Sargon has just been revealed as /ourguy/ and is a member of the alt-right:

Sargon has just been revealed as /ourguy/ and is a member of the alt-right:

Other urls found in this thread:

Source is 100% legit

nigger ecelebs will be the first to hang

>Right Wing Watch
Fake noose

Is this the guy from Subway?

you mean a jewtube eceleb shill?

its not legit, and sargon is a literal cuck who married a single mother. Fuck off. He's a lurcher.

Nuh-uh, he's totally alt right. A verified Twitter user said so. Ask him and you'll see.

He is both a cuck and a distributor of red pills. A Quantum Rightist. Only exists when not directly observed.

Yes, an ///ourguy///

Jared's followers are very tolerant, also

>and he still wont pick a side

I'd love to see Sargon crucified. He's a total dick

As someone who's generally more politically centrist
>inb4; I hold no views whatsoever
people like Jared Holt continue to push me further right, and he does more to make me want to hang him from his faggoty scarf than the Sargons do. Rather than confront Sargon with opposing facts they simply call him names. Think what you want about Sargon. At least he puts in the work and tries to be informative and consistent.

>"white nationalist propaganda"

FBI crime statistics? Because those make the most compelling argument for a white ethnostate that I can think of.

Wait...when was sargon not alt-right? He was always alt-right and also a total faggot.

Ethno nationalism is not alt right. Ethno nationalism is the only acceptable ideology.

The size of that nose...

>wearing a shemagh when you're not from the middle east or africa

This unironically pisses me off.
I don't even really care about "muh cultural appropriation" otherwise.

fuck off with your eceleb shite, especially this fat fanny faggot cunt shit'ead niggerblooded cunt prick


>Alt-Right sympathies
Saying "I hate both of you, but you guys are the lesser evil" can hardly be considered as having "Alt-Right sympathies"

The reason why the left inevitably loses: This guy is supposed to be an expert and claims that the Quadroon of Akkad is Alt-right. They are clueless as fuck

>“Yeah, it’s terrifying, isn’t it? But like [social justice warriors are] not just a loud fringe. They’re not. This what people have to—say ‘Oh, SJWs, they’re not a big problem’—no, they’re a fucking massive problem. I mean holy fuck, the reason thousands of young girls are getting raped is not because the police didn’t want to do something or couldn’t do something. It was because they were afraid of social justice warriors calling them racist,” Benjamin explained.

What's funny is that he doesn't even dispute this. He just implies
>how dare he criticize us as being worse than the alt-right

>we need to throttle this site!

And that's why we shouldn't regulate the internet like this, so these dictator-wannabes can fuck off.

Is he,dare I say it,/ourguy/?

hail sargon hail our people 1488

9 (nein)

Sargon just made a video calling this guy a faggot, so I doubt he agrees that he’s alt right

He's a fag, but it wouldn't surprise me if he started moving in that direction some. Everyone seems to be now that they're losing attention/income.

It's either

>white nationalism

at this point.


Sargon is a massive faggot who says he doesn't care what happens after he dies. Not even the world that will be left for his wife's son.

Selfish nihilist fags should just hang themselves instead of wasting air talking about muh horseshoe.

Sargoy of Mossad

>Sargon has just been revealed as /ourguy/ and is a member of the alt-right

Of course, he has to you stupid cucks. He probably goes to this board and sees you people turning on Southern and sees an open market.

>the so-called "New Right"
I'm 8 different flavors of confused. I thought the "Alt-Right" was their boogeyman.

dare i say, is he /ourguy/ now? Good job goys!!!!

No he's a (((skeptic))). Still laughing about about his ridiculous proposal to the Alt-right the other day on Millennial Woes.

he probably has bigger boobs so he qualifies for the job

>cuck who married a single mother

Why are you trying to meme this so hard? It's not even funny.

yah we have been telling you idiots this for some time, you have no clue what is happening and why because you are goyim that do nothing to educate yourselves

Just stay out of your way and don't fuck anything up

We already know he lurks, he’s said it before. Idk if he posts anything though

Fucking this, as much as I consider Sargon a dumb overrated eceleb, I'd go to him for political shit over some dumb kid who just got his journalism degree and hopped onto a dumb blog

Sargoy is Black Sun btw you half wits and we have been planning all of this for some time, you think the kikes are the only ones that work in the shadows? You all have no idea what is happening, just know we are fighting for you, everything we do is for you