Why are there so many anime/manga series that focus on high school life? Is high school super important in Japan?
Why are there so many anime/manga series that focus on high school life? Is high school super important in Japan?
Something about being the best time of your life.
Japanese work culture is awful. Japan literally has a word for working yourself to death, "karÅshi"
Also, even for Westerners, high school and college are probably the best times of your life.
Maybe it's because everyone went through high school so it's the most easily relatable period?
>Also, even for Westerners, high school and college are probably the best times of your life
>heavy depression throughout those times
I see...
People like it and its super easy to write. You all of a sudden have a setting where your characters are forced to interact every day. There are 'fun at work' anime too but everybody knows that work fucking sucks and it just reminds them of their own shitty job. High school, for most people, actually IS fun and they remember it fondly. So you have a convenient setting, nostalgia fuel and cute uniforms all bundled into one. Uniforms also make it so animators don't have to keep redrawing different outfits, but I don't think that has as much to do with it.
High schoolers are probably the biggest market for many genre. You can reuse tropes and moeshit on the younger generation.
In the beginning it was like and said
>the best time of your life
and also because the principal target of the medium were student.
But right now, giving the fact that school and college became even more competitive than work, it's just because you have a easy way to introduce the reader, since it's something that everyone has gone to, and because most of the plot pint and a lot of successful trope are already tested.
And now I'm going to sleep
On top of what everyone else has said, it's also easy to script social interactions in a high school setting.
japan as a whole prefer Slice of Life genre to anything else. Since most manga is geared to school aged kids then of course most of them will focus on high school. The age of Adolescence is also handled pretty seriously in Japan as they understand this is the most delicate and essential part to humans growing up.
Kids are more likely to want to buy Taiwanese cartoons.
Highschoolers, by virtue of being employable, can actually purchase said taiwanese cartoons.
As a result, they're the most ideal targets for marketing to.
The are the real answers. The average "real worker" is Japan isn't any more overworked than the average American corporate stooge. They work an average of 40 hours overtime a month, that's a 50 hour work week. Anyone who's had a real job can tell you that's not a lot.
How many times a year do we need this fuckign thterejiheasd
after high school you get cucked into oblivion
That's true but a lot of Japanese workers end up spending a lot more time at the office than what they're paid for. It sounds cruel but they really do it to themselves.
Yeah, no. I was popular in high school and had a great time, but there's no way I'd even consider placing that above the last nine years where I've been a father and husband.
For losers who will be doing "blue-collar" jobs after school, high school and college is as good as it's going to get.
For people who are actually studying difficult subjects and going for good high paying jobs high school and college may not have been so great what with actually working towards something instead of just working on your social life.
At college at least you can only really do 2 of these three things effectively.
Social Life
Stay in shape/Workout
I've yet to see someone do all 3 for more than a single quarter.
And those were usually people with joke majors.
>mfw it was the worst time of my life
Glad that's over.
Yeah high school for me was awful.
College was a lot better.
College is the best time of your life. I miss college so much. I was able to pass for a normalfag so easily back then
Look at this faggot, succeeding in life and enjoying himself! Go die, riajuu!
Pretty much the same deal for otaku, which is why high school anime are escapist as fuck. Also a lot of otaku don't go to college, so they can't empathize with stories that are set there.
Target audience
What high school anime/manga series are you guys watching/ reading currently? I've been into Medaka Box, Anne Happy, and Gakkou Gurrashi lately. Speaking of Gakkou, the latest chapter was pretty dope
Its why I fucking love Grand Blue. It reminds me so much of being a near alcoholic at college doing stupid shit
You'd think by now it would be hard to write for it because it's been so overused.
You're ignoring the environment/context by only looking at some numbers. There's a reason japs have their own word for "death by overwork".