Monster Musume

This arc started with the reveal of Kiira, Kino and Kyurii as the three dangerous liminals.

>Kiira got 2 chapters - ch. 44 and 45.
>Kino appeared only in chapter 46.
>Kyurii shows briefly at the end of ch. 46, was mentioned in 47, and then from now on every chapter (48, 49, 50-... and it's still going) focuses on her.

Was Papi role only to befriend and introduce the Vampiress, user? Back in the days, Mero's got a somewhat similar arc with Oct, but she's gotten some character development and was relevant to the end, though.

So, is it possible that Papi saves the day, in the end, and what's going to happen to Kyurii?



Another shitposting thread made by the same OP.

Come back when the chapter drops in a week.

Everytime you come to a thread posting this another week is added to the delay.

Save us user, and kill yourself.

That's how you spot redditors

This. Wait for the chapter.
We don't need a general.

You first friendo

As much grief surrounding the use of the word, it is pretty accurate.
"A liminal being is one that cannot be easily placed into a single category of existence. Associated with the threshold state of liminality, such beings represent and highlight the semi-autonomous boundaries of the social world.[1]
Liminal beings are naturally ambiguous, challenging the cultural networks of social classification.[2]"
Maybe some intern wanted to impress the older staff? Doesn't role off the tounge very well in conversations though.

We don't use that word here.

We also don't use the word elbow.

Is it time for the daily shitposting thread?

I did a few more.
Constructive thoughts?

There's no chapter for more than another week and the same autist keeps making threads, so yes.
There's nothing to do but shitpost and keep the thread alive with pointless bump posts.

As good as the program can be sometimes, other times it just won't do simple fixes.
Like Mero's arm behind Papi's hair, and also Papi's shoulders. I put lots of color there, but still leaves it uncolored.

Needs more areola.


Ah, I was thinking that too. Anime nipples; small enough to hide behind a small strip of cloth, yet rotund and rather pointy when exposed.
An edit with real software could add some nip like what was done with pic.

>threads every day for almost 2 years and no one bats an eye
>Suddenly everyone's up in arms because of constant threads

Fuck off will you? You had plenty of time to complain when the anime was airing. The only thing people were complaining about back then was autistfag and his rules.



How to spot a newfag


It doesn't seem to work well on anything more than solo character and simple background. It also seems to work better when you use minimal color and lines instead of dots.

So I have to ask then, and anyone can answer too, are the coloring's I post, shitposts and pointless bumps? I figure at the very least I am using an image board as an image board.

>Behold the newfag, shouted the newfag atop his mountain of faggotry.

I bet you weren't even here when the anime aired.

I bet you weren't here before the anime aired.

I've noticed that too. Most of the time I'm using size 1 tool, but occasionally size 10 works well. It's pretty finicky.
They did an update recently that added alot more skin tones, but took away the more vibrant variety. I can hardly tell most of the skin tones apart though.
Every girl in pic has a different color, but still, if I didn't know, I would call laziness.


I bet you werent here when people would write lion-pussy guro before the theads got banned to /jp/

I bet you weren't here when we were on /d/

Oddly enough, the last thread was particularly civil. No shitposting or LEWDspam whatsoever. Even died of inactivity.

You're welcome

I was though. From back when crabman just made the first hentay

user. Why are we arguing about this? If we've both been here this long we probably talked to each other countless times over the years without even knowing it.


I dont know why the fuck I put a y in there.

Is this that new fangled autism?

Because these threads are shit incarnate and need a break. People aren't wrong when they call them chatrooms.

Wait for the chapter.


They've always had some element of shittiness to them that just changed over time. Now with lewdposter gone they're actually not that bad. Just need to get rid of those who hate them on principle and we're gucci

I don't get it.

They're awful. What are you smoking.
Like the people above said, there doesn't need to be a general. It benefits no one.

They're awful precisely because of those like you that keep going hurr durr we dont need the threads because they're full of shitposting.

Well ofcourse they are, because your constant crusade is shitposting itself. You're not gonna get rid of the general mate, that ship's long sailed. All your doing is shitting it up with your metaposting that's helping no one.

You've given up. You enjoy the shitshow.

Okay can anyone give me a quick rundown of the chapter?

Neck yourself. The most forced meme in a while.

Why did Rachnee's popularity drop so much in these threads? She used to be the most posted one here. And I mean before the period where people would spam pictures every thread.

Well, more for me I guess.

>> Sup Forums

I want to make some kind of Jaeger/Pacific Rim joke, but nothings working.

>Darling is missing
>Group attempts to pump Papi for info
>Decide to trail Kyurii, suspecting her to be the vampire
>She exhibits none of the traits
>Hates drinking blood
>Kyurii backstory
>Papi goes to see her
>Kyurii's hands are fakes hiding her wings
>Hunger makes Kyurii go batshit insane

Spiderfags are shitposters and I'm not talking about the image spam either.

You've got your chapter 24 retards
The pseudo intellectual shitfaces that shit on others
The crybaby typesetter who throws tantrums
The image spammers
The general shitposters

Not a great track record. She herself is also shit.

Why are you responding dumbass

We've had a new breed of spammers who've...well, for lack of a better term, 'upped the game' quite a bit. Because of them, nobody frequents the threads anymore other than LEWDspammer and other varieties of metaposters.

Which is funny. You think a thread about Polt would've been chumming the waters for their kind, but they were nowhere in sight.

Sounds to me more like you just dont like rachnee.

As expected from a spiderfag

Why not? It's not my problem if I trigger the anti-gens by providing thread-relevant content regardless of intention.

I'm enjoying them, at least. Did you post any others between this thread and the one a couple days back? The last one I saved was Rach-centaur. Polt birthday thread was the one mentioned , which is a far cry from last year, when that faggot accused us of literally posting furry art on the front page/OP.

>responding to shitposters
What a good idea.

>makes a blatantly biased post
>retaliates when called out on it.



Too intense a red. If you're going by the endcard, Kinu would be closer to the classic "Red Indian" skintone.



Thank you Friend


Na, I don't recall doing so.
Ya, the color options are a little wonky. There's only two 'reds' (compare pics) and lots of 'pinks'

It's hard coming up with an original color scheme that doesn't suck. So this is a...Valentines...Oct, yeah.
I'll try again.

Looks okay mabye another shade would help?

Turning the contrast down a little seems to help. I could have sworn they had multiple shades in the full palette, but I suck at dotting it.

Combining colors can be helpful but tricky.
you might be thinking of the old palette. There is a new one now.

Fucked up several times, gave up and used human color skin because I'm incompetent. Vaguely Blue Ring Octopus inspired.
Gonna call it quits for a while.

I want an eight leg fuzzy spooder hug

And we want fanfictionfags dead. We can't always get what we want unfortunately.

Rather have them than the constant lewdspam to be honest.

They can both die

Both are shit and cancerous.

Huh. New one seems more limited, but looks like there's a dropper tool in the works.