Crunchyroll Announces Its Own Convention After Surpassing 1 Million Paid Subscribers

>Crunchyroll Announces Its Own Convention After Surpassing 1 Million Paid Subscribers


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Nuke it.

No. Fuck off

>Underestimating the power of normalfag neets.

Time to bring out the popcorn.


Go shill elsewhere, faggot.

Fuck off

>at least $5M a month
>not producing their own anime
Bunch of cucks I tell ya.

Didn't they produce Free! though?

>probably pay like $100k for their anime licenses
>"supports the industry"

Sup Forums convention when
We passed 1M posts a long time ago

They actually have been on the production committees for a few shows.

>mfw the stench of all the Sup Forumsnons who show up

No. Why would you even think that?

Great CR, now spend your money on upgrading your translation team.

>Anime convention

So are Crunchyroll shilling threads allowed on Sup Forums now? I have seen a lot of them make it to the archive.

I thought I heard something like that.

Well, this thread isn't shilling. It's just news.

I feel like they're greatly over-estimating the number of people that will show up
a very significant number of people who attend cons do not use CR, so they may not be interested in going to a CR sponsored con
alternatively, a lot of people who do use CR are not the type of people who would attend a con

>this thread isn't shilling. It's just news.

I don't get it, there's no R17 anime on CR, there's no anime to watch on CR.

>Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) isn't exactly a money-printing machine these days. Over the last four quarters, the digital video veteran has generated just $141 million of adjusted earnings on $7.6 billion in top-line revenues. The adjusted net margin there is a razor-thin 1.8%. Meanwhile, the company also reported negative free cash flows of $966 million.

>Five cents have been added to your account.

CR devs get out.

Why do people subscribe to this crap

Just fucking why

>comparing Netflix to CR
Dude, totally replied!

i can't wait to mingle with other paid subscribers!

If a mere 1% of their paying subscribers show, they would still have ten thousand persons in there. I don't know, but that's like a load of people.

Kill yourself burger shill company

I don't need your stupid translation font

And your team is full of westaboos

Something like this maybe

The irony is that they'll do the convention in the US, where the population is now totally hostile to Japanese entertainment, since it's racist and sexist and pro nazi..

Its called being smart, only stupid companies make profit

If they were westaboos they would try and make good translations.

>(Empty space)
>Your head.

None of the companies who "legally" stream shit, like netflix and spotify, are actually making money. They earn a load of money each month, but they also spend a load of money keeping the servers running, and even netflix is burning money.

This doesn't mean all the companies will burst out, like the dot com fiasco at 00's, but is just matter of time before weak companies are weed out. CR is definitely one of them given their niche market. True, they don't spend the same than netflix on servers, neither spend money on original productions, but earn way, way much less money.

>Crunchyroll Director of Events Adam Sheehan commented that the convention's goal is to follow a different model from other anime conventions. He cited conventions and trade shows such as BlizzCon, PAX, SXSW, and E3. Sheehan said regarding the event, "you're going to see some things that have not been done before at anime cons, some things that have been done but we're going to do it differently, and some of the fan favorites that people continue to enjoy [will be] brought back either in different ways, or more broadly and more extensively for the fans."

>The event's official website states that the convention will feature "exhibits, screenings, panels, and guest appearances by some of the biggest personalities in Japan and the US," and that the convention will celebrate "anime, manga, games, guests, cosplay," and more. The event's press release also states that the convention will have "special events, premieres, and interactive features focused around anime pop culture, the latest content coming out of Japan, and ways for fans to connect with each other to share their passion for anime."

Why would they cite E3 if they're trying to make something geared to the fans? Only people directly connected with the gaming industry are allowed into E3.

>"fans spend billions of minutes per month on the platform."

Why don't Crunchy Roll and Funimation merge already?

Why is Sup Forums triggered by Crunchyroll?

They did.

>Only people directly connected with the gaming industry are allowed into E3.
Actually they're selling tickets to the public this year.

Otherwise yeah it's a shit comparison.

Fuck off

Because that is what the average gamer fan around the world usually thinks of when you say gaming convention. Still a shit comparison though.

>Not being triggered by people paying for shitty subs and an HD stream.

How to trigger Sup Forums in a nutshell.

Only normalfags stream.

So whats their end game?
If they arent making money why not stop now?

