Who else wishes Hiter won?


Other urls found in this thread:

cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/HITLER, ADOLF_0003.pdf

Who doesn't?


Hitler was arguably the most evil man who ever lived. You don't solve a "problem" by murdering millions. He is the worst kind of evil too in that he thought he was doing a good thing.

I wish he wont for his personal and moral values not for his government type though.

Newfag detected, welcome to Sup Forums you're here forever.

He did win in the sense that he was a controlled opposition jew actor who sought to blackwash nationalism and dissent to banking/usury while creating the modern state of Israel.

He won without anyone even knowing what the fuck happened before their eyes. That's some Sun Tzu shit

Not me. I'm American, you communist fuck.

General Patton. Churchill. JFK.

This. Has any one got the list of all the giod things that would of happend if hitler had won. Like not commies and no cold war?

Existing in 21 century is truly the most boring option throughout human history.

OP just wants to bring back the hitler mustache.

Niggers like forget that he rose to power throwing commies out of office and a vast majority of the communist leadership was jewish. Hence the jewish problem. Also European census figures before and after the war don't show a population discrepancy in the millions, so yeah there is that.

For now . . .

jewish population figures*

Hitler did win.

cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/HITLER, ADOLF_0003.pdf

whatcha doin rabbi?

oh wow. you are delusional dude. i have been on and off Sup Forums for years now. and i am still the same leftie liberal :)

Quite the opposite. Don't you understand that the next 50 years will decide the future of Europeans?

Get back to the oven Aaron
You realize there are IDs here right? The shills are getting dumber each day i swear

So you believe in universal equality and you deny the existence of racial differences?

What the hell is your point?

I was reffereing to the pic, not the post.


I don't think there is a single person on Earth who could pull that mustache off.

Hitler was an idiot, now Rommel running Nazi Germany, that's what yall really need

There are no winners in this thread...

Nice double post retard

>I could not ask to live in any other moment of history than this, because never has mankind, never has the human species, been confronted with such possibilities, with such choices of disaster or of greater heights and greater glories.


why would rommel run germany rather than goebbels or himmler

Because he was a far better and competent leader, He was also a way better tactician and General who understood war unlike Hitler, Honestly if they didn't attack the USSR and kept the truce, they likely would've won

nice answer. Jesus christ.

even if that is true how would he get power

assassinate Hitler and create pact with USSR, Can you imagine a Soviet Nazi Japanese Empire Alliance against the Allies, They would be unstoppable

all the other idiots adn cunts, obviously.

no one who knows anything about the nazis though. or at least no one who values freedom in any measure

been here years and still waiting for my first small morsel of reason from a nazi lover

Yes, 100%

>Still mad his great-grandmother was butt fucked by an Aryan Chad.

>European census figures before and after the war don't show a population discrepancy in the millions,

wrong. You may be thinking of the famous American World Yearbook lie - that uses 1938 data for 1948? Real population figures for europe show a 5.5 million drop, and the other million is made up from further east in russia. (ie Crimea where 90,000 jews were killed, not counted as Europe)

neither belief is required to be on the Left economically. Nor to be committed to human rights, or socially liberal.

>The sound logic of AnCap.
You know the soviet union tried to invade Europe before Hitler even rose to power? Obviously they woud do it again.
Hitler did good, considering the odds against him. The war was lost from beginning tho.

You're a fucking retard.

I don't believe you. (Unless you are Jewish.)

considering Nazi Germany and USSR were both Socialist, they could've easily worked together and fought the Brits and then invaded the USA, you just need a common enemy to spark the war

>user thinks he would have freesom of thought and expression and not be a glorified political slave under Hitler.

Literally everyone on Sup Forums

you see this is the level of degeneracy one expects of nazis - they want to have anal sex with old women. anal sex with any person, any age for that matter. they want to put their penis in an asshole.

how fucked up are they? maybe that is why they are such assholes, because they love assholes. they fantasise about assholes. is it because they identify with smell noxious waste? Is it becasue secretely they know they are shit,adn they want to mix their sperm with shit because they know in their tiny stone hearts that they should never have real sex ans make babies, and that they will never really know love?

Sad sad people.

and still idiots and cunts.

At least Indians do.
>You can literally see shops named Hitler.
>people talk about how Hitler wasn't that bad.
>many people have mein kampf at home.

>tfw uncle read mein kampf
>tfw he told me hitler did nothing wrong.
>tfw he showed me the truth before Sup Forums.

Ten trillion times yes

Oh my god.
You don't even know the difference between Marxism and National Socialism .
Why do i even bother


Gassed, enslaved or death those would ve your options vermin

No, Brit in France, but old enough to have parents who fought in the war. nazis were lying, thieving, torturing raping murdering bastards. Hitler was an idiot - as someone else has pointed out he was a lousy soldier and bad commander, thank goodness, but also he was a jealous little man who had insane ideas, and his murderous venality should have been ended years before.

Sup Forums advocates free speech and fascism at the same time

Slavs= Indo-European (Aryan)
Nice gas meme tho, Mohamed


who's only achievement is being in close proximity to western europe

Muh 6 gorillion


> mfw

No Jews no blacks no slavs no miscegenation of any kind what more could you ask for?

krautchan Gourmet check weekly :

Bernd-INN . best Berndfood ever

I don't. My grandfather would probably be dead if Hitler won, never fucking my grandmother, never making my dad and I wouldn't exist.

