Conservatism is the new counterculture

>conservatism is the new counterculture

Is there even a counter culture at this point? Anything that could be considered 'popular culture' is pozzed to hell and back.

>conservatism and shilling for big corporations is the new punk rock


everything is controlled by the kikes
there is no culture
there is no counter-culture
There are the Chosen people and the Goyim
The farmer and the cattle

huh neet, all you need to do to unban is type /ipconfig renew in cmd

> democrats are the real facists

At this point being anywhere to the right of Stalin is counterculture.

>god isnt real


> mgtow is the best way forward for white males as a collective

>deuzzz vult!!!

Hey that ain't no nigger! That's a based black man

fuck off cuck

>the earth isn’t a cube

> im mgtow aswell I am no cuck

every picture in this is killing me

u misspelled COWNTAKULCHA

me hate repubicans wite peepo no gud

It is. That doesn't mean it's right, but that's simply how it is now.

mods are asleep