What do most office workers actually do?

I work as a janitor at a big corporate office. I know most of you view this as a shitty, embarrassing job, and a lot of times it is. But whenever I walk around the floors and people at their desks, it seems like almost all the time, most of them are really not doing much. They are often just socializing, or standing around and talking about their weekend, or looking at not work related shit online. They always have these fun events of getting food and team-building games and shit like that. And I see so many of them just leave whenever they feel like it.

I understand i don't see them all day. But it really seems like so many office workers don't do jack shit. Maybe they'll put together some code, or an excel document for two hours then just dick around. What's the deal? Why do office workers so often look like they're not doing anything?

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I notice that too. frequenting offices and noticing wtf are you doing really?
I couldn't pretend to happy and talkative with other coworkers like that for 8hrs day though. I honestly would rather do manual constructive stuff

This actually makes me feel good that a ton of office work is being outsourced to poos.

About two and a half hours of work. The rest is bullshit because they won't let you leave or you lose your job.

At my building, I see office "workers" on amazon, facebook, YouTube, you name it all day on their computers or phones or sometimes both at once. Been working here 7 years now at this fortune 500 company and I still dont know what these office "workers" actually do. What the fuck is this?

Depends on the company and employee. Computers have greatly increased efficiency but also cause a decline in productive hours, I'd say half the day of an average cubicle dweller is spent on not work related stuff online. It's a wash.

I had the misfortune of working in a small office environment for a couple years that had nothing but younger women in it. Every day was a fucking headache, they were not professional and no matter how many times you'd tell them how to do their job they just couldn't remember or figure it out on their own. It was horribly inefficient and the gossip and drama was unbearable. What pushed me over the edge was when one of the senior staff member fucked up and tried to throw me under the bus for it to try and save her own ass.

Never. Fucking. Again.

Rather than specific tasks, most office workers are given "projects" that only take of fraction of the time they're given to complete them. The end results are what's judged, not the employees' specific behaviors. Employees won't take on additional projects unless they want to move up in the company. Most are just fine where they're at.

Most office jobs work in a cycle. So there will be different projects or deadlines that happen every year around the same time, and people just work on them. Could be every october is when Christmas marketing is the project. Or every July is a conference related to your work. Basically shit all but the same thing everyday every-year. There is basically no room for growth unless you do it yourself and chances you wont get a raise for doing it.

It's driving me crazy, I'm used to labor, now that I've "made it" all i do is fuck around and drink coffee. Something in between destroying my body and being useless in an office would be ideal

document processing, which can be automated

when it becomes automated, office workers can do what they do best for the rest of their lives on their shitty homes - pointless conversations

Hey bro I appreciate your humility, I hope things look up for you. Seriously

as little as possible to fill their eight hours.

Really pathetic, but the modern office creates the environment where that is the way it is.

they do nothing that couldn't be automated by software.

2 hrs worth of data input in 8hrs. The rest of the time is talking shit and finding ways to work with attractive coworkers.

I sell insurance in a call center, office jobs are horse shit.

The higher you get the less you do.

agreed. how do you supposed people used to dick around and waste time at work before the internet?

As someone who's actually worked in an office, I can assure you politicking is 80% of what matters.

You need to ask your female boss how her gay (((half)))-black son is doing at his new college or you're finished. "Is it more gay friendly than the last school?" Does he feel safe being black there?

It's really quite retarded. Most office employees just do emails, talk to other people, answer emails, write emails, make occasional phone calls regarding emails, and sometimes manage an excel spreadsheet or some sort of web application. Usually this is regarding things relating to the item/service the actual business is selling - inventory, marketing, sales numbers, etc.

It's really simple work that they overhype the shit out of to create the illusion that they are worth a fuck. Particularly true for managers who just go to meetings and answer more emails.

I have one of the more "intensive" office jobs and I work more than most other people. There is no reason I need to be at work for 8+ hours a day, it's fucking retarded. By hour 4-5 or so my brain is mush and I'm done for the day. The next 3-4 hours is pretty much just me sitting there waiting for the bell to ring. Most people won't admit this in person as they like to protect their "value", but it's true.

