this probably wont end well.
This probably wont end well
Because it couldn't be more obvious he's faking it to grab all the attention away from the white kid? The white kid isn't racist, he has no political stigma, you leave him the hell alone you pathetic soyboy.
>that squeezing your whiny kid for some youtube fame
he is racist the reason he got bullied is because he was calling black kids niggers
Underage newfag sssshhhhhhhh
In fairness though, all Ricans whine like little bitches.
the thought of salma hayek being coerced into being naked for harvey weinstein is kinda super fucking hot and arousing. forcing a hotass bitch like salma to be naked in front of a guy she despises must be an amazing rush. no wonder that fat kike doesn't look remorseful at all, he would do it all over again and still be caught decades later
Literally no evidence of this at all
He's certainly racist now if he wasn;t before. Having to deal with niggers or anything majority brown will grow a justifiable hate in your heart. They're stupid, aggressive beasts, and they get nothing but handouts unless some kind of niggerball or a rhyming dictionary works out, yet they are extremely proprietary. I have met some good ones, but I would still genocide them, first if it was my job on the day of the rope, for the good of the planet.
go home mexicano
This to be honest. I literally wasn't racist until I had to live in a nigger neighborhood for 7 years while going to college.
Where is the evidence, lady? Where is it you mongrel?
The kid blames whites instead of bullies just look at the original youtube name.
Spend a week in Arizona and you'll soon realize natives are a lower shit tier than niggers.
I went to Arizona State and every class had at least 3-5 natives. No matter what the class, they'd always come in late, have a shitty attitude, and didn't give a shit since they were all on full rides from their res. And those were the best ones. Every other native is a degenerate drunk and more often than not have a problem with meth.
At niggers have Thomas Sowell and athletes that are fun to watch in sports. Can't say there's any intellectual or famous athlete that's native.
>op, the faggot, doesn't think the white kid one was a media stunt, and the video of him crying was fake
>be me
>seven years old early 2001
>go to Arizona with family
>see a neato shop
>cool arrowheads and shit along with a wood flute
>decide to buy it cause shits cool
>after walking out and showing parents I get shit on buy some chieftain looking fucker with two shit ugly sons
>don't remember what was said exactly but it was along the lines of "evil white man culture something something"
Really disliked indians ever since
>native are only useful when they need to be
>blacks are better because thug ball sport where they kneel and (((politcally))) infiltrate n sheeit
>natives never get mentioned, but meth n stuff
okay (((JetZM0Vh)))
At least the goofy-looking one on the left made an attempt to seem legit for a little while, but he's pretty much finished. One on the right is blatantly trying to get on the bandwagon, even though the ride has already crashed.
Also this.
Some random twitter account.
It's about time white people got with the program and started acting racist and protecting their own. Everyone else always has and always will.
>that nose
sure thing, kid
The fuck you're talking about, he's just crying. You think that little guy asked his dad to film him?
These kids are going to get eaten by Krampus.
what if i don't give a fuck about either of them