Gene editing of the black man

Imagine a future where a technology like CRISPR or similar was developed that could alter nigger's genetics so that their IQ was raised to the level of humans. This in turn reduced their crime rates to non third-world shithole country levels.

Would you have any other reasons for not liking them and would these remaining reasons be sufficient for you not wanting them in your country?

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why would I want to compete with a giganigger?

>could alter nigger's genetics so that their IQ was raised to the level of humans
I'd rather talk to my dog about bunny and cats user

One they have the technology, they'll probably let out a virus that turns everyone on Earth into docile soyboys on a genetic level. No more revolutions and wars will be possible after that, the rule of the NWO will be eternal.

If it could raise IQ, increase impulse control and decrease violence and aggression then sure, why not.

I never hated niggers because of the color of the skin, it was always the way they behaved that pissed me off.

i present:
"The Future: a Series"

Vol 1.

Vol. 2

Imagine no niggers

Vol. 3

i think it'll be a while since crispr sucks dick. in the meantime the smartest niggers in africa could be selected and bred with one another, then the third or fourth generation could be given a STEM education and guns then sent to wipe out the rest of the tribal mad max niggers after we nuke all the population centers in africa. this is all wishful thinking

white men

black men
>super strong
>super dumb
>rather kill neighbors than progress humanity

chinks (basically insects)

>extremely proficient at mastering specific skills

Sand niggers

>really good at killing each other
>can be smart without religion


>sometimes strong

Indians and sou Americans

> fucking useless


>stronger than niggers
>smarter than asians
>more empathetic than the white man
>perfect in every way, except flight.

>Imagine a future where a technology like CRISPR or similar was developed that could alter nigger's genetics so that their IQ was raised to the level of humans.
they would probably suicide

>thanks for doing all the unethical work and being demonised for it now just let us reap the rewards

fucking nigs with the gibsmedat, it never ends

africa is a big continent so you'd need a coalition of countries to back the super niggers, so it'll probably never happen

>Imagine no niggers
We have fuck all outside of the GTA, how about no jews

>lets paint the niggers white!
Fuck off nigger. You are not wanted.

I'd still have in group but they could better use their lands to trade with us.

Won't change that they have 0 impulse control

Start testing on death row inmates who can turn their sentence into life without parole by participating in this program.

However, I don't want to reinvent the free nigger, I want to perfect the whites by removing diseases like Alzheimer's and cardiac illnesses.

Its a natural balance of whites and blacks, the blacks are built better physically, while whites are mentally, if you give either the power of the other race then you throw off the balance, so if blacks were naturally super intelligent then they'd cuck and slave whites

make yourself a god emperor … kill all the subhuman ... why would you uplift them? Just kill them after you uplift yourselves even higher.

>Would you have any other reasons for not liking them and would these remaining reasons be sufficient for you not wanting them in your country?
I never judge people based on their race alone.
But I do judge their race and it helps in identifying individuals who may uphold the negative actions of their group.

Uh not true, the reason whites are so weak is because of the magnificent society we created, when Jamal from Africa comes straight from hard labor and generations of hardship they are obviously going to be stronger.

Nigger men aren't really super strong, change it to super fast sprint wise and running in general. Small point but had to type it.

Penguins really are the master race.

Why not go a step further and just make them white?

fucking top kek

I'd imagine they would resist having their skin tone improved.

Surely nobody would refuse to be smarter. Not even niggers. Surely...

>nobody would refuse to be smarter. Not even niggers
top kek, they just like to pretend, if they actually had some smarts they might need to take responsibility for something

>Imagine a future where a technology like CRISPR or similar was developed that could alter white genetics so that their IQ was raised to the level of asians. This in turn reduced their dumbness to non op's shithole country levels.

I put them as strong because all the niggers I see are born with six packs due to slavery

Wasn't there a study showing a certain gene that affected the tendency for violence that was more prevalent in blacks?

If they could alter that why would they not just turn themselves white?
Black people are fucking ugly.

Look at strongmen competitions.
All of the strongest men in the world are white.

>raising IQ
to what end?
it would be inhumane to create a self loathing nigger

>Black people are fucking ugly.

you prove my point, genetic engineering is just wrong

No genetic gibs. Make your own worse version of crispr.

I'd want to talk to a possum.

You can't gene edit a race. It would destroy the race and create something entirely different if you swapped a large part of their DNA out.

>Would you have any other reasons for not liking them and would these remaining reasons be sufficient for you not wanting them in your country?
Identity issues would still remain and fixing their IQ wouldn't fix the other screwed up parts of their personalities. They aren't Europeans and therefore don't belong among Europeans. How hard is that to understand? Why do you HAVE TO have blacks living off of Europeans?

In the future sex robots will be available to the public

Mabey the non whites can get a blonde hair and blue eyes robot and fuck it all day long.