I work a standard 9 to 5 as a cubicle slave and honestly I have to find things to do during the day to fill the time like take an extra long shit and stuff like that.

I think about this all the time -- I haven't got the foggiest idea what the nips are up to for like 14 hours a day in their offices.

It blows my mind how they seem to have so many events and activities and I always see them standing around. wtf do they do all day? it hardly seems like they are really concentrating super hard or having to do something really important.

Again, I know I don't see anything, and I'm sure many of them work very hard and care a lot. And I know I'm just a lowly worker, but it's just a weird atmosphere in the corporate office, where work often doesn't seem like a priority.

selling insurance is also an office job moron

the same can be automated

As a lot of people say already, most people just fuck around looking busy. Maybe 1-2 hours of real work, with the occasional actually busy day. I used to think I was lazy because I would struggle to get any work done, then I quit my office job and started working from home. Suddenly I'm putting in 12-14 hour days no problem, enjoying the whole experience.

I believe even people who WANT to work hard at office jobs are hamstrung by the fact humans are not meant to sit inside under bright lights all day. I get to move around, have a nap, watch TV whenever I feel like it. If I'm stuck, I can take a walk without anyone judging me. Even just sitting on the couch and staring blankly while my mind figures something out is SO USEFUL and impossible to do staring at a computer screen.

>do 3 hours actual work
>5 hours looking busy; playing on phone instead

t. mechanical engineer

My company just hired a compensation specialist.

Exactly this. I run a small business that is now growing into a big business. If my sales team isn’t out physically selling and they are in the office for too long, they are just fucking around. It’s why I put in bar tables and make them stand. I don’t want them getting comfortable. And fuck it but I am done with women in my sales team. I got rid of them and am sticking with men from now on. All the women I had I “promoted” to secretary duties. They can’t be trusted to think on their own. They have to be told what to do every fucking step of the way.

rule of exceptionalism, the square root of the number of employees do 50% of the work

Why don't you just not be a kike and have your employees work less hours? They'd probably more productive when they're actually at work rather than you making them stand like some sort of hooved animal all day

bash scripting all day everyday like a real nigga. python and C are for bitch ass hoes.

This is why I work from home. My job is intellectually demanding, so I spend some of my time sitting and reading, some of my time pacing around, and about 5% of it actually doing something that looks like working. There is no reason for most "white collar" positions to require being in an office, except when that person has access to private/personal information (e.g. medicine, insurance, etc...).

You also have to keep in mind that most managers need to justify their salaries to their managers and so on. Small departments don't get much attention unless they involve a large number of people or have a history of drawing a large deficit followed closely by a much larger surplus. In the former case, it is most likely a government contract, the sort where you need to justify your expenses, but must also spend most/all of the money.

In the vast majority of places it's something like 10% of people do 70% of the work so most people actually do fuck all. I don't mind having those people around though because they make me look really good.

I work in IT. I come in in the morning and I'm given tickets to resolve, these can range from something simple like ordering a replacement part for something that has failed like a disk or a PSU to troubleshooting the cause of packet loss on a fuckhueg network.

Yes! Hard knowledge work is 45% filling your brain with information and 45% letting your brain synthesize it until a light turns on and you suddenly get it. The rest is actual implementation.

I've had days where I popped an addy and got 8+ hours of actual coding in the office. Had a fucking good time doing it too.

I work in an office. We maybe answer a few emails a day and spend the remainder of the time on our phones.

