because racists (actual, real racists) vote republican.