He thinks ISP's will let you access Sup Forums after net neutrality is gone

>he thinks ISP's will let you access Sup Forums after net neutrality is gone

>he expects the nanny state to handle all of his private contracts

Just wait till Comcast gets attacked for letting people access racist sites.
Then it's bye bye Sup Forums


>he thinks Sup Forums gone is a bad thing

How many hours until this is over and we can continue not caring about it?

are you saying Trump will make Sup Forums white again by banning all the mutts? awesome!

>shills think we can't read

Yes! We can all finally migrate to reddit!

Nu/pol/ and T_D will finally be gone.

where would all these autismos go?

>He thinks I haven't left this site ages ago for better lands

Sup Forums dying needs to happen.

At least the shills will have to back to work at McDonalds. Sup Forums is nothing but an employment program for retards

Ur internet will now rot and die slowly. Goodbye.

>Sup Forums without americans

literally best timeline

I can't wait to say goodbye to the eternal mutt

Immagine the based Sup Forums shitposter begin forced to move to reddit.
> actually hoping to see it just to see reddit burn

This! Finally no more rainbow fag flag memers.

Can't you just use a VPN to get passed it?

No because they block vpns, pizza abuse.

Holy shit. Just imagine. I would never leave.

But i already have a VPN on my computer. How will i access my Chinese cartoons?

We were able to access it before NN.

Didn't Verizon actually block Sup Forums at one point

Can't wait for Sup Forums to be gone.

I give it about 3. Seriously, everyone will forget about this by the end of the week and nothing will fucking change. The whole package shit was literally just fear propaganda, there wasn't like an immediate plan to instate it.


Children here are idiots and lack that reference.

thank god

They didn't stop me before.

He don't know about cooperative phone companies or country living.

They won't do it the first day, it will come after you've been worn down a little bit more

Australia access Sup Forums and they don't have NN you retard

>How many hours until this is over and we can continue not caring about it?
Never, because when the jew loses yet again they'll regroup, change the name of the bill to something else the Plebbistani shills will deep-throat till their lips are resting on George Soros' sack, and they'll keep trying.

AT&T, and it was for DDOS mitigation.
Verizion users were having trouble for a short time because Moot blocked mobile poster IP ranges due to them being a source of massive fucking shillbot cancer.

The first time any site has been "blocked" has been thanks to the jews shutting down Stormfront. Which happened while NN was in place... because that was an attack against the hosting.

Q. How can you tell when a jew is lying to you?
A. Jews always lie.

>he doesn't know about 2014 netflix-comcast lawsuit
and you call others children
NN was here before, comcast trying to fuck people up with limiting access to websites they didn't like only led to laws being worded more strictly

>then we will fight them in the shade

Let's hope Americans get banned from this board.

Gotta move to China

>umplying we wont just vpn back in

third world shitters shaking in thier boots

>Americans have a more censored internet than us brits

They did before so fuck off shill