You missed the point. I don’t want them in the office being lazy fuckers. I want them out selling as much as possible. If the office is cozy, they get lazy and will sit around doing “emails” or some shit that could be done faster. Since I got rid of normal desks, my employee productivity is way up. They get their work done fast when they are at the office and they spend more time out selling. I also use crm systems to monitor how they are selling while they are out. It’s harder that way for them to make shit up.

i have never worked in an office, always run my own biz or worked remote for software. for 10 days i worked in my employer's office of about 7 people one time and that was it.

i have always prided myself on my output and work ethic. as an entrepreneur if you dont make shit you dont eat. i never really thought about it until lately. my brother works at an office. they dont get any work done. it looks like hell on earth. so i started reading about it.

tell me: is it really true? do people drive to work for 30 mins to sit under lights for 8 hours to drive home for 30 mins? on a good day, on average, i get about 4 productive hours. and then my brain needs a break. i can overdrive myself for more hours but then it costs me eventually.

so i figure either (A) i am a shitty worker or (B) the concept of sitting in an office for 8 hrs of "work" is actually just babby-sitting for shit brains. turns out it is B. this changed everything.

i no longer view the economy as real. white collar work is likely a total sink of resources with a handful of people carrying the team and creating a product that allows the zombie corpse of the company to exist for a few more years. its quite pathetic but i am afraid it's true.

I support your measures fully. Anyone who would willingly work sales is a soulless retard who deserves to suffer.

I usually characterize this as "figuring out which buttons to push and in what order" and my job as "just pushing buttons" to the skeptics Followed by, "now you're a pro, show me!"

No, I got the point perfectly. You want them working 100% of the time. There is no reason for anyone to be at work (in white collar) for 8+ hours a day.

You keep posting that. The Filipino can be automated, you little slanty nigger. Going to need lots of kid-robots for the sex trade though, luckily flips are so fucking short you can just remove the tits on the adult models and nobody will notice the difference anyway.

Most people have to stretch 3hr of work into a 9hr day. It's bullshit but in a lot of cases the worst thing you can do is set really high standards for yourself because you're the only one who becomes held to them.

We shut up when you gossipy kids come around.

I work my ass off at my job as a cloud architect. When i source my work to others they never get done correctly and on time so i end up doing it all. I enjoy what I do but sometimes i feel over my head.

>I enjoy what I do but sometimes i feel over my head.
that means you're learning and will succede. do you think other people at your office feel this way & actually try hard?

Analysis your feeble mind can’t handle, Jethro.

lmao too true my guy, too true. I've mastered this and i know were talking about the same thing from the example questions you have at the end

fkn hilarious guy, 8.7/10 - extremely relatable/accurate

>compensation specialist
What does he do, walk around the office trying to figure out the best way to be a normie?

>Yeah.. I think, hmm. What car does your neighbour have?
>>He's got a silver CLA-class
>Hmm, yeah.. hmm, I think- I know what'll be perfect for you, uh, we'll lease a CLS-class for you, and make it gold coloured. It looks the same, but it's a lot more expensive, larger engine. Good? Make sure you rev it in the morning, try to leave a little earlier than he does if you can.

Most officeworkers don't do jack shit. Most teams have 4 managers where 1 manager does everything, knows almost everything, assists all of the staff and is actually respected, and the other three just collect pay checks.

I spend my days solving internal problems, doing reconciliations, training staff, building tools, refining or reviewing procedures, auditing reports that need human review (most likely because the coders haven't been employed or paid enough, or given enough time to practically solve for all possible variables a human can account for), and shit like that.

Typically in my experience you need at LEAST a manager who is the "job manager" where you are the one getting shit done, on calls, talking to other departments, talking to outward facing reps, and bringing new stuff back to your area. Then ideally you need a person who can be the "people manager" of your team who can do the face to face stuff, hear worries, find any fights or squabbles people are having and keep stuff civil.

Ideally 1 manager can do both but at least in my place of employment there is so much change and information coming and going it's hard enough to keep track of it all, let alone while managing 25 people and giving them all time and coaching and face to face reviews they deserve.

I work for a notoriously lean company, though, where our "office culture" is basically "blood from a stone" and it always has been. Most offices are NOT like this. It is at times challenging and at times interesting. There is enough stuff changing and business coming in and out all the time to keep things fresh if you pay attention. I found that out a long time ago. The base-level work for our "grunts" is kind of boring, tedious, and can definitely be automated at some point, or moved to other areas of focus. It is mostly data entry and then QC. Most people DO fuck up though, constantly, and cannot remember even the simplest or most basic things.

