Ok anons, what exactly makes this woman so unlikeable? Where did she go wrong? What do you hate about her?

Ok anons, what exactly makes this woman so unlikeable? Where did she go wrong? What do you hate about her?

she eats kids

0 grip on reality
every word is textbook satiation for the masses, none comes across as genuine

the embodiment of baby-boomerism

Supports islam.

blue waffle for a mouth

I suppose way too measured and calculating for some.
Others just don't like women.

She used to be alright - calling blacks superpredators, laughing at rape victims, didn't support gay marriage. Dunno what happened, but she is nothing like that anymore and the question arises - which Hillary is the real Hillary

What makes her likable?

Political expediency

She's kind of attractive looking for me, I'll be honest, but...

This summarizes most of my thoughts, and Hillary Clinton is not socially and economically conservative enough.

Anti-gun policy.
LBGQT worship.
Saudi Funded (odd how they had a coup recently)
Annoying self entitled virtue signaling.

fip bip

She's a pedophile cannibal Moloch worshiper.

>What do you hate about her?
She's a politician

Pretty much everything she ever says is run through focus group algorithms.

Even her campaign travel decisions were made by algorithm.

Was it Wikileaks?
Was it Podesta?
Was it Comey?
Was it having a sexual predator as a husband?
Was it Huma Abedin’s sexual predator husband Anthony Weiner?
Was it because the Clinton Foundation ripped off Haiti?
Was it subpoena violations?
Was it the congressional testimony lies?
Was it the corrupt Clinton Foundation?
Was it the Benghazi butchering?
Was it pay for play?
Was it being recorded laughing because she got a child rapist off when she was an attorney?
Was it the Travel Gate scandal?
Was it the Whitewater scandal?
Was it the Cattle Gate scandal?
Was it the Trooper-Gate scandal?
Was it the $15 million for Chelsea's apartment bought with foundation money?
Was it her husband's interference with Loretta Lynch & the investigation? Was it her having debate questions stolen & given to her?
Was it her own secret server in her house?
Was it the deleting 30,000 emails?
Was it having cell phones destroyed with hammers?
Was it the Vince Foster murder?
Was it the Gennifer Flowers assault & settlement?
Was it the $800,000 Paula Jones settlement?
Was it calling half the United States deplorable?
Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders?
Was it the Seth Rich murder?
Was it the Uranium One deal?
Was it Bill's impeachment?
Was it Scalia?
Was it the extensive body count?
Was it the lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia?
Was it the $10 million she took for the pardon of Marc Rich?
Was it the $6 BILLION she "lost" when in charge of the State Dept.?
Or was it because she is a hateful, lying, power-hungry, overly ambitious, greedy, nasty person?

She was funded by more countries than just the Saudis. Also Quatar, Oman, United Arab Emirates.

Is that a real question?

yeah, all those, and nice list user

she thinks I am deplorable.


Quality summary, user.

Her face, her smile, her voice, get personality, her thoughts she vocalize s, her husband, her daughter, her foundation, her real father to get child webber, her gangster daddy

Too much political murder for my liking.

The first memory I have of her it's a Pinky and the Brain episode.

Yep that's Kissinger.

Where? Wellesley.

I'm 30 years old, and I'm a democrat. I fucking hate her. I hate her and I hate Bernie Sanders. These people have taken the party that was for the working man and turned it into some bizarre identity politics type shit. Pretty much banking on kids that have college debt and faggots.

Listen, I'm just a regular working man. I don't hate rich people, I don't feel any animosity towards anyone who makes more money than me. I mean, get money, make some fucking money, get rich and drive a nice car. But I don't want them to run all over me and decide my life, I'm still here and as far as I know I still have a voice.

However Clinton is rich as fuck. Clinton didn't give a shit for the working man, it was all identity politics and fag rights. Obama (I didn't vote for him) was tolerable, but this is just absurd. The entire Democratic party is absurd. This shit, it made me leave them.

Goddam. Attractive? Wtf. Are you blind?

>purple clothes

Are you sure you are a Democrat? Go back and read your post slowly.


>implying Democrats were for the working man

Hmm...it's kind of like I left it open-ended and pretty much admitted I had an awakening and switched parties.

People are what they are. They chose her and began grooming her for high office at a young age, and it turned out she's just unpleasant and unlikeable and unsuited for winning elections. They put her husband in the job so she could work on softening her image as a First Lady, and she tried to socialize health care in secret meetings and became known for throwing lamps in temper tantrums. They couldn't even teach her that you don't go on TV and laugh about killing people.

She just is who she is, a self-centered, tone-deaf, would-be tyrant who thinks she deserves absolute power. Being told she would have it by the old men who groomed her may have contributed to that, but mostly she's just the person she was born to be, as we all are.

At the root of it all is that she oozes entitlement. Anyone who seeks high office has to be a bit narcissistic, so I can forgive her that, but she doesn't even pretend that she doesn't think she's owed power and that the people are expendable once they've cast their votes. Even if I agreed with her, I'd still think she was a rotten person because of this.

She makes an uranium deal with Brain in that episode.

You forgot the "runs international child sex trafficking rings" and "used hubby's power in Nebraska to become drug lords"