Christianity SUBVERTED?

This is a thread to discuss the Scofield bible, and how the Jew used it to subvert America's Christian population into the biggest cuckholdry in the world known as "Evangelicalism".

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That is just an ignorant meme. No one who has studied the history of Christianity would take that seriously.
Dispensationalism started in the mid 19th century with Darby over in England.
Scofield, many decades later, wrote his study Bible based on dispensational theology.

Also, Evangelicalism has roots much earlier than dispensationalism, and dispensationalism is no way at all synonymous with Evangelicalism.
Many of the most prominent and influential of all evangelicals (e.g. Jonathan Edwards or Whitfield) have not been dispensationalists.

He wrote his bible as a ploy to introduce Christians to the idea of Israel, and then replace Jesus with the state of Israel.

And unfortunately, 90 Million American Christians belive in it blindly.

Holy moly, you are so ignorant and uninformed. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Do you not realize dispensational thought was around long before Scofield? Do you not realize how innacurate that "90 million" figure is?
You are a great example of someone who has probably never read a book on anything even remotely related to this subject, and you've gotten all your 'knowledge' from meme pictures, but you are confident you really know what you're talking about.

The biggest "Evangelical" pastors in the USA today are dispensationalist "Zionist" Christians. John Hagee openly calls for war against Iran, and other countries.

The guy is "CEO" of Hagee ministries. The Jews are the ones paying his salary, and the Jews are the one who got C.I Scofield to write that study bible for the Jews.

>The biggest "Evangelical" pastors in the USA today are dispensationalist "Zionist" Christians

That's an exaggeration. I would say a few prominent celebrity pastors are dispensationalists, but by no means are the majority of Evangelicals dispensationalists. There are only a few major seminaries, for example, like the Dallas Theological Seminary, that are even dispensational in their theology. And not very many denominations are, either.

You are the uninformed idiot. Read up on US politics. Read up on Evangelicalism in the US. Look up the number of American Christians that identify as Zionists.

>You are the uninformed idiot.
Please list the histories of Christianity that you've read.
By the way, are you seriously so devoid of critical thinking that you can't make a distinction between "this theology helps this Jews" and "the Jews are responsible for this theology"?
Why do I even waste time on here chatting with ignorant 14 year olds?

>Read up on Evangelicalism in the US.
Please tell me what your sources are for "Evangelicalism in the US." Please do say how you yourself have "read up" on this subject.

Ok, genius. Explain to me the Scofield bible's mentioning of the state of Israel before it was even established? Explain to me how a pastor like Scofield who had abandoned his wife, commited crimes, and moved to Texas to become a Pastor all of a sudden gets picked up by the Oxford Press and has his bible backed by millions of dollars? And how even after his death, every edition of the bible still listed him as the main "editor" for decades? And the Zionist shilling in that bible increased with every version?

Have you heard of AIPAC? Why do you think Americans are so pro-Israel? Because they've been taught to be throughout their lives. It'd unfortunate some Christians live their entire life being under this subversion. The King James is the ONLY bible that should be taken as the word of god. Not the footnotes of a Jewish puppet nobody pastor.

>Explain to me the Scofield bible's mentioning of the state of Israel before it was even established?
That very question itself shows you KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT DISPENSATIONAL THEOLOGY. Holy shit, you are so fucking ignorant. Go read a damn book you ignoramous.
Literally anyone who knows anything about dispensational theology knows that the state of Israel was mentioned back decades before Scofield.
Because of their hermeneutic.
Fucking imbecile.

Explain Christian Zionism and why it's usually the Evangelicals pushing it.

It's because of their literal hermeneutic and their insistence that the Old Testament prophecies about Israel refer not to the "spiritual Israel" (the Church) but to the the nation of Israel.
They were actually criticized back in the 19th century by Reformed theologians on the grounds that the prophecies couldn't refer to national Israel because the nation doesn't exist anymore.

Wow...for the first time ever I for sure have spotted the ((shill)) and I do mean by employment. Wow. It's glaringly obvious.

Because not believing in poor scholarship means you're a shill.
I'm not a dispensationalist. I think their theology is stupid.
But their theology arose from using a literal hermeneutic, from interpretation the Old Testament prophecies in a literalistic way and by not allegorizing them.
That is the root of dispensationalism.
If you want to argue that "the joooz are behind it!!" the burden of proof is on YOU to prove that.

Fruits of the Reformation.


>thinking the subversion started with the Scofield Bible.
Time for the CatholicPill

lolno protties are fucked. You are a bunch of anathematics that need to repent and return the the true Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Don't confuse all Evangelicals with the Dispensationalist/Zionists subset.

There are evangicals that don't worship Chaim.

Woah, buddy. Did I hit a nerve? Don't go using all the big words you know at once.

None of those bibles mention anything about establishing an Israeli state in Palestine you stupid fuck. The referencing of Israel is completely different.

>Explain Christian Zionism and why it's usually the Evangelicals pushing it.
There is a falling away from the faith that must occur for the road to be prepared for the Jewish Antichrist to appear. God is allowing this to happen. America is Babylon the Great Queen of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth, which sits on many waters, made up of every tribe and tongue and nation of the Earth, the harlot by which the kings and great merchants of the Earth have been made rich by fornication with her and by means of her costliness.

If you really are a Christian you should be excited because we are indeed a few short years from the tribulation then the 2nd coming of Jesus at the 6th trumpet.

