Is this actually real?

I refuse to believe this comic is real, I see it posted In lefty “meme,” threads all the time, anyone have the original? Is the left really this dense, do their memes suck this bad?

It's true. Real communism has never been applied



>conservatives can't debate
>jewpiro, Milo, counter and others want a clean fair debate on a college campus


>bad shit happened
>so let's undo all the good stuff that came out of it

typical cuck thinking


Paris Commune. Ended real quick, didn't it?

Almost as bad, in fact. Hey ho.

What a shit comic. Bleh.


>posts about "mah dum liberal say weez unedumacated whiteyz 'n posts sum meemz"
>fails to google said "meme"

You just proved you're a stupid, idiotic conservative. Way to go.

4 jew is kill

how will they ever recover


Also you are all shitfinging cause you are to poor or to jewy to give ten bucks to a homeless african american.

>Inb4 buttpained pricks claim that he ain't entitled to MY money.

That's not the point at all.

I thought there was a small shithole in syria that was communist.

Real Nazism has never been applied


Wow what a neat comic!

Holy fuck, this is just as bad if not worse than the edit. It’s that second to last panel, idk what you’d call it but that kind of “humor,” is found in like all lefty comics, it’s so bizarre and ridiculous that it makes you wonder if it’s real, because it certainly isn’t funny

is this satire or not? i really cant tell.

Communism doesn't work for a myriad of reasons, least of them being it's "Never been truly implemented".

By that logic the "free market" has never been tried.

ok that second page is really cute to me