They won't be deleted. Sup Forums mods are CR shills.

Because Sup Forums is poor.

Then why aren't they called Funi Roll yet?

>Hey, guys, nobody is buying our stocks.
>I don't know why, we covered our asses reporting red numbers every quarter.
>Yeah, we won't pay a penny on taxes. In fact, I'm reporting to our directors and investors we are going to loss another billion next quarter.
>Shit, our stocks are barely worth a note now, our company is worth shit.
>Guys, some people are on the door, they say they are working for something called ISR.

will it be worse than the unsanctioned by tumblr tumblrcon

But HorribleSubs and many other CR rips exist.

You avoid profit by spending your money on growth.
Your company is worth more than before, but you don't have to pay taxes for it.

Cause when you have established brands, you don't do that shit.

Exactly. Those don't cost money.

>using the poorfag card
I want Sup Forums to leave right now.

Netflix spends a lot more money on shows than CR, if CR isn't making money it's because they are dumb.

It's the same as Trump not having any money, he just has a bunch of stocks and keeps investing, when he stops investing and start cashing his stocks he gets his money, it's the same for all these companies.

But if not for CR, these wouldn't exist in the first place. inb4 funsubs would do their job, delayed, dropping or never picking up some shows

I tried a month free CR and realized it has no fucking shows

Netflix literally burns through their money and wastes it on making shit shows. They're desperate to be recognized as a legitimate TV network.

Because you can get better quality when not using their shitty player. Even downloading CR rips will give you better quality if your player is setup right (debanding, smooth motion etc).

For smart people, *this* is the end game. They get paid by some people who like their product, and are preparing for the inevitable crash by investing said money in something else. Think on the guys on facebook: they weren't expecting fb to be eternally profitable, so they keep buying and adding new companies so when fb crashes down, they will jump into the next ship and keep riding on the waves. There's a reason they bough occulus.

Of course, for not so smart people, they think netflix (and related) will last forever with the current model, so they waste money on hookers and drugs.

what? they literally have every show from this season except for Onihei

oh and LWA

All I know is that Crunchyroll fired some people so that they could hire cheaper Moldavians instead.

That's the only relevant news, and it's already old as shit.

and urara

But you do have to paid taxes on earning, not profits, and if you get some profits, you have to pay on top of them some more taxes. Yes, is retarded, but that's how the government works and the reason reducing taxes is a cliché for political campaigns.

Crunchyroll isn't Sup Forums related and neither are anime conventions.

Check em

So they literally have nothing

>All I know is that Crunchyroll fired some people so that they could hire cheaper Moldavians instead.
That's more than enough reason to avoid them.

You keep getting external investments in return of having large "potential" future profits from a large userbase. Is the same with companies like Twitter which haven't made a profit yet but have 300+ million users.
Is basically a repeat of the Dotcom bubble but maybe not as severe (yet).

I wish people started dumping loli already.

It feels like they reduced the number of mods significantly.
Yesterday we had a Sup Forums thread about India running for 19 solid hours, and the first three posts to be deleted were a redirect to Sup Forums and two posts pointing out the emoticon in the OP.

The mod that stay is the newfag mod

Crunchyroll is not an anime or manga, fuck off

I miss modcat.


They fired an Sup Forums friendly mod recently.


Tell me it was the one who kicked /djt/ and sadpanda threads during his "i don't like this, delete" crusade...

I got banned for rolling dubs on these once

Didn't they lay off a bunch of staff recently?

modcat was active for 2 weeks. He wasn't really behind the moderation the past few years.


Yeah, morons are paying for shitty americanized subs which are getting worse and worse.


No they married Funimation

Was it this one?


check 'em

I was kind of surprised when that thread disappeared.
It wasn't really OP's fault either that 90% of it wasn't Sup Forums related. The OP was fine.


Speaking of mods, has anyone here had the displeasure of speaking to one in the IRC?

They are the most arrogant, petulant idiots you will ever see.

I got a warning a week or two ago telling someone using the word "cuck" to fuck off back to Sup Forums. Did a good job of making me pissed.

I imagine that most of the people who were part of all of those fansubbing teams got hired by CR, Funi, or Hulu.

Redundant engineers.

The fuck's a Moldavian?

East European.

Let's get it going.