If we are going to know /that/ much about genes related to race, then why doesn't humankind create a genotype-targeted contagious disease to filter out the demographics. Instead of natural selection, man-made selection. The technology is being developed for the past 14 years at BSL-3 & BSL-4 biolabs at Dept of Energy's nuclear-research sites.


cut-&-paste of the Mixing Bugs & Bombs article linked above:

The 1990s human genome project took a decade the first time. Technology being developed by Roche just outside Penzburg Bavaria can do it in 10 minutes, facilitating genotype-matching research into race.

genetic engineer here

CRISPR is overhyped and obviously needs to be tested multiple times before genetic treatment.

>5 million for a biological weapons lab
huh that's surprisingly cheap.

Making the nigger smart is one thing, how do we fix his rotten heart?

At least I am not the only one around here who thinks that CRISPR does suck...

That was in 2003. I suspect with Roche's automation (which isn't cheap either) that that price has come down somewhat by buying Roche's self-contained unit instead of buying a whole roomful of discrete/piecemeal lab equipment.

because you'd have more money from your parents and could afford to be even more genetically superior?

Do you have the same problems with CRISPR that I have right now? Can't even properly knock-in a gene in a cell line ... CRISPR seems to cut correctly but cells just randomly insert the gene cassette instead of homologous repair. Also, my boss is retarded and does not let me synchronize cell cycle before CRISPR to increase chance of homologous repair since she says that "You can't do that, Nocodazole is a poison! Hurr durr!!". This fucking sucks!

Lol you ignorant racist fuck, 99.9% of black people already have twice your iq

China now has capability to isolate individual chromosomes via telomere pulling. This means they can have CRISPR work on a single chromosome at a time which is going vastly improve the accuracy. They have already experimented on rodents and rabbits with it and are slated to work with chimps next. Total germ line editing is the next step.

You have no fucking idea how far ahead they are.

Imagine CRISPR editing a virus that specifically targets blacks

You have no idea how much of the data in Chinese papers is doctored... I know, this new technology does look promising but usually the Chinese simply do not show any negative data on their experiments (ok it is kind of common practice nowadays...).

Anyway, good luck trying to replicate chink experiments ... some peer reviewers are either lazy fucks or blind on both eyes.

Didn't I propose this possibility a while back? CRISPRs much more handy for cutting and deleting (and single nucleotide mutagenesis) than actual editing (knock-ins).

Actually I don't work with CRISPR, i'm mostly performing transformation of genes, measuring expression, RT-PCR, collect data and some dry lab work.

As far as I remember CRISPR cassette can be inserted under homologous repair or NEJ (nonhomologous end joining). The latter happens randomly. What cell line do you use?

Thanks for black pill user

I haven't read the whole thread m8

I should never have taken the fucking red pill.

Immortalized mouse myoblasts. Generally they do suck as they tend to either die or terminally differentiate as soon as you only look at them the wrong way! Real bitches, those myoblasts.

The prob is I think that those cells are prone to double strand breaks in general, dunno if due to transformation method or because it is some inherent feature of myoblasts (read somewhere that some cell types introduce DSBs to their own DNA, then repair and keep the epigenetic markers from repair machinery to induce gene expression!).

Anyway, apart from being tetraploid for the locus we are trying to knock a GFP into they really do seem to only produce random insertion by NEJ. We got one kind of different cell line with one allele knocked in but those cells do not form proper myotubes upon differentiation.

Maybe gonna try cell cycle synchronization with nocodazole even if my boss does not like it ... they should tolerate nanomolar conc overnight I think. Only have to keep them from assembling a spindle for a few hours until they are all at G2/M.

Even the smart ones revert to the mean in a few generations. You'd have to do it over multiple generations, abort the shitty ones, and then stop them from breeding with normal stock to keep it going. Not realistic.

Nah was in a thread a few weeks ago.

Sadly it's not just about IQ. I'm sure we'll have the knowledge of all the genes which affect behavior but just IQ isn't enough. Blacks with their IQ matched white counterparts still commit more crime, still save 50% less money and so on. Behavior is more than IQ.

It is not only raw intellect. See pic related, blacks are prone to a lack in impulse control due to MAOA polymorphism being prevalent in their genepool. Also, they tend to lack the dopamine receptor variant DRD4-7R (btw most likely of Neanderthal origin) which affects your behaviour by making you more curious and exploratory (it also gives you depression and nicotine addiction).

>epigenetic markers from repair machinery to induce gene expression
wtf it can't be real

Why not perform on human cell lines tho? If not H*La than at least HEK293.

don't know about nocodazole maybe there are some alternatives to use

I always wondered how it feels like to perceive the world with a human IQ

>Violent crime is a major issue that affects the quality of life even in stable and wealthy societies. In industrialized countries, the majority of all violent crime is committed by a relatively small group of antisocial recidivistic offenders,1,2 and more than 50% of severe antisocial behavior is attributable to genetic factors.3 The classic study by Mednick et al.,4 reported a significant correlation between adoptees and their biological parents for property crimes, but not for violent crimes. However, a recent study using an enormous Swedish nationwide adoption database with a long follow-up period found convincing evidence that the criminal records of biological parents predicted both violent and non-violent criminality among their adopted away children.5 Two decades ago, it was observed that a rare mutation leading to a complete deficiency of monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) was associated with impulsive and aggressive behavior in a Dutch kindred.6 Thus far, only two studies have reported an association between a specific gene and criminal violent offending.7,8 In the study by Caspi et al.,7 55 (12%) of the boys who were studied had a combination of the low-activity MAOA promoter genotype and childhood maltreatment, which accounted for 44% of the violent convictions in their cohort.7 Although this finding has not been replicated, and the majority of violent convictions in this cohort were not severe, such as homicide or attempted homicide, this MAOA variant has become widely called as a ‘warrior gene’.
>>Although this finding has not been replicated

Interesting. I've heard that MAO-A was proposed as a genetic marker for criminals.

