RIP 2017

RIP 2017

Please baby jesus kill that fucking faggot.

is that number the year or his weight?

Unlike you faggots he tries to improve his life. He had shit parents and almost no friends. Maybe surgery is not the best of options but its still better than ripping the healthcare system.

He ripped the healthcare system to get the surgery in the first place.

>This projecting fatty defending a soy black hole
Enough with the paellas, Manolo.

Fuck you. Today is the only day I've not rode my bike to the gym due to 6 inches of fresh snow so far.

This fat fuck is a man child who plays with toys and probably couldn't field strip a fucking Remington 700.

>almost no friends

He is a sack of trash, that is why he has no friends.

He is a waste of natural resources.

Lots of people had shit parents and managed not to become gluttonous pigs.

>He had shit parents and almost no friends.
It's this mentality that is destroying the west. If your parents fucked you up, it's still your responsibility to fix it.

Hi shariablue


a memeflag nigger calling anyone trash.




>parents hate him because he tried eating them
>no friends because he's eaten them
>only reason wife still lives is because she managed to become too big to fit into his mouth


I have shit parents and no friends, too, and I'm still not a gluttonous fat fuck. This morbidly obese sack of shit makes hundreds of thousands of dollars from YouTube, too. He has no excuses.

>He had shit parents and almost no friends.
And ? That's his excuse to become a bloated parasite ?



and he is trying to fix himself.

Its unreasonable to expect that to happen immediately. You cant expect a child to have the maturity and self awareness of an adult it takes time and self reflection and maturity before you can take responsibility.

Jabba the hut

I think OP is referring to the rumoured brain tumour he has



He's trying to "fix" himself by taking a shortcut that may or may not work.


i don't even hate him, he just needs to die

Pretty much this, its not that difficult to lose a little bit of weight, look at how much he lost just by NOT FUCKING EATING!

So he had to have a surgery that made him sick and puke when he ate to much, where as when you used to see him in pictures in public he rode on a fucking scooter.

Tips for hyper obese fuckers to lose weight.
>1. Stop eating so much you fat fuck.
>2. Try walking around you fat fuck.
>3. Sit on your fat ass and lift some weights you fat fuck.
>4. Stop drinking liquid sugar you fat fuck.

Tada, I guarantee you will lose pounds, shit, im chunky as a motherfucker because people bring snacks to me while working and my job is basically sitting on my ass. But then I go in a week spurt of nothing but water and regular meals and WOW LOOKIT THAT I LOST 15 Pounds!

To give him some credit he seems slightly thinner. His intestines and joints will still probably collapse into blubber though.

Whats up! Ladies and gentlemen of Youtube, Boogie2988 comin' at ya live once again, through the power of the internet!
>slurps chemically concentrated transfat
>punches chest to restart heart>\
>obliterates asscrack on chair cylinder
Hoy goys it's me Francis aand ay hav somethin I want off my chest, THOUSE REPOBLICANS ARENT PAYIN' MY HEALTHCARE 'R DEY STOPID OR SOMETHING?
>Gets 10000 likes
I don't usually make these kinda videos but today is an exception, so if you're new, maybe you just clicked the thumbnail, you've never been to my channel before, I don't usually go political or anything like that, I like talking about pokemons, or about my favorite youtubers
>desperately tries to inhale air through football shaped nostrils
but today is different, understand my view of the issue, those DAMN REPUBLICANS ARENT PAYING MY HEALTHCARE!
>Smears mayonnaise on upperbody
>skin absorbs mayonnaise
Don't forget to subscribe. I love you guys!

Shut up faggot. He's nothing but a fat piece of shit who emotionally abuses everyone around him. He is good for nothing and the rest of the world would be better off without his fat ass consuming everything is sight. To be that fucking fat you'd have to eat as much for breakfast as a small african village does each day. He has the nerve to complain about not having money for health care but he buys thousands of dollars worth of cheap childish shit and video games. He is a user and a greedy piece of shit.

Stop idolizing people like him. They are nobodies. Just because a bunch of kids and faggots praise him for existing does not mean he is of value. He's a fat, stupid, ugly cucked piece of shit who pretends to be a retard (maybe) for money on youtube.

Going to bet that when you reach that age where you cant help yourself.. your entire being will crumble. :)

What kind of faggot uses smiley faces on Sup Forums

>Be older then Boogie.
>Be in better shape then Boogie.
Wow its nothing.


>being fat at 20-30 due to overeating
>equivalent to being old and infirm due to nature


why do you people keeping making threads about this fat fuck, literally irrelevant pile of lard

I wish


This fat fucks lower arms grow straight out of his shoulders. Jesus. He has to apply deodorant to his elbows because his tits ate his armpits.

isn't his wife fucking a black dude? In the literal sense, not just banter.

God I can smell the funk permeating that room through my screen.

>Boogie is such a lazy shit that he literally shits himself sometimes while sitting at his PC because he's too lazy to haul his massive form over to the toilet.
>His wife has to clean his shit up for him and wipe his ass whenever this happens.
>Boogie gets all depressed and says he'll definitely make an effort to stop all this, but never does.
>He got to lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat
>Wife begged him to stop but he didnĀ“t care
>Finally, the wife has had enough so she forces Boogie get a colostomy bag installed.
>He never, ever emties it. says it's "too depressing and that it triggers his ptsd"
>One day, it explodes while he's at a convention. The air reeks of rancid shit a mile around, and Boogie tries to play it off as a joke while rushing as fast as someone like him possibly can to get to the nearest toilet to clean himself up.
>His wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults
>Was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal
>We learn in a future video, that this incident made every country in Europe classify Boogie as a mutt instead of a human

because he's a fat fuck and a drain on society with a wife who fucks a black dude. he's basicaly a Sup Forumsack

The credit goes to the healthcare workers that performed the surgery and watched over him before he could go back home. All he has to do is maintain a diet like he should have in the first place. He had the opportunity to do this without medical intervention/aid but couldn't follow through. He could have been a story of personal success but instead he's a story of a man with no self control.

>posting on Sup Forums means we are all 500 pound section 8 poorfags
KYS retard. its been proven that Sup Forums has a number of richfags, talking heads, engineers, politicians, musicians, actors and other shit posting and reading

fuck you, you ride a bike you fucking piece of shit you aren't a car get a real mode of transportation then you can sit at the grownup table

I ride a bike to the gym and back for the cardio. I drive my car to the bar like the rest of you.

By your comment and the amount of replies i can only assume i've hit where the mutt is hurt most

Is the colostomy bag convention incident true?

don't be silly

I've heard this rumour. Who knows if its true. I think the worst part is everyone imagines him thin and successful as fuck with a hot gf. Everyone wants him to succeed. He has every incentive. BUT HE STILL KEEPS FAILING




pop off james


>everyone imagines him thin and successful as fuck

I'm trying, can't manage it
that fat head on anything but a big ball of fat doesn't work

How is that still a human at that point. Their faces look like they're handling cattle or a zoo animal. His fucking legs and toes are turning into Cheetos.

that fat fuck should have killed itself a long long time ago

what kind of quality of life is that?

True, easier said than done though.


Jesus fucking Christ

Why do Autists hate fat people so much?