>Ghost in the Shell
>the next-gen Matrix
Jesus Christ, those baka gaijins
Ghost in the Shell
Other urls found in this thread:
>next gen
But it was there before Matrix.
>all those remakes and capeshit
Is Hollywood finished? They are so out of ideas they have gone to Japan for original movie ideas. Pathetic.
Nice ass
>film magazine
>literally only capeshit and fucking sci-fi
I'm pretty upset
>listen to the latest Doughboys podcast with Bobby Lee as the guest
>he bitches about how fucking impossible it is for an Asian-American actor to get hired and how Scarlett Johannsen is going to be the Major
The saddest part is that the Japanese don't care. Really, the only people that get shafted in this whole exchange is asian actors in the states.
the oldfags of the nips are too dead to care, and the newfags only care about their waifus.
It's canon that the major can take any appearance she wants.
So actor choice isn't a real issue.
People just love to bitch about everything.
People have been saying that the Matrix was influenced by Ghost In the Shell ever since The Matrix came. Then I finally watched the later and was surprised by how little there was in terms of an overt influence outside of the Wachowskis being weebs.
>Adaptation of the movie that inspired the Matrix is now a "next-gen" Matrix
I have no words. Words fail me.