America is a continental nation which will be nuked by the 10 kings of the East into oblivion and then Jerusalem will be the center of the world for a thousand years while Christ reigns on Earth.

Not to take a protties side(Cause I'm not) but I'd like to drop this gem on you from St Ignatius of Antioch, which ironically also talks about Judaizing in the Church.

>Chapter 10. Beware of Judaizing
>Let us not, therefore, be insensible to His kindness. For were He to reward us according to our works, we should cease to be. Therefore, having become His disciples, let us learn to live according to the principles of Christianity. For whosoever is called by any other name besides this, is not of God. Lay aside, therefore, the evil, the old, the sour leaven, and be changed into the new leaven, which is Jesus Christ. Be salted in Him, lest any one among you should be corrupted, since by your savour you shall be convicted. It is absurd to profess Christ Jesus, and to Judaize. For Christianity did not embrace Judaism, but Judaism Christianity, that so every tongue which believes might be gathered together to God.
>He to reward us according to our works, we should cease to be.

I've just finished reading the Old Testament from the Authorized King James Version (Oxford World's Classics edition) and no exaggeration 80% of the explanatory notes for each book either mention the holocaust or a feminist interpretation.

That whole reply is a non sequitur which has nothing to do with what I said.
And if you think "hermeneutics" is a big word, you know nothing about basic theology 101.

To clarify the falling away is unequally yoking ourselves with infidel kikes as Zionists.

Nice counter-argument there, retard. You obviously know nothing about actual history and who pushed the US into WWI. Just leave this thread you Kike shill.

I live in Michigan, and my uncle is a dispensationalist. I've read 7 books of his.

Wow. That's like super impressive brotato chip.

Dude, for the 40th fucking time, just because the theology HELPS Israel, that doesn't mean it has its ROOTS with Israel. Do you not realize that?
The burden of proof is on YOU to show that the Jews were behind Scofield and Darby.

Let's use some of your stupid logic.
The rise of ISIS has helped companies that manufacture drones for the US.
Therefore these drone companies wrote the Quran.

I think the issue at hand is Christians that are Judaizing. Interfaith relations caused this, stop having Rabbis come speak in your church, thats not even ecumenism thats just heretical.

There is little reason to believe that Scofield knew or cared much about the Zionist movement, but at some point, he became involved in a close and secret relationship with Samuel Untermeyer, a New York lawyer whose firm still exists today and one of the wealthiest and most powerful World Zionists in America. Untermeyer controlled the unbreakable thread that connected him with Scofield. They shared a password and a common watering hole--and it appears that Untermeyer may have been the one who provided the money that Scofield himself lacked. Scofield's success as an international bible editor without portfolio and his lavish living in Europe could only have been accomplished with financial aid and international influence. Now read up on Untetermeyer's influence on president Truman to enter the war. A war that the US had nothing to fo with and cost 500k American lives.


This connection might have remained hidden, were it not for the work of Joseph M. Canfield, the author and researcher who discovered clues to the thread in Scofield family papers. But even had the threads connecting Scofield to Untermeyer and Zionism never been exposed, it would still be obvious that that connection was there. It is significant that Oxford, not Scofield, owned the book, and that after Scofield's death, Oxford accelerated changes to it. Since the death of its original author and namesake, The Scofield Reference Bible has gone through several editions. Massive pro-Zionist notes were added to the 1967 edition, and some of Scofield's most significant notes from the original editions were removed where they apparently failed to further Zionist aims fast enough. Yet this edition retains the title, "The New Scofield Reference Bible, Holy Bible, Editor C.I. Scofield." It's anti-Arab, Christian subculture theology has made an enormous contribution to war, turning Christians into participants in genocide against Arabs in the latter half of the 20th century.

The most convincing evidence of the unseen Zionist hand that wrote the Scofield notes to the venerable King James Bible is the content of the notes themselves, for only Zionists could have written them. These notes are the subject of this paper.

Oxford edited the former 1945 Edition of SRB in 1967, at the time of the Six Day War when Israel occupied Palestine. The new footnotes to the King James Bible presumptuously granted the rights to the Palestinians' land to the State of Israel and specifically denied the Arab Palestinians any such rights at all. One of the most brazen and outrageous of these NEWLY INSERTED footnotes states:


I'm at Southwestern and I'm reading progressive dispensationalism


Reformedfag here. Yes, the Scofield Bible was a massive subversion of the Protestant church in America. Many of us confessional Reformed folks are actively working to destroy its influence and free our people of kike subservience.

Wow. You've managed to copy paste from some random website you found on Google. Your scholarship is impressive.
I'm done replying to you.

Ok. Please hang yourself while you're at it you kike dicksucker.

You got destroyed son.

One last reply.
You're an idiot.
And here's how I truly destroy you, faggot.
I'm closing my browser and going to play a video game.
Meanwhile, you're going to sit here on this shit thread of yours talking about bullshit conspiracy theories that aren't even true.
Dispensationalism is bullshit. It's a dead theology.
Enjoy wasting your time with your conspiracy theories about a dead theology.
Oh man, the fucking idiots on this board.
Off to Disgaea 5.

So you destroy me by going and playing video games? Lol. These Kike shills are weak as fuck.
>Dispensationalism is dead

Thats the jewest thing I've ever read on Sup Forums. Please kill yourself.

You're either an ignorant pseudo intellectual retard or a kike shill, either way kill yourself.

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The million dollar question:

Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said,
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If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart,
and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell.
But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine.
This means that God can legally dismiss their case:
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Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you.