Now it falls into place

Kilo kills Snoke, Luke dies
Get fucked

>so that their IQ was raised to the level of humans.
That is such a bad idea.
Just CRISPR their fur and tails back.

They're already doing it.
Xenoestrogens and birth control on water have plummeted our test levels.
Next time you go outside watch the people around you. Most of the men couldn't endure 40 minutes of cardio, how are they going to do a revolution?


>Fucking leaf

The zog overlords would never allow their genetic warfare to approach their level of intelligence.

Also kill yourself nigger helping cuck.

Jews are evil they would never want goyim to not suffer.

Thats never going to be done on humans, especially based on race. People would absolutely flip out, especially the left.

On the other hand why not rather get even more intelligent doggos n other animals? now THAT would be interesting

this guy gets it
theres no way some benevolent scientist is going to just let the whole humanity in on his IQ enhancing serum/treatment
nonono what theyre going to do is make THEMSELVES intelligent while leaving everyone else in the dirt OR actually make others dumber

Yes it's crazy! Seems to have something to do with ATM repair machinery and histone gamma-H2AX marks. Can't find the particular publication right now though ... sci-hub is down.

We use the mouse cells as I think there are no proper human myoblast lines and we have no access to primary material. I mean, sure there are human cell lines but they suffer from the same problems as all transformed lines do: crazy side effects of immortalization. At least the mouse lines are well characterized. We do some stuff in COS and HeLa but the prob is that I am currently investigating cytoskeleton ... and differentiated myotubes are huge, some go across halve a 3,5 cm plate! Just can't really see the same effects as in 'small' cells like HEK or HeLa. Pic related, myotubes with microtubules in green and acetylcholine receptor clusters in red.

Alternative to Nocodazole for synchronization would be serum starvation but that sends them RIGHT into differentiation ... in fact we differentiate primarily by serum starvation.

They are still ugly

They are really funny under light microscope before fixation as they tend to twitch like real muscle in the petri dish.

new domain

This. I don’t hate niggers based on the color of their skin, I hate niggers by the content of their character.

Good article, thx! Think if you combine this MAOA variant with particular other genes affecting behaviour you may get some really volatile mixtures... one of the few gene variants I would really wipe from the human gene pool if I had the ability as I simply cannot see any advantages in it unless you live in a very primitive and violent society.

Fuck yeah! Thx, m8!! Saved my evening there ...

You are supposing race is about iq when is about being different taxonomically

China is doing it as we speak

Have to watch this video on youtube itself

Black pill here. Whatever you think the current state of technology is in a given field, the actual state of the art is a minimum of 10 years ahead.


Oh I get it. Well yeah immortalized cells have horrendous genetic material - like shreds of chromosomes mixed up into mess.

Nice work you are performing.

The IQ is only part of the problem. The other problem is that they're naturally more aggressive and have been taught to hate white people. When you combine this with stupidity, they lack the critical faculties to realize how badly their terrible behavior screws themselves over (especially in the long run).

I think raising their IQ would be only a partial solution. I would rather we just give them free plane tickets to Liberia, after all, that's why we created that country in the first place.

i don't tend to believe into conspiracies, man.

see brave new world. caste system is lyfe. and likely a requirement for galactic community.

Thx. Not that nice if you have to deal with it every day though ... still kind of fun. Yeah, transformed cells are strange. I am always quite paranoid as they mostly still express the viral genes used in the transformation process (think it is some SV40 stuff) and those seem to mess with a lot of different pathways ... especially all those adapter proteins in phosphorylation cascades. Some established results in cell lines simply do not match up with primary cells or in vivo studies. That always freaks me out and makes me doubt my results. Oh well ... can't help it ...


No problem here. That would be wonderful. The higher IQ would also help for them to develop an actual culture. That fucking useless, degenerate rap would be gone, along with the gangsta fucktardary. They are not terribly attractive people but there are lots of ugly people out there. It is definitely worth starting experimenting on them. I would rather start with jews though. Make them have courage, virtue, selflessness, charity - any of the 7 Noble Virtues they do not possess.

Just kill them and give african to whites and asians

do you have more bioeng memes

Yes, I'd want to be among my own kind. We have things to do, culture to develop, we whites.

tons... it's from "Pedromics", check it out

>mfw my name IS Hans


happens to me EVERY FUCKING DAY

You don't need to edit virus to do so, blacks embrace and attract diseases like no other save the poos.