It's... well.. they pay me

>I know most of you view this as a shitty, embarrassing job, and a lot of times it is.
The best job I ever had was as the janitor at a car dealership. I was the best damn janitor they ever had--I spent two years there, in a position that had been passed between eight people in the year and a half prior to my hiring--and if those cheap fuckers had brought me on full time, I'd still be there today. But they didn't, and I couldn't afford to live, and now I work one of those white collar office jobs. And I hate my life so fucking much it defies expression.

Incidentally, after I hung up my mop they split my duties into two positions and hired two people to replace me, and each of those two positions had been vacated and filled again three times each within six months of my resignation. Don't be ashamed of being a janitor if you're good at it, turns out a lot of people absolutely aren't

>the filipino can be automated

your ignorance is showing, and probably that's why you're unwilling to show your real flag

repetitive tasks can be automated, and upon the advent of true AI, even creative tasks can be automated on some aspects

Used to have an office job, id have entire weeks where I didnt do a SINGLE productive thing. Would usually literally do 30 minutes of actual work in 5 days. And then every once in a while I’d have weeks where there would be more work than a human can handle.

Its very shit, just absolutely kills you as a human. At least in my job it made you lazy, unimaginative, unambitious. Depressed.

I think you should avoid office jobs UNLESS you have kids. Or are old or desperately need a start to a career. Any other reason will kill you.

They do exactly what the people in your pic are doing: Nothing.

I am getting a more senior position and i can tell when someone is slacking off, i am pretty hard on them, once i get wind of their bullshit they are out.

40 hour work weeks are pointless in an office setting. Most people would be just as, if not more productive if they only worked like 20 hours a week. But then again, most businesses would probably realize real quick how overpaid most of their staff is if they did this.

>cloud architect

My job keeps wanting me to study for AWS and Azure exams but I just feel unmotivated with that stuff at the moment even though it's probably the future.

t, corporate bootlicker

For anyone thinking this thread is a bunch of people being over-dramatic or whatever, THEY ARE NOT. No one here is exaggerating. It is really that bad. It's like a massive secret that everyone shares.

Im trapped as an Engineer in Training (civil) on the "design squad," meaning I do autocad shit 99% of the time. Im constantly looking for work to do because staring at the computer in a cubicle can drag the day out if youre not occupied with busyshit. If its particularly slow, Ill do shit the long ways or annoy someone til they give me something to do. Not enough work to go around, or not enough time for team leaders to spend the time teaching you new shit or supervisors actually checking your shit (half the shit I turn in doesnt get proofchecked, like wtf).

Like the rest of the thread, the theme applies: ~4 hours of work in a 8 hour day

Also, most of the time foreign women are the best workers, usually from russia or korea or japanese.

This is how I think a lot of office work is, regardless of field. Eventually it all gets insanely esoteric and "anybody else" WILL fuck it up.

what do could architects actually do? Are they glorified IT?

>cloud architect
get to work on those google docs niqqa

That is also true, there is always ONE person in an office who will do the bulk of the work. We had one too and it was sad he did everything all day while 3 of us slacked off

About 10% of employees in most fortune 100+ company's do 90% of the work. There was a study done, but i can't find it. When you look around the office try and spot the few you see working an remember their faces. you will keep seeing the same few faces again and again. welcome to corporate.

Socialize or pretend to work.

I'd say spreading your legs and squealing like a boiled rat is pretty repetitive work. That about covers 85% of the Philippine "workforce" per my estimations.

Hey don't worry user, after NN kills the internet you won't need to study for those exams anymore

I pay them salary and commission (and gas) plus vacation time plus they get an hour for lunch. I don’t pay them to sit on their asses for 8 hours in an office doing fake work. I pay them to do 8 hours of actual work. Doing sales (not call center bullshit) means being out of the office. Calling places and doing emails and spreadsheets are fine. But that shit can be done in an hour or two at the end of the day when offices are winding down.

