I was only gone for like three days what the fuck happened

i was only gone for like three days what the fuck happened

The father of that bullied kid (Keaton Jones) is a member of the Aryan Circle, one of the largest white supremacisf gangs in the country. Pictured above is the dad and other members throwing up their gang signs. However, they’re probably just joking and being ironic.

This OP. Seems quite simple really

>That "bullied" kid Keaton Jones father
nice grammar, nigger


If he's getting bullied, sounds like he was smart in joining a gang. Wasn't there a movie called Get Hard with Will Ferrell in it, and this is the plot?

A kid got bullied, history got viral, then people found out a pic of the kid and his parents with a confederate flag, after than niggers proceeded to fucking bully the kid x1000 and blame all white people for some reason,then it came out the kid's father is a literal nazi and actually racist.
Then all sympathy towards the kid vanished overnight and everybody ended up siding with the niggers.

yeah, wow, blaming the kid for his father, great job

Judge not the child for the sins of the father.

Hey don't ask me! Im just telling the story.
Don't expect any logic and reasoning from negros

The dude is literally wearing a CIA sweatshirt. Fuck outta here.

starting to think this might be a psyop...

I'm all for hard working law abiding white folk, but the people in OP's pic look like literal niggers minus the black skin, etc.

>a CIA sweatshirt
What did he mean by this? Is there any other CIA, like Coon Incineration Army?

Social media was a mistake.

shocking pics! white prison guy is tatted up and ganged affiliated like every other prison guy of every other race! but the white guy did it too so its worse than anyone else!

>yeah, wow, blaming the kid for his father, great job

Niggers feel safe doing this because they don't have fathers

BAhahaha White Optics are so fail 2017. 2018 not looking any better.

Since when is The Shocker an Aryan gang sign? IT'S ABOUT FINGERING AN ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE

I predicted this would happen almost the moment I saw the video of him getting bullied but I had no idea it would be this extreme lol.

When I first watched the video I saw it on the local news. It was basically just: show video,news anchors talk about how bullying is bad, and then they show all the celebrities that were saying they supported the kid and how they would donate blah,blah,blah. The names that really stuck out in my mind among the celebrities were Snoop Dogg and Patton Oswald. Both have been very outspoken against Trump and have been known to go on long rants about how Trump sucks,ect.

So I started thinking, this kid is from Tennessee, what are the odds him and his parents are Trump supporters. Tennessee is one of the most Republican states in the country so the odds are pretty likely. Then I just thought about how funny it would be if these celebrities found out the family was all Trump supporters and they had to backpedal their support for him. Like I said though, I just thought they'd be run of the mill Trump supporters. Not full on Neo-Nazis.

to be honest these days you post one white genocide meme and you're the leader of the KKK to these people so I'd take what Tariq says with a grain of salt until someone reputable comes along or look into it yourself.

Yeah man these days PC police is out of control, you buy one SS sweatshirt to wear ironically and everyone just fucking loses their minds

Thats cuz your ancestors died fighing them tard.

I don't see the problem. Are Whites supposed to not look out for each other while being locked behind the wall with subhumans. Also Tarik is such a filthy nigger. He made a movie about the Haitian revolution so you know he loves dead Whites.

Yeah, you also buy one communist flag and no one cares because it only killed 100million + people but we need to focus on the evil Nazis who killed...well we keep revising the number and it keeps getting lower and lower and we actually have no idea how many died. Also we hate explaining why Hitler rose to power in the first place...also what is the Geneva convention?

The Aryan Circle is more dedicated to ideology than money an power according to its founder. It is the Alternative to the Aryan Brotherhood.

Apparently the kid called his bullies "niggers"

Surprise, Surprise.

>CIA Hoodie

>Apparently the kid called his bullies "niggers"
big if true

So he was getting bullied by niggers. Imagine my shock.

hopefully this will be the catalyst that starts a race war or leads to a larger action that starts the race war

Bullshit! How else will SJWs justify their hatred of the white race.

>what happened?
niggers trying to make everything about them (surprise) by lying nd making shit up

Tariq Nasheed got triggered over a white person getting sympathy and posted some trash to smear the white kid.


Tariq Le Genius


stupid fuckin niggers