That would suck.

>muh magical religious textbook superstitious number that allows Jews to finally have a plot of land to call home

how many do you think were murdered then? and why that figure?

Not me.

Which doesn't mean I'm happy with everything that's happened since by any means.

which is the magic number then - 4 million, five, seven?

the magic number myth is a denier lie. as is the they always said six million lie.

but you are from the UK - do you not know your own country's history? you wanted Hitler to win?


Maybe he did...

>The Nazis may have “officially” lost World War 2, but the top ones escaped – and their influence continues to this day. In addition to infiltrating the ranks of the CIA, NASA and other US Government agencies (by invitation), in-exile Nazis set up a massive economic network comprised of 750 corporations in neutral countries. This wasn’t due to Hitler, but rather Reichsleiter (Empire director) Martin Bormann, an organizational genius and the personal secretary of Hitler. The Bormann Organization controlled Germany’s major corporations and had considerable influence in America.

Bormann, known as the “Brown Eminence”, successfully fled Europe for South America and administered a “Reich in Exile” in the years following the war. Nazi gold was taken to New York law firm Sullivan and Cromwell (where Allen Dulles worked, who went on to become the CIA director and JFK assassination mastermind). The gold was melted down and taken to the Federal Reserve, then invested in these 750 Nazi corporations, which became a base of Nazi economic power in the post-war decades. According to Tony Gosling who covers this topic in this video, one banker quoted by Manning termed the Bormann Organization the “world’s most important accumulation of money power under one control in history”. It controlled Germany’s major corporations, the Federal Republic itself, much of Latin America and wielded considerable influence inside the US. These 750 corporations not only received the liquid wealth of Nazi Germany, but also much in terms of patented and proprietary industrial information

>this meme again
You know Hitler was a middle class orphan who almost died in the combat of WW1?
Yeah typical zionist agent

Yeah I know. Why would that change anything?
All i'm saying that you should question everything.
And his actions brought us closer to dystopia than anything.
These are just theories and if you debunk them i will listen.
It's just lazy to call someone instantly a zionist agent.

LMFAO Shlomo.

honestly i don't think a winning hitler wwII timeline would have been so bad for the U.S. we still would have gotten the bomb on time to prevent any further fuckery. and instead of being in a cold war with russia we could have had one with germany but we probably would work are differnces out. hell britian and france and belgium alll the others went to shit any way. including the u.s.

Not enough apparently

It's almost like slaughtering thousands of innocent people won't solve the Worlds' problems.


What are you even saying?

I'm saying the Nazis were wrong about some stuff and their eager 21st century imitators are likely to make the same mistakes.

Soo.. Slavs that support Hitler how can you justify it considering General plan Ost

If you ever dislike something about Hitler's regime but want to be an edgy faggot follower and get along with other retards on Sup Forums just say that it's (((Jewish propaganda))) and pretend it didn't happen.


It's just funny seeing all the 'untermensch' on here supporting an ideology that wanted to destroy them.

Is THE DOWNFALL accurate or is it just another propaganda

Okay tell me what is General plan Ost , or better yet give me the exact Reich documents about it.
Explain to me why Hitler helped us establish the Slovak State?
Why there were Croat , Slovak , Czech, Ukrainian, Estonian, Latvian etc. Waffen SS volunteers and divisions?
Why was there Vlasov army?

>or better yet give me the exact Reich documents about it.

I won't accept anything less than a Adolf Hitler coming forward in time and personally confessing.

And if he doesn't say what I want him to say then he's just another ((shill)).

Also (((evidence))) is Jewish.

Checkmate, Jew.

Such as?

Mass murder, unbridled militarism, and territorial expansion.

Not me. I don't want to live in a police state. Maybe if they had a good and just courtsystem I would be okey with it.

You do live in a police state.

Hitler went to Argentina.
Third Reich scientist and other top people migrated to USA (see operation paperclip)
Do you think the third reichers in america didn't keep in contact with their Fuher?

That's much worse and more dishonorable.

Worse than what?


Then the official story. At least he did with his men in his capital and did not run away and hide like a coward.

Nice conversation you have there shills.
There is no proof Hitler escaped to Argentina .
There is no proof Hitler committed suicide.


he was a fucking dumbass and it's because of him that Europe today is the way it is.

>thinking he didnt win
how bluepilled can you get ? i bet you believe everything they say in the news and history books . do you honestly believe the mighty wehrmacht was defeated by a bunch of russian conscripted factory workers with half broken guns ?

I wish he had done more to avoid WW2, although I know he had to respond to Soviet aggression.

Then there would be a German master race today due to eugenics.

Pretty much anyone with a brain.

If you're white and not a retard, of course you wish he won

Pic looks like some cheaply made gay porn.

>killed 3% of the world so Jews can have a contested piece of uninhabitable desert land

Please tell me you don't believe this

Hitler won but he was actually jewish and made Israel?

It would had been better (no mass immigration for one) but to what extent?