Kek. Jones is going to be a DINO and vote with Trump so he can keep his seat in 2018. Democrats still lose. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Kek. Jones is going to be a DINO and vote with Trump so he can keep his seat in 2018. Democrats still lose. HAHAHAHAHAHA

i believe he runs in 2020

Serious question.
If a senator doesn't give a fuck about reelection, what stops them from switching sides once they get to washington and voting against everything they said to get into office?
Is there any sort of checks and balances for these people?

Politicians saying one thing and doing something else is literally the status quo of American politics


US politics = identity politics

He's a White Man. But he's also a faggot and nigger lover.

Democrats are celebrating like they got a spic, nigger, or woman elected.

Must be on a downlow faggot for them to be celebrating this much.

Anyhow, he's in the party of feral niggers who will feast on his bones.

Fucking McConnell and Shelby, race traitor faggots.

"It's not race betraying because Jones is a WASP."

He owes coastal liberal Jews with billions of shekels. He ain't voting for any GOP stuff.

He's gonna suck off more Hollywood Jews than all of Harvey Weinstein's old girls.


He's isn't up for re-election until 2020, I believe.

all politicians care about is getting reelected. that being said, is totally right. people are just too stupid or dont care enough to vote outside party lines when this happens

Nah, he knows he's almost certtainly a two-years-and-out deal. His only chance of re-election is to lean hard into helping out Democrats and making them love him in AZ by fucking over Trump and the GOP as hard as he can.


>fucking over Trump and the GOP

So by the next election he'll be voted out by even half way decent compitition? Face it, dems caught a break like republicans did with clinton.


Lol under pressure from who? His constituents are liberals and niggers.

Jones is pretty progressive, not far left but he is way left of Manchin.

Ever hear of a guy named John McCain? Thee people DO exist. Unfortunately, they are invariably Republicans joining the Dems. NEVER the other way.

Won't he have to defend his seat in 2018? If he votes the wrong way on any high profile bills all the people who were lied to about the pedo shit and all the people who dislike christian evangelicals but vote republican will show up and he'll get destroyed. Didn't the same thing happen in 2008 with a republican taking a super blue state and getting blown out in the next election, whilst Obama cruised to the white house?

>under pressure to vote with GOP
Wow it's like the US is a fascist state after all.

In what way is the will of the electorate fascism? Are you really that retarded, or just pretending so that you can get some attention?

That's cause RINOs stole it for him.

>Won't he have to defend his seat in 2018?

* 2020

It's literally the only way he can win re election in 2 years or it's back to unemployment

I would kek if it that happened.
He's still terrible on abortion.


>NEVER the other way.
why not both?

If you do that you're out of a job come reelection. Unless you're about to retire, you usually don't make plans to quit your job.

He doesn't owe them anything. That would be fall along the lines of bribery, blackmail, and/or extortion.

The only thing he owes are any fraudulent spending of taxpayer money. If he sits on his ass and doesn't do his job while at the same time collecting paycheck then that's fraud.

A sheep among sheep dogs.
Jones will be herded and eternally btfoed

The other senator from Alabama is Richard Shelby. When he first got elected he was a Democrat. When Republicans made big wins during the midterms he switched to the Republican party.