If your an owner or manager, your time is spent monitoring your sales team and systems, doing recruiting and training, and then focusing on other aspects of the business that need attention apart from sales (production, accounting, marketing, tech, etc).

Anyone on the sales side of my company that is spending more than two hours a day in the office better have a fucking good reason and if they do I am totally cool with it.

they would day drink and fuck their secretaries, ever seen Mad Men?

10% doing something
90% getting some approved, or creating some kind of proof of concept/documentation that is required before I can do something.

I work at a big tech company as a programmer. Probably not the norm, since my team has zero vision about the product, basically just banging on things as if we are consultants for our own company.

I spend 40 hrs a day working, set a hard limit to make sure I go home. My team plans 25 hours of development work per person, per week. The other 15 hours are consumed mostly by meetings, code reviews, and other overhead.

The thing is, most of the work I do would be made completely worthless if we scrapped the whole team and restarted it under a single, omniscient, despotic vision. All the little isolated, opaque bits of unstandardized process that form under each team are often highly redundant. If someone had vision into all of the process each of these teams owns, they'd probably notice. I'd say upwards of 90% of work, even at software companies, is completely worthless due to it being redundant and lacking a standard.

The lack of standard lets you get away with a substandard product, giving you the ability to work less.

I think this type of redudancy and substandard output reflects into non-technical white collar jobs as well.

As an anecdote, my exgf was picked up, along with a number of other girls, to move data from a particular recipe storage tool/database, into a new recipe storage tool/database. They sat in their chairs for 3 months, copying and pasting recipes from one window to another, despite sitting literally right next to a team of web developers, and never thought once about automating it.

For a while I was going to this career office a few times a week. A place that is supposed to help people find a job or new career. It was easy to see who was actually trying to help others and were good at their office job and the others that were just there because they were there and locked in at the their job and now you couldn't get rid of them if you wanted too. They must have had at least 4 or so workers there they could have dealt without. But even the ones that were genuinely doing their job would have just fuck tons of downtime they would need to fill with gossip and personal calls and fucking around on the internet

the thing is you NEED other people, even to some degree, because you need replacements ready to go.

You need back-up plans. The business can't stop if you are sick, or you go on vacation. Sure, shit doesn't get done when that person isn't in office, but it doesn't grind to a halt either.

Eh, it's a she, and she's suppose to figure out the pay, benefits, etc for positions.... It's so pointless considering how small the company is.

The best thing you can do in an office is adopt projects of your own.

About two years in I realized that instead of writing on Sup Forums half the day, I should write that book I’ve been thinking of. Was really mad I didnt do it sooner.

Failpenis niggers btfo!!

can confirm

t. electrical engineer

i remember when i worked a pointless office job when i was at the government. now i'm in private practice, i'm working 11 hour days and billing 8.

I don't get people like you really. I imagine you have to be a very smart person to be a cloud architect, but what could a smart person enjoy about being an IT dev? I can't imagine life outside my job in academia desu, just seems like it would be impossible to find purpose in making some corporate fucker money and building timewasters for sheep instead of actually discovering new shit.

In a company of 10,000 people, 100 of those workers are responsible for produce half of the economic benefit.

I graduated from college into an office job this year. I do supply chain management. Basically a lot of Excel spreadsheet work with someone Access every once in a while. I'm lucky the company is flexible about working from home/on the road, because like everyone else has said. It doesn't take that long to what you are assigned. So I play Vidya or watch TV. I wish I had something more demanding honestly. I used to work process management for a warehouse and I was walking around and talking with people face to face. Doing everything over email and phone is fucking soul sucking. Especially when you deal with assholes that can shit talk the VP of your customer's company and not get fired.

This is called the pareto distribution, square root of the number of people doing something does half the work.

