>be pol
>hate environmentalism
Why? Rural forests communities are almost homogeneously white. Blacks and Mexicans are too soft to survive in the cold. Quit polluting my water and cutting down my trees, faggots
>be pol
>hate environmentalism
Why? Rural forests communities are almost homogeneously white. Blacks and Mexicans are too soft to survive in the cold. Quit polluting my water and cutting down my trees, faggots
Fucking tree hugging hippie. Die!
Literally so much of the white identity was founded and fostered by the forest, whether in Europe or the pacific Northwest
It is kinda strange that conservatives don't care about conserving the environment. God gives you this world and tells you to be good stewards and then you just shit all over it. It just dosen't make sense.
go back to your shitty swamp, southfag
Can't really live there in any great number. It is beautiful country but not passable in winter and very isolated.
They are gambling.
its a beautiful landscape
The winters here aren't that bad. Sure, it snows, but not as much as a place like canada or alaska
Conservatives are being duped by Corporate Republicans as always
The ultimate redpill is that we should have never left the countryside a couple millenium ago.
We started creating enormous cities because less and less people had to slave away (and still have to)
to provide all the daily necessities for everyone. This was of course organized with a so called
"government" in order to split the resources evenly.
This is obviously a mistake. This creates people who live lives disconnected from everything
that is going on anywhere. They do not have to know anything nor be involved in anything,
because everything is taken care of for themselves. The only thing they have to do, and
that isn't even true in europe (gibsmedats), is to find a kind of job. Nothing else. This is very little.
If we could go back to a society where people have to provide, directly, in a laborious way
for a significant part of their daily necessities then people would be forced to consume less and live in harmony with the world, their neighbors and their significant other in order to create stable families.
Hopefully society will collapse hard enough at some point that we are forced to go back to this.
And in the meantime, we can still start living this life.
No, seriously. A lot of Sup Forums are nerdy guys that don't go outside unless it's to get in their car. Plenty of hunters, fishermen, and so on care about the environment.
>tfw you will never live in a peaceful German village in the 40s
>tfw you will never build your own cabin and live off trapping and trading with natives
>tfw you will never be able to raise your son and teach them how to tend the farm
Its extremely infuriating the attitude American conservatives have towards the environment.
>We must conserve social dynamics
>fuck the environment though, that shit can degrade
Nature plays a key part in rural lifestyles and the future of a country. Whats the point of a white ethnostate if it looks like inda-tier shit.
And Im not only talking about global level climate change, even just maintaining local pollution and dumping is so undervalued.
Nice digits there man.
They used to care, but somehow the environment became a wedge issue.
I don't need to pay a 30% gas tax to save the environment.
Conservatives cares about real environmentalism. Sadly the hippies have ruined the very word with their new age symbol politics where facts are not as important as feelings.
I don't know about you guys, but I get a strong sense of nostalgia from paintings like this
>>hate environmentalism
you are mistaking us for neo-con jews or ancap mullatos. Sup Forums is a nat soc board
I like the environment. I think that it's beautiful and important. And I think that externalities that harm the environment need to be controlled.
That doesn't mean that I don't hate hippies.
>American environmentalism
Good joke kike. How can you greedy Jews make money off that?
The ultimate pill indeed.
Control freaks (leftists) use the environment to tax people more and raise the price of food and utilities. Have you seen some of their suggestions to stop "global warming"?
>goy, stop eating meat or you hate the environment
Fuck off.
I see where my football teams former support club's name come from now
>The buffalo mountain
It was shitcanned by the state for being to violent in the 90ies and they simply just had to make a new club. I was just a little user at the time, but I can still remember it. I never understood the reference until now
Not caring about the environment is usually a boomer concept. To them, caring about the environment is making sure their lawn looks good. But the left sort of hijacked the idea of environmentalism and made it something that it's not.
Modern Environmentalism means veganism, living in the city without a car, and shopping at whole foods.
>hate environmentalism
I don't.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with keeping your environment clean and natural.
Just like our traditions our country is our heritage and keeping it healthy and clean is our duty.
If people refuse to voluntarily limit their car trips, and carpool and utilize transit when commuting to and from work, then maybe they do.
You're right, they should ban motor vehicles outright.
>be pol
>hate environmentalism
Fake news.
I've never understood it either, OP.
They aren't genuine as you say. They don't give a shit, they are all city people anyways. It's like all these other useful idiots, it's just to virtue signal, well that and there is a shittons of money in it now. It's basically become a religion, where hard science do not apply because
>they have already decided on what is a fact, so you can't question that
They should all be sent to the gas chambers if you ask me. It would save the envirnoment from all their hot air
Only the Capitalists don’t care about it because muh profits. It’s a short sighted ideology.
