Aikatsu and PriPara

Say hello to your new Kami Idles.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm glad they will be axed next season.

Okay, hello Lala

So what was the reason Pepper was so amazing again? She's just a wild animal.

This is it not-/ai/, this is the thread that witnesses the Valentine's Day episode in the season where boys exist as plausible love interests.

F-for real this time.

>No cool OP text

Deal with it, nerd.

Hime is the only Kami Idle to me.

That's funny because Non is the only one who's moving together with Lala to Paraparajuku.

I can't wait to lick the tears of butthurt of all the Nonfags next week.


The M4 is really out of place.

I'm not sure what they were thinking, actually, they probably weren't thinking at all.

Pls don't post stars movie spoilers
I wish to see the gayness subbed first

Which raw for the Stars Movie should I go with? Two were posted last thread.

How many episodes of Pripara remain?

>Ako touching that old lady's butt

One is Stars, one is Aikatsu

I just want some cute Kasumi family action and Koharu mailing Asahi chocolate.

These threads are so fast that I can't catch up after work any more. Please slow down.

>Rola closer to Mahiru than Yume
The signs were already there despite what the bulk of the movie would make you believe.

It's too late our passionate idle activities have finally caught fire

Have we started the fire?

>13 idles
>3 (three) Kasumis, almost 25%
Best family.

We didn't start the fire. It was always burning since Aikatsu's been airing.

All the threads we've had that went by quickly talked about everything but Aikatsu, much less Stars.

PriPara has been the leading on-topic, more specifically, Non discussion.

We should fuel her ego even more by talking more about her.

>Last Aidoru Activities
>Everybody is singing
>Everybody is posing
>Shion doesn't have a pose but is happy because she is on stage
>Potatoes, Kaede and Rin become Kotone's live props
>No Yuu at all

Yuu who?

Original Koharu

>they forgot about Hinaki so they just stuck her between WM at the end

Hinaki and WM are doing the "Hello Hello" pose, please don't bully the forehead

I want to fuck Lala.

Pic related

>Sin Titulo

I have heard Aikatsu second season is shit, but what about the other two seasons?
I might as well just see the first one if they are shit as well.

Post the other Lala, that one is better to fuck.


They're all still good, just not as good as the first.

>I have heard Aikatsu second season is shit
It's mostly just butthurt from Ichigo not hogging all the screentime for a while.
But please watch Aikatsu

There's only one.

Haha time for more catching up with stars.

This is unbelievably rude though. Remove Shiny Academy girls.

Okay, I will watch it eventually.
But why the "please"?

That's what I'm talking about, she makes wonders to my health.

Please don't talk shit about Ayumi-san and Naho-san, they're good girls.

What drew you guys to Pripara?

Shiny Academy second best academy. I hate when they use the English "academy", it overlaps with gakuen.

They don't seem like good girls to me.

Same director as Ebichu and Milky Holmes so I figured it might be funny. Wasn't disappointed

Most people get turned off immediately by the CG
Lewd Lala

Milky Team.

I watch every new anime.

Would you go to the funfair with her?

Same director as Milky Holmes and Lala being almost as much of a semen demon as Sherlock.
Then I discovered Pretty Rhythm was infinitely better. I wish PriPara was more wild like her other works, still funny and lewd though, just not as much as I would like.

These threads.

Only if I can hold her hands.

Fine, I take it back. This entire audition is some Takeshi's castle shit though.

I got curious about these threads, I wasn't expecting anything from watching Aikatsu and now is my number one show but I saw you guys having fun with Pripara so I watched it too to join the fun. And also Garuru and Aroma.

>Be me
>No Akari daughter
Please kill me with rocks and soil

I like Idols.

I'd take her to a private funfair in my bed.

I'm glad that we have come to an understanding.

Did you notice Roller rolling?

your lewdness knows no bounds

seek help user

Post characters that are literally you.

Literally me

Intelligent, nihilistic, and a wicked sense of humor.


I run out of stamina fast.

Wow, Yume got btfo.

Good episode, I enjoyed it. Yuzu a cute.

I noticed it indeed. Can't miss people unnecessarily combat rolling.

Why aren't you trying to bake like your big sister /pc/?


>the one time the universe was nice to Rola


Oh great Nihongo understander, what happened in PriPara in the unsubbed episodes?



I'm telling you to actually follow the arc of Yume and Laura all the way through.

Warning, includes short summaries of every episode.

Yume and who?

>all those F-A-P on the grid
Are you trying to tell me something, user?

please exercise more
I'll be joining you

Because I did tried to follow the recipe they posted, but it was too hard for me and it never got done properly.
I will try the next recipe they post since it should be simpler, being it a pudding.

They renamed Fuwari to Heidi.


Yes, that sounds fun.

Hibiki wanted to become a vocal doll or something, Lala stopped her. Minna Tomodachi Minna Aidoru and all that jazz. Meganii became a hobo.

A new character?

You only show up around Halloween?

She sure is sex when she's not pshuuing.



Holy shit, that VA sounds basically unrecognizable normally and almost identical when she's singing.

Is it really healthy for 12-14 year old girls to be drinking coffee?

Not even her fashion sense can make Rhythm any less Pretty.

I've never worked in promotion before, but even I can tell that a bait and switch like this is a sure fire way to piss off everyone who was looking forward to the live.


Yeah, just imagine if they replaced a Mizuki concert with Shion

Are you talking shit about Rhythm's fashion sense?

But that would be a step up. I don't want to see any old hags performing.

Mizuki is dead anyways

Both of them are old hags now.

Red Mizuki can't come soon enough.

Have the dialogue scenes in Photokatsu been acknowledging the passage of time? Because if so, Ichigo's year should be graduating high school next month.