I dunno about you, there is an unspoken acceptance to count lunch as work hours (8-5 is 9 hours), meaning half fridays. And people usually start shuffling out around 430. When I interviewed, several places had a slightly cheated 40 hr schedule

>be business owner
>see thread from employees perspective
>everyone in the thread saying they dont really need to work 8 hours a day to accomplish the same
>dont listen to anything anyone says
>still be a retard and demand 8 hours of work

you must be a kike

Office workers do that for these reasons
>Luke runs out of Mana and dies
>Kilo Ren kills snoke
>Nigger kisses gook
Boycott Jewish degeneracy


You're both talking about the prato [sp] distribution

I write protocols/reports to show we're "cGMP" compliant with the FDA. Look at what my pharma company has to go through if we just want to use a simple spreadsheet. And people wonder why drugs cost so much.


Not even mad because I still haven't seen Episode 7, and probably never will.

Sounds fucking boring. What keeps you from blowing your head off?

I actually agree with you to some extent. Sales takes a special kind of person to pull off. Especially if they are really good. I try and put people into positions where I know they will function best. I’m not going to put some autist beta Reddit user in sales who might be a genius but can’t talk to anyone outside of pol. I will most likely put a retarded good looking Chad in sales. He may not be the smartest, but he can sell anything I ask him to sell. This is the reason I got rid of women in my sales team. They are cancer and will only fuck shit up.

I make sure I give at least as much output as I'm paid each day. So if I make X dollars a day I make sure I provide at least X dollars of output. Recently a single project I completed saved the co. over $150k/yr. I'll do whatever the fuck I want for a while.

would kill for a 40 work week. i need 60-70 hours to bill around 40.

this is exactly a problem specifically with BIG companies.

all of the fragmented parts that accumulate because of regulations or "reorganizations" within the company eventually lead to lost knowledge (as people move on or leave) and lack of understanding of what the exact fuck you're supposed to be doing.

Communication from the top-down from these monolith companies is HORRIFIC at best. In my case it literally seems like the direction we are going in is 10 years backwards (in the case of our software dev, literally, because our new tech is built based on features our previous platform used to have and we abandoned because they were stupid...). This is because new people came on board and want to implement "their vision" upon the fragments and they absolutely fucking suck at herding the cats.

After working at a big company for so long, it's something that really adds to the disillusion of "big utopian government" being our savior. You get to see first hand, daily, how fucking lazy or stupid people are all the time. They make all the same mistakes and do all the same stupid shit over, and over, and over, and over, and it doesn't matter if they're a vice-president or a front-line grunt.

The thing is, the concept of working hours to pay is plain retarded. 3 day work weeks (3 days in working hours, having 3 open days is also retarded) would instantly fix all office problems. Pay accordingly et voila. Anything else to discuss would be universal basic income or something of the sort. It doesnt make sense, when you have the money to hire people and only need a fraction of their work, just so peolle have a job you hire them to dick around and get depressed. And still have huge unemployment because you struggle to find jobs from automatization. In my humble opinion we are moving faster and faster away from the concept of “job” earning you a “living”.

Who is snoke? The girl? So Ren kills the white girl?

>what the nips are up to
it's the same as you, nothing

Because they don't. I've heard enough stories that they just browse reddit or fb all day. I can't shit on them too hard because my job(s) are like that too, but we're physically waiting on things to happen.

I work in an office. I want to kill myself and everyone around me.
If you think women have gossip problems, HOLY FUCK. At least the women will actually get their work done and then some, even if they’re messaging each other all day.
But dear god the men.
These lazy doofuses will talk about every email in their inbox out loud and then bitch about the person who sent it to each other. Every single time. Then they’ll have two hour long meetings that are actually just bitching sessions about other coworkers. Then they’ll be asked to fix something and they won’t get up out of their seats to go look into it.

Today one of the guys made a mistake he didn’t know how to fix, and one of the girls found out and fixed it for him. When she excitedly told him everything was going to be okay, he immediately YELLED at this girl for going about it the wrong way. But come to find out, she actually did it the way she was supposed to and went through all the proper channels.
Fucking douche.
How do I get out