>hate environmentalism
wrong premise designed to elicit a defense that wasn't needed in the first place
God is irrelevant here because ideas about him can easily be used as heavy ammunition by either side. Sure he gave you the planet so you need to take care of it; but on the other hand, he also takes care of everything if you wreck it, and according to many, he fully intends to wreck it himself actually, so if anything you may as well help him along by burning even more coal and oil. God is just a wild card here, usable by anybody.
(Of course actual conservatives would care about conserving the environment; it's right there in the name of their ideology. But there aren't many actual conservatives.)
Cars aren't really the enemy here, shocker, it's globalism. America has a bad car problem due to the vast distances between suburb housing, markets and urban areas.
Jesus christ. Go to another country and see what they do with their trash
North Americans are probably the cleanest people out there barring a few Euro countries.
Enjoying talking to yourself I see.
American culture is built around excess. Your typical conservative buys a Ram(tm) truck that gets 3mpg, despite the fact they have an office job. Excess is a huge part of insecure conservitard and black culture
>vote a team of Goldman Sachs and Exxon Mobile shills into office
>4d chess while you destroy your own country
I just don't get it that everybody is still cheering
>Hopefully society will collapse hard enough at some point that we are forced to go back to this.
With a population of 7.5 billion and not much natural land left that shit wont work.
protecting the environemnt != protecting the climate
It's amusing how we Westerners are blaming ourselves for the plastic in the Pacific, meanwhile the entire eastern Asia uses their rivers as the one and only garbage disposal.
I agree.
True. And we aren't using the gas tax to save the earth. It is supposed to be funneled into infrastructure, but congress broke it to help make debt payments.
It's built around consumerism. Consumerism has replaced the family
People don't realize this but these ships are massive pollutants. Here politicians always try to blame fucking car owners, with ofc the aim of taxing them to death. The reality is that all the cars in this country doesn't even make a fart in comparison, and what goes out is easy taken up by our nature. But you know tax the plebs.
One of these ships, when docked uses more electricity than a fucking city. The burn heavy oils and a lot of it. I'm not saying we should just cut them all out, because we simply cannot. I'm just saying he who dealt it smelt it, and they are very aware. You ofc know but we're really big in shipping, in part due to size. Be it people still living here or operate from abroad. It has always been one of our top industries and gibs for politicians, so ofc protected and hey lets blame the plebs now! Just... like the oil industry
kek this
oy vey everyone we need to stop doing x because of all that pollution i china and india.
FFS if all those bastard synchro farted, they would blow a hole in the ozon layer. Whatever we do here basically have no impact
I stayed on a small island in Thailand for a couple weeks last summer. Their garbage incinerator was broken, and they had months of trash piled up on top of the highest point of the island. Trash was everywhere, broken glass, etc. I'm fairly certain places like Japan or SK are pretty clean environmentally, though.
if you were German in the 40's you'd be at the front in the Russian steppes fighting the soviets with a sock full of frozen shit
The thumbnail looks like there's a giant spider in the foreground.
Fake news.
>Jew fears the nature
If these ships were taxed the way that liberals want to tax car owners, then I really believe people would start buying local and supporting their own communities again.
Jews hail from the middle of a fucking desert. The forest is alien to them.
And why would Sup Forums mock India for shitting fields, general dirtyness and pollution if that was true?
yes goyim, worhship our sand god! Do not connect with your homeland and mother nature it is very bigoted!
Yep. You buy a gas efficient car and you'd think the government's response would be "yay, a policy actually worked for once!" Nope. It's "hey, that guy over there isn't giving me as much money any more! get him!" It's never been about the environment, although price changes do affect consumption, as we have seen over the last decade. You can tax people to get them to change their consumption or you can regulate companies and have them past on the cost to consumers, but one way or another externalities have to be paid for. Only a better source of energy than oil will save us from that.
when you speak about that, we have this comedy show from here, about this weirdo janitor. And he is currently going on trips all around the world. Hard to explain but his character you nit picks on the smallest things that's wrong, and he went to japan.
Then he was impressed you know, because there were no litter, so he really liked that. Very good point though. It's usually very clean here too, but I've been to oslo and seen they throw stuff in the street that really pisses me off. It's clean there too though for the most part.
Strange shit, I was at iceland years ago and I got a real bad hangover and waked up in the early morning. I had smuggled some hashish in my mouth for the weekend I was there, and went away from the others to have a smoke without them noticing. Well to cut it short I then ended up at this bench feeling sorry for my self and had a soda, when I was done I just sat it under the bench while I continued feeling sorry for my self.
This old guy came over to me to me and started to speak about flaskurinn and I said hvað? flaskurinn? nemtu hann ef Þú villt(spelling occur).
