How do we stop young men from using sexbots in the future?

how do we stop young men from using sexbots in the future?

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Padlock the vag

Make fun of them like we used to make fun of fat people.

Still looks fake. How can you hump a chunk of cold silicone rubber and think it's anything like a real woman? That's just pathetic.

I'll take two...

Society needs to produce better women.

gas the kikes
deport all nonwhites
extensive fertility incentives

i want one

how about you be a better man you faggot

also implement an unused womb tax

if my middle class job and lack of domestic abuse isn't good enough then too bad

We'll stop using sex bots when women stop using sex toys.


take away women's rights

Practice homemaking skills - everyone should know how to cook at least a few times out of the week. Cleaning and laundry should be done neatly and as needed.

From there, just little things help. Not swearing as much, small surprises, staying in-house rather than wanting to go out every single weekend.

You know, just have your own hobbies and stop depending on other people to clean up your messes for you. If you're nice to be around, then nobody will want to drop the $2k investment into a sex doll.

Also, I feel the need to point this out.
If $2k worth of silicon can replace you, maybe you should develop something that makes people want to have you around. Alternatively, if people would prefer a lump of plastic over someone nice to be around, maybe you should leave them alone to sort out their own thing for a bit.

You won't stop me from using sexbots eat shit roastie


What moral questions does sex bots bring beyond child themed bots? It's obvious pedo ones are the first to be banned and rightly so but what will we say when you can buy a dog or miniature horse sex bot?

What are the ethical lines when it's artificial? Would you a plastic cat?

You don't tell me what to do roastie.

Decreasing the market value of high grade pussy can be accomplished with ....
Vaginal and Anal sex bots are the destruction of feminist / LGBT........Q ideologies. Those that Cum make Others go.

On demand
with no aPpologies


We still make fun of fat people...

>rightly so
let's ban laptops and smartphones too

they're just small computers so having one makes you a pedophile

when you realize a cold piece of plastic is preferred over a 3rd wave feminist.


Make it illegal to purchase a gun if you own a sex bot.

Impossible. Sexbots and the artificial womb are the future of human reproduction.


Once thse things can do house chores its (meat) curtains for biohags.

> Ew stop harassing me, I'm getting a restraining order on you

> OMG judge I swore he hit me he is such an ASSHOLE girl abuser

Boom you can't buy a gun

People should be able to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't harm anyone else right ?

Is it true that the left hates the concept of sexbots or is the right just trying to bait them into getting mad.



I'd fuck that Robo-Chink till its rubber cunt falls off.

I believe
Luke runs out of Mana and dies
Kilo Ren kills snoke
Nigger kisses gook
Rey and kilo get together
Yoda shows up
Boycott Jewish degeneracy

You must not be a leaf.

Women need to be lovely again.



Still working on the acronym.

You don't.

>associating with women anywhere where cameras are not in operation.
Nice joke user

Why even would we stop young men from using sexbots?


>how do we stop young men from using sexbots in the future?
Why would we stop? We should encourage sex bots in fact.

i want a sex bot of trump

have sex with real women and let the genetic dead-ends take care of themselves

Would still make it a better companion than a woman. Women are terrified of these dolls, a few hundred Dollar doll can make them obsolete.

Convince them all to convert to islam. Then they can MAKE their wives shag them. And buy slave girls. No need for bots

>let the genetic dead-ends take care of themselves
It is more than that. The genetic dead ends will have a reason to participate in society with the bots. They will have to be productive by some means in order to obtain the dolls. And that will create jobs for people. The tech for the dolls won't be exclusive for the dolls either.
If they want to make the doll as realistic as possible, that means natural feeling skin. That tech can then be used on burn victims and such.
As a practice, dolls should not be encouraged, but at the same time not discouraged either. Leave it as just another option.


>how do we stop young men from using automobiles in the future?

I spotted the roastie,

That seems counterproductive.


It is, for reference, see OP's image.

>how do we stop young men from using sexbots in the future?
enlighten them to the wonders of evolution's next step in the male relationship dynamic: /traps/

It's getting hard to tell the difference between roasties and tradcucks these days.

>not wanting your own Joi

double circumcisions

I would rather fuck that robot than have a human wife that will nag all day long, i just want to fuck

We don't

we'll be too busy fucking the robots to care

tradcucks are the sons of roasties

>1 Post By this ID

how about biowomen become better?

The real question is, am I a race traitor if I stick it in a latina doll?

Post By this ID

>also implement an unused womb tax
I like the idea, but it will never happen. Women have gone to shit because tradcuck betas couldn't say no to women, so it's far more likely that bachelors would be the target of any gendered taxation.

is there a person on the left? or another sexdoll?

How dare you have any expectation of women! You should be happy that you even exist in the same world!

why not, there is tax for unmarried man, and there are tax breaks for married couples
why only one sex can be taxed?

I hope you are a grill asking this question, because only grills can do this. And the solution is easy, just become attractive again. Respect men, aim to please them, and you're good.
But continue to be insufferable cunts and you'll get phased out.

Make it illegal to live if you post something as stupid as this guy.


>I'm getting a restraining order....

And she was never seen again

But if tradcucks weren't attacking the masculinity of every man that didn't conform to their one of us cult, how would they then feel superior?

why stop them?

Kys roastie

Proud owner of the following:

Deal with it commies

>bootleg MAGA hats
disgusting desu

> how do we stop
Turn power off.

Trump doesn't ship merch internationally



>Go back in time.
>Stop feminism before they get rights.
>Make science focus more on gen engineering.
>Create woman that doesn't need a replacement bot


actually bring something to the table in a relationship instead of expecting everything from men and not offering anything in return. And not that doesn't just mean sex. It means give an iota of a shit about another person beyond what you can get out of it.

Scenario One:
>Women have pussies.
>Men want to put their dicks inside those pussies.
>Guy says; "Hey, let's tax women".
>Women say; "No pussy for that guy".
>All the other men think to themselves; "I better not tax women, or I won't get pussy".

Scenario Two:
>Men have dicks
>Women DGAF about dick, only what the man attached to the dick can give them.
>Woman says; "Hey, let's tax men".
>Men say; "No dick for that woman".
>Woman says; "IDGAF, just gib tax monies".
>Other men say; "I'll give you dick and monies".
>Tax on men put in place


You couldn't stop me if you tried.

Keep electing Republicans, then young men will never have enough income to buy a sexbot.

Why not both?

Nice ID faggot

>Men have dicks
>Women DGAF about dick, only what the man attached to the dick can give them.
>Woman says; "Hey, let's tax men".
>Men say; "No dick for that woman".
>Woman says; "IDGAF, just gib tax monies".
>Other men say; "I'll give you dick and monies".
>Tax on men put in place

Sup Forums logic is worst logic.

Universal basic bitches

We're a good century away from these things ever being a replacement for women. What should be a concern for you is virtual intelligence and holographic projections, that's something I can see happening in the near future.

>We're a good century away from them flyin' machines
>ever being a replacement for the railroad.
What-everrr, Grandpa.

The Russian is right