You guys don't actually think that by having more guns, it will prevent more gun crime r-right?

You guys don't actually think that by having more guns, it will prevent more gun crime r-right?

Canada has stricter laws and is overall a much safer place with Gun Control in place

Canada is multinational shithole and USA hat, doomed for eternal irrelevancy

Stay the fuck in Canada then nigger

Canada is safer because it has less black people

except in Detroit this is exactly what has happened

the new chief of police told people the police can't protect them and to buy guns, and after that home invasion robberies have dropped considerably because criminals are worried that victims may be armed

in the future, please don't talk out of you ass Pajeet. you are not a representative of Canada if your skin is brown.

This. End of story.

Canada isn't real

>having more guns, it will prevent more gun crime r-right?

It'll prevent more crime, which is what plays out in practice.

Basically the argument you're really using here is: "It's not okay to kill someone with a gun, you have to use a knife, or rock or something instead."

Frankly killing someone with a knife is a lot more gruesome than with a gun.

>gun control works in Europe, Canada, Australia, and northern Asia
>gun control does not work in Africa, southern Asia, and South America

Almond Status: Fully Activated

What do we have here?


thanks leaf




Less Niggers = Less Crime



if you had to mug someone, who do you mug?
a) someone with a gun
b) someone without a gun

therefore, assuming no other factors exist, having a gun makes you less likely to be the victim of crime, even if the perso COMITTING the crime has a gun

you need to take NO guns away and GIVE one gun to someone to impove the situation. neat, huh?


>late at night
>makes OP post that makes no sense

Don't take the bait you dumb niggers. Season bead



Get fucked, fag. The reason we have more gun crime in the US is because we have more blacks. If the US were all white, gun crime would be about the same as Canada or any other European country with strict gun control laws. If you faggot progressives really want to bring down gun deaths, you'd support deporting blacks back to Africa.

With widespread ownership of powerful firearms, there's that last check against the elite. Otherwise, it's permanent dystopia, until Western Civilization is exterminated right down to the genetic level. Permanently. There's more important things than "safety".

You have what? 1500 people and are the largest country inn land Mass? We could set off a dozen nuclear bombs and not hit one of you maple coated tree fuckers.

Surely we could just make it illegal to shoot people for no reason and that one law would stop all the gun crimes. right?