Well take the falsk if you want, and he got pissed. Old people ask abou that here, but he was meaning, take up your fucking garbage nigger. Didn't help when I said I didn't understand and couldn't speak icelandic well, he thought I was just baiting him then. órsak, mæltu ensku? FLASKURINN!
Forest-dwelling conservative here. I care about the environment. I hate environmental activism and political scams that make people feel good while not actually addressing real problems. We need clean water and we need to keep toxins out of the air and soil. What we don't need is wealth redistribution schemes and an unbalanced obsession with CO2 gas.
In germany it's dog poop everywhere in the cities btw, people just let their dogs poop everywhere.
That doesn't fly here not even on the country side, people get pissed as fuck and will even fight you over it
I love nature, and wish to protect it. I am inspired and awed by the power of the natural world.
Then we also got these bastards.
They are known to deliberately try to sink ships, and yes it has even happened. The swim under it and try go gas you, if your ship is small enough and the fart big enough, it might actually sink
Not only do they steal all your fish, they try to gas and drown you at the same time too. Whales my gentlemen, are the cancer of this world and must be exterminated. You have no idea what we are up against here now. They are indeed the Jews of the ocean. It is a small ruthless international clique, which calls no place their home
This guy is the most known environmentalist in Binland :DDd
>Linkola believes that democracy is a mistake and only radical change can prevent ecological collapse.[2] He contends that the human populations of the world, regardless if they are developed or underdeveloped, do not deserve to survive at the expense of the biosphere as a whole.[5] In May 1994, Linkola was featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal Europe.[6] He said he was for a radical reduction in the world population and was quoted as saying about a future world war, "If there were a button I could press, I would sacrifice myself without hesitating, if it meant millions of people would die.
>Paul G. Harris, Chair Professor of Global and Environmental Studies at the Education University of Hong Kong, contends that while most environmentalists in Finland have distanced themselves from Linkola, those concerned about the environment avidly read his writings. Harris asserts that Linkola represents "a very Finnish and dark version of "an inconvenient truth.
>my trees
They're not your's.
Ebin trolling.
this it's like they used to excuse electric cars from a lot of taxes here (cars are sick expensive here, and it's all taxes).
Then more and more started to buy them, meaning tax revenues went down, so now we're at
>you are using too much electricity!
>those cars make dust particles!
it's going to just increase more and more and be just as expensive and it also lets them run up the electricity prices a lot which is cheap here this far, we got way more than we use from hydro and export a lot of it
You forgot where we live. We live in USA and Europe. See this map. We have the perfect land to do this, and we should.
Who cares about the other.
I had a layover in China when I was flying back to the States, it was extremely clean in Shanghai. They hire a ton of sanitation workers, because Chinese people are naturally pretty disgusting. Japanese people, contrarily, are clean, so they don't have a need for sanitation workers.
Yeah I guess letting the Jews usurp and tear down all the land for profit is caring about the environment.
Get real.
>be pol
>hate environmentalism
Well there's a baseless insinuation right there. Probably the least talked about distinctions between classic Republican and the supposed "Alt-Right" IS the fact they place a high priority on environmentalism and folkishness.
I would never have imagine that with china actually because as you say they are fucking pigs. I've seen what they have done while on public transport down in europe. They lit trash the whole shit up.
Maybe their mentality is that someone always comes and cleans it up, so they just shit everywhere and throw their crap around. Japs on the other hand, they are really neat like this. Never been to either of them my self, but I have friends who has.
Well one was my father that had to live in china in the 80-90 change somewhere, when china opened up. It was NOT clean then lol
Republicans suck, but they are the only option for a white person. I’m socially conservative, but then there are things i disagree with them on such as environmentalism. Voting for left wing candidates is out of the question though. No point in preserving the environement if whites won’t even exist in a few centuries. Whole world can burn then for all i care. I wish the left would create a far left socialist party so we could get a new right wing party. But if we split first it will ensure democratic takeover of the country.
Usa needs to balkanize. We are so spread out, and have such different cultures and ways of life. I could count on one hand the number of people i’ve met from new england and the far north, and it’s like meeting people from a different country. It’s absurd that people think we can all live under the a government that can work in all of our different interests.
This, but also this
NatSoc cascadia when?
t. reddit
The bible doesn't contradict itself, it contains many prophecies that are done in different ways, some of which would contradict the ways others are handled.
>mainly unproductive land
You can hardly grow a potato here most places. The soil is frail and sour, to far up most places too.
There is a reason why we invented artificial poop.
If you only go to denmark, it's a whole other world. All their soil is rich, it's very good for agriculture there
God forbid you actually pull up your bootstraps and go hunt for your food, you fucking fag.
Pol is full of neocon boomers
I was gonna vote green, before I found out they were cryptocommies.
Hei Varg.
God Jul til deg og familien.
