It’s everywhere

I thought you all were kidding, but everywhere I look I see this agenda being pushed.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why cant americans have real names


She's a yid

She has the 1000 cock stare.


why do parents do this

The fuck? I thought Wendy’s was based?

We can't all be named muhammad, Dad.



Jews and blacks don't have a lot of in group loyalty, not really surprising they don't give a shit about their fucked genes...point?

he's a pygmy

It's like I'm back in school. Thank God I wasn't born a Gaylord



You really don't have a clue do you?

>this is what the average american couple will look like
>and its beautiful

>Soleil Gaylord
>Jackson Destine
I don't know who is who

>(((Diversity))) Candidate
What's really going to bake your noodle later on is, did they HAVE to have two candidates, or could it have been just one?

>can't even spell Destiny right :^)
Fucking American names.

OP is a faggot for not providing link!!!

But fuck it's real xD

>jews and blacks dont have ingroup loyalty
um, sweaty, that's literally the opposite of reality

>gaylord destine
which one of you works for wendys

what's the award for

"Jews don't have a lot of in group loyalty"
are you serious?

What the fuck is the Wendy's heisman, is that like who is best at eating burgers or something?

sports. white guys are just worse at sports in general. there is no conspiracy here

>the 1000 cock stare

because they are not real people

Are you guys retarded? They both won the same scholarship, they're not in a relationship.

One on the left is the typical 'white' american 'man'.

All Americans have descriptive names like gaylord or destine (pronounced destiny).

Sup Forums loses it;s mental faculties once they see a white girl and a black man in the same picture

It's a scholarship. Doesn't mean much.

blacks are only good at sports which involve running. because running (from the cops) is the only thing they are good at.

I was wondering why is Sup Forums so mad at this. Thanks. So we're raging just because they're on the same picture?

>sports which involve running

so just about every sport except auto racing, golf, darts and bowling?

Um excuse me? Sweety you seem to be forgetting America's greatest athlete of all time was a white male(former).

>white woman
>it's everywhere

Your first redpill you fuck ass normietard


Swimming, more or less every winter sport and everything that involves strength and body control at the same time.

That's an actual name?

thats not carl lewis

majority of sports don't include running you inbred. you have football american football, baseball and basketball (the latter 3 are only played in muttmerica anyway) and then you only have olympic running.

>white woman
>soleil gaylord
nice hair dye

blacks are only bad at those sports because they cost a lot of money. if there were more affluent blacks they would dominate skiing too


>That girls face

>I will literally say and believe anything at all, no matter how contradictory, so long as it appeals to me emotionally


shes not even white shes jewish, this is a shill thread


Had a friend named Gaylyn in school, called him gayman when he pissed me off lol

Black evolved to jump high because most liqour stores put Hennessy on the top shelf


Sounds actually scary


Have a last name? I know it's so strange, isn't it?

so a kike and nigger wins something? so meh why even post about it`?


after a late stage of mongrelization is reached names lose their meaning
such is the case of uruguay, a country surrounded by mestizos and niggers, and mixtures of these two with whites. In uruguay you can literally name your kid whatever you wad, (except Hitler, because their shitskin subhuman feelings are hurt), but you can call him universe, sun, table, or wathever you want

FYI gaylord is a jewish name

>soiled gayfag
Why do Americans have such stupid names ?

>mfw that man is under 5’6”

they generally have an overwhelming sense of loyalty to the group itself, i.e. they are loyal to the 'jewish people' , but they tend to be very willing to fuck over another individual within the group if it doesn't affect their own status within it.

thats the average age for a nigger in high school

The Gaylords used to be one of the biggest "white" guy gangs in Chicago.

>two people not even in a relationship are pictured together as scholarship winners
>Sup Forums is triggered the fuck out
you guys are a self-parody

4 jew is kill

how will they ever recover


Black women aren't athletes otherwise they would both be black

This picture is gold but unfortunately it may be accurate

whitey need not apply

They're a corporation, what did you expect?


Are Muslims only having sons? What are they naming their daughters?

Kids are accessories in the US, not humans. Their name only serves to show how unique and creative their mother is

>this agenda being pushed.
isnt it a football/athletics scholarship? blacks are better than whites in sports, its not an agenda

black men btfo average black is shorter than white man lul manlets

They have to save face, for those who think they're
with the pepe memes'

It's french

She? Looks sorta trans to me...

What kind of family name is 'Gaylord'?

It's jewish you fucking gaylord

>Look up origin of Gaylord
>It's american but also french

A jew and a dindu, I see nothing wrong with this

haven't you dumb fucks ever heard of Gaylord Hotels?
they own some of the biggest hotel/conference centres in the US

Couldve been worse