What is your argument against feudalism?

What is your argument against feudalism?

It sucked for the majority of people

that's your argument that discredits a system that ruled for 6 centuries? it's not even relevant if it sucks for the majority of people, at least they get shit done.

i'm also in favor of slavery of non-christians. it might suck for them but it doesn't matter if you have enough military force to keep them down. slavery is extremely efficient and great for the economy. we could accomplish great things by reintroducing slavery of non-christians and blacks.

I don't want a system that sucks for most people, because it'd probably suck for me as well.
Slavery is morally wrong and also quite rude

not enough violent pesant uprisings

I'm already a Brahmin. Does that make me a Druid? What will you pay for my sagely advice?

No fakers allowed.
Get fucked, peasant scum.
Enough reincarnational cycles and you might not be such an idiot.
Lil marxist babby to get singled out and his entire family put in shackles as examples but give me the virgin girl children for sustenance


It’s feutile.

it won't suck for you as long as you're christian.

ofcourse slavery is morally wrong but so is taxation. slavery is a necessary evil for society to do well.

After death comes judgement, pagan, nothing less

Because there is nothing feudalism can do that Fascism can't do better.

If you are a wicked smart skilled peasant no merit based system exists for you to progress.

its stupid and ineffective, worse QoL than modern democracy

The logical conclusion of anarcho-capitalism is essentially a form a feudalism.

Invention of firearm means I no longer require some stuck up nance who could afford a sword and training to maybe protect me next time the bandits get uppity

dont wanna be some kings literal nigger who works on a farm or someshit and has to pay a tithe to the church and give up half my crop
kingcucks are faggots

This. We can just make the niggers, spics, and liberals do our work for us.

like it is today? shit job and paying a shit load of taxes

I don't want to have my decisions dictated to me by an inbred satanist ruling class that has their will enforced by a warrior class that is brainwashed to be loyal that "protects me" the same way the mafia does.

Unfortunately that's the reality I currently live in so at least feudalism is honest about it.

>Mfw Serfs worked less than the average Post-Industrial "Free" man

Why even live?

Christ cucks would tear themselves apart by sect. It would not work

>What is your argument against feudalism?
The vast majority of people would be serfs and less than 1% of people would be landed.

>that's your argument that discredits a system that ruled for 6 centuries? it's not even relevant if it sucks for the majority of people, at least they get shit done.
What got done other than sustenance farming?

keeping the enemy out of our homelands, something that's bringing our civilization down right now

Slavery ruins the economy and creates technological stagnation. Christians are dangerously autistic.

>After death comes judgement

That's a stolen meme bud.

>keeping the enemy out of our homelands
Beep boop beep thats not something that ever happened

It tied people to the land that they were living on. You had a parasitic ruling class that just squabbled with each other. Maintaining modern QoL under feudalism would be impossible seeing as we dont all need to be farmers thanks to extensive division of labour.

Yeah nah, that sounds like bullshit

And even if so, what did those serfs have to do with all their extra free time? Sit around in a shitty straw hut and wait to die at 30.

Firearms made the professional warrior class an economic burden.

Remove them use from the pyramid and the whole system collapses in revolution.

I want class mobility even though I'll never reach the higher classes.

>nobles gave the peasants food
yeah, sure

went to carnivals, played games and fucked. Had a lot of afternoon naps apparently

But it's bad

WRONG, most people were landed.

Yeah sure the peasants totally survived 600 years without eating a single thing

It was perfect and made sense for the time. Wouldn't work today as we have no need for protection.

So you only care about yourself, got it.

If you were a smart peasant you could join a monastery.

get completely fucking REKT kiddo

So like every political system ever? That seems like a non-criticism.

but that's wrong

This shit is so wrong.

like any current day society?

most people were not landed. How the fuck did you get this idea?

But it was over 1%

This society sux 10x harder. If not for fossil fuel masking all the symptoms we would have hung the kikes decades ago.

We must return to it.

But it was pretty good for those lower down the system.

Not everyone was a tenant farmer.

Truly an equal and prosperous society

>slightly over 1%
Sure buddy

sarcasm dipshit

Do i look like i give a fuck?

You want to try it? Go to north Korea. Let us know how that goes.

That's fascistic junta, bro.

>Who might this be?????

Monarchies are fucking stupid because there's no logical succession of reign.

>no logical succession of reign.
Opposite day?