Husk å sette ut grot til nissene. Jeg glomte det i fjor og da sparkan i trappa mi. Holdte på å pisse i buksa og lop ned på butikken og kjopte grot med eneste gang. Gjor ikke den samma feilen i år
We love the environment. We hate the government. Why should we give them jurisdiction over the environment
This is pretty much why the American Revolution and Civil war happened. The world has been breaking down into more and more countries over time because of this. The Declaration of Independence even staight up says people should throw off antithetical government when they can't alter it as is. The founding generation would probabl be in awe that this country still exists.
Worlds fucked, we're all going to die lalalalalalala, well not everyone, just a large part of the global population, think 80-99%
>99% of Rhinos gone since 1914.
>97% of Tigers gone since 1914.
>90% of Lions gone since 1993.
>90% of Sea Turtles gone since 1980.
>90% of Monarch Butterflies gone since 1995.
>90% of Big Ocean Fish gone since 1950.
>80% of Antarctic Krill gone since 1975.
>80% of Western Gorillas gone since 1955.
>60% of Forest Elephants gone since 1970.
>50% of Great Barrier Reef gone since 1985.
>40% of Giraffes gone since 2000.
>30% of Marine Birds gone since 1995.
>70% of Marine Birds gone since 1950.
>28% of Land Animals gone since 1970.
>28% of All Marine Animals gone since 1970.
>97% – Humans & Livestock are 97% of land-air vertebrate biomass.
>10,000 years ago we were 0.01% of land-air vertebrate biomass.
>50% of arable land will be lost in the next 50 years.
>1 million humans, net, added to earth every 4½ days.
>live in the countryside
>hate the countryside
I see OP is gracing us with its neophyte analysis once again. Shame that trisomy 21 victims can faceroll a keyboard and sometimes words are actually formed.
The walking dead summons up perfectly who we will become if society collapses.
We;d form roving gangs of people and war with each other for resources until the population was tiny.
Soon brother
>the fire rises
I've heard it'd only take 2 weeks for people to become cannibalistic. How civilized are we really?
Because pollacks can't think for themselves and think environmentalist is leftist. And they will sperg at you if you tell them they fell for the neocon jew. Instead of caring about soil as much as blood, they want to fit in with modern political boxes
Not so related to this thread, but balkanization is really not a new thing though, if you look at the history up here.
It's very old and we didn't have written sources there, but it is not true that Norway(King Nord's(most likely Njörður from Finland) way) was first assembled in some time around 872.
Njörður was the first he came from Noatun(now lost) in Finland, from the north he sailed and took entire country. Putting his sons to rule here and there, which gave many counties their names.
Then the vanic-åsa wars happened into, still it was the first time we know. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Gotland were allready parted then. Frey ruled sweden, then sæming was set here etc.
However as time passes on, it balkanizes into smaller and smaller kingdoms split between siblings. Then when the first King Harald hairfair got triggered into getting all of norway under his crown by this grill that didn't want to marry no lousy small king, he did it. She said that she wouldn't settle for anything else and complained that both denmark and sweden had onekings.
fucking women man, each fucking time. is always them. The first is very vague you see, btu the point was this balkanization that occurred over a 1k year period(we didn't count in dates so we don't know exactly)
Hi Varg
I love the environment. That's why I'm a free market environmentalist.
This. Also most people believe that this world is just an unimportant temporary stop on the way to eternal paradise, so there is no reason to take protecting it seriously.
Leftists are against Nuclear power and Diesel based on feelings, even though they give less carbon emissions than the alternatives.
Leftists think you can run an electric grid without baseline power production and will not suffer anything else than solar or wind being spoken of.
Leftists oppose building of infrastructure because they think humans should regress and stop driving cars altogether, (even though they may actually go entirely on battery/hydrogen in the near future.)
Leftists like to travel so they won't touch air planes with a kilometer long pole even though it's much worse than any private driving can ever be carbon emission-wise.
Kek, logging companies do more for forest conservation than any hippie ever has.
>Evil corporation is all corporationey and only cares about money
>A lack of trees puts the corporation out of business
>Logging money goes back into forest to ensure that forest continues to exist
>Hippies won't allow forest management, >Now forests burn down
>Fire kills all life in forest
>Forests many times larger than logging forests are now gone
>No seriously, thanks
It's good, since the Death of America will ultimately be a net positive for the whole world.
Conservatives are just mouth pieces for the rich
Speaking of balkanization, is it possible for the US?
I wonder who first invented this envo stuff, and was genuine about it.
i mean, who could it possible be?
It was someone who really cared about wild life and animals, and they seem to be in love with him too. He was also a freaking veggie
But it's true he was a leftist, an alternative leftist. A type of socialist.
Oooo thanks for the new wallpaper user. For this I’ll give you a bump. Faggots fuck off