And now all of the sudden free speech matter

Guess they don't like it when they are on the receiving end of hate speech rules.

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I just wish we could use emoji on here.

WTF I love Zuckerberg now

Zucc trying to apease the meme-makers so they percieve him as more human

Someone post the "I don't who is jewing who" pic

Based alien overlord fighting for the white humans.

>in part because the company classifies white men as a protected group


There is nothing better than seeing these assholes get hung with their own rope.

>He doesn't know.

>we deserve ewuality! women are be treated like scum and this has to stop!
>reeeee stop protecting the white males we treat worse than scum

>Achievement unlocked

It's pretty incredible to think how different the current political climate would be right now if they had just consistently applied their own standards across the board rather than alienating the everloving fuck out of specific, overlapping groups (namely, straight white males).

But, too late. Genie's out of the bottle. Good going!

>mutt flag

I bet you trump lit a fucking fire under their ass.

Wheres hillfrog's IV bag with childrens blood?

In part this is why I hold back from going all out against hate speech legislation and rules online.

All you have to do is change the makeup of the judiciary, police force or ownership and then establish a few legal precedents for anti-white racism or 'hate'. Then just like that you can purge and hang the left en-masse with their own legal rope that they called for and installed in place.

This is the thing I like about how retarded the left after sometimes, they just can't manage enough self awareness to realise how badly they're setting themselves up for a later fall sometimes.

Sometimes I try to discover how these people can live having double standarts like that, no sucess yet.

Its all going according to plan. The marxists have been losing for decades in fair debates on issues with logic, reason, etc. They have no shifted focus to dividing us into groups. They are fully aware they are driving away white males, they simply do not care because the continue to shift the demographics and have stacked the deck against white men.

>because they classify white men as a protected group

with a sassy tone

implying we shouldnt be protected

gooooooo fuck yourself

He is human. Still.

That was the initial plan...
...but then the CIA infiltrated the 1960s with identity politics.
>Black power!
...same with Occupy Wall Street.
>Oh shit! The bankers are scared!

Like that time the Democrats changed the confirmation rules so Obama could get his people in with a simple majority instead of the 60 votes usually required but then a Republican won and used the very same rule they themselves changed to get his own people in easily and then the Dems all freaked out and shrieked "FASCISM"

I mean ffs McConnell himself literally told them "You’ll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think." when they pulled that shit.

Fucking lefties man, it's like they're incapable of long term thinking.



> For in an intriguing research paper written in 1985, and recently released with minor redactions through the Freedom of Information Act, the CIA reveals that its operatives have been studying the complex, international trend-setting French theory affiliated with the names of Michel Foucault, Jacques Lacan and Roland Barthes.

CIA is the reason all this pomo shit took over and now the left are a bunch castrated numales. Incidentally, that meant white population lost a powerbase and now the US becoming minority white.

Thing is even that strategy will eventually fuck up on them eventually because most of their actual or ideological leaders are still white males or visible (((whites))) that are building up a base of increasingly and eventually, exclusively non-white rank-and-fillers that have no true loyalty that ideology. Sooner or later the rank and file will apply the dumbed down and specifically anti-white ideology to even their 'leaders' and turn on them leaving them with nowhere to run and hide defeating the whole marxist system they've worked so hard to build.

They're so blinded by hubris and suffer such tunnel vision from their own indoctrination that they're rigging a system in a way that ends in them losing either way. They'll either face a backlash that defeats them from white males or the non-whites they've invited in will overthrow them and replace their marxist ideology with their own ethnocentric or religious one, especially in the case of the latter with mudshits.

And you fucking faggots kept doubting him

This is shit, no one should be banned for bantering. Can't say it isn't really funny that they're crying that it's hurting themselves now

thats nice... can we stop cutting the end of their dicks off now?

>Guess they don't like it when they are on the receiving end of hate speech rules.
sure, but don't count on them. It is rare in our time and place that women get punished for misbehaviour

I was thinking more recently of some left-liberal salt I was reading about what Trump's administration is quietly doing to the courts at the moment and how awful it all it is despite the 24/7 'muh russia', 'muh impeachment', 'muh useless drumpf doing nothing since taking office' noise all over the media.

Every precedent the Obama years set and the massive backlog of judicial appointments is now being used and against them and the courts stacked at almost every level with constitutionalists and conservatives to an extent this will cement control of the legal system for a generations. It's fucking genius and 'muh resistance' has completely taken the bait and gotten lost in the smokescreen being created from the White House while they completely rig the system against liberals.

I know the 'muh 4d chess' meme is done to death but this is some real genius going on that will properly screw them over and be possibly years before they actually realise what's happened while they were swimming around in an ocean of bait chasing phantoms. The kicker is that this will go completely ignored while they have a chance to actually stop it because the one bringing it up was a white male telling liberals to no go after 'muh russia' and 'muh harassment' and go back to a less exciting topic.

>implying ruling from the shadows with puppet leaders of color wasn't part of the plan from the start. We habe already seen them do it once with Obama



>The marxists have been losing for decades in fair debates on issues with logic, reason, etc.
>fair debates
Too bad those don't exist with marxists


This, I would unironically follow most of their ideals and methods if they included themselves in their fire-and-brimstone preaching.

>White American men are now endangered.
