Dragon Ball Super


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I want loli angel to train me.

Why is everyone in the dub so passive-aggressive?

were fusions a mistake

it's a good game

accurate scene depiction t b h

I'd fuck Gohunks

I wonder what his reaction would be these days. Sure Vegeta isn't the most sociable person, but surely he has SOME things to talk about

The fat angel is the best

Muscle Girls



This not a joke anymore, Demigra have me prisoner. Please help me!


Dont worry Supreme Kai of Time, ive got this!

Remind me again why Zamasu is our go-to meme character this season?

You want some ningen as your go to meme

nah Trunks is for going back in time to cry for Goku everytime
like master like pupil I guess

Too late.

Super Trunks was a mistake

They weren't enough for one of you, since he turned himself into a ningen.

Zamasu is a fag and zamasu fags are cancer
Black was a good villain
Introducing a green literally who with a good VA was lame

So Broly is canon now or it's just Super referencing th OVAs?

Fuck yeah it is.

I'm glad we're getting the update soon. I want to make Kalory Black already.

It's a female

>Kalory Black
>ravioli ravioli, i want a Blackoroli

Does anyone know when the next chapter is released?

Leaks should come out next week.

Broly isn't


>LSSJ is
You faggots are retarded, broly is the LSSJ his form isn't
BROLITA is going super Saiyan anger

Yes but she is literally female Broly, even the same color. It's probable the LSSJ of some universe.

I was under the impression that LSSJ as a trasnformation / character was an OVA thing, while for the manga the LSSJ was simply anybody who could transform in SSJ.

they chose the shittiest Kai, let her die

>Let's go see YAMCHA

It's been a while last one was Kai sincie we had a good opening with a good song.

I can't stop listening it

can he just fuck off already? Have them bring back someone like Android 16 to replace him already

I hope Buu absorbs the enemies he defeat
Super Buu was dope


If they took out Buu and put in Gotenks, this would be so much better.


At least he'll fight this time

Tbh ,the script in BoG wasnt that good so Funi is just trying to make it better.

I hope they also change the script a bit in FnF, to cover the bad animation that arc had.



Fat Buu's fighting style sucks as well. Make him Hercule's manslave and pretend he doesn't exist.


It's just Super Saiyan 2 with bigger muscles

>that autist in the comments angry they changed it from subs

This is like the third time he's seeing this between the movie and the sub. He wants it all to be the exact same shit?

I think it's hilarious

Gotenks is on a timer, it's too risky if the battle drags out.

But that would be funny.

Nice dubs dubs

Gohan should wear the Purple again...

>Impliying she can't turn into milf and return to loli when she want.

Gotenks is an idiot though

Daily reminder that Uub will replace Goku when he dies

Buu isn't exactly the smartest fighter either.

They should retcon him out of existence.


I'm still of the mind that Fusion Dance fusions are all like this. It isn't just because he's a child, it just makes you a dufus that wastes time and effort looking cool and that is why the Metamori were even in the Afterlife in the first place.

>Buu isn't exactly the smartest fighter either

No, but he can regenerate and when he gets pissed he is more likely to actually go in and finish things then to mess around trying to be cool.

He's smarter than Gotenks though

16 is dead. The only good redhead in dragonball did not deserved to get curb stomped by cell

>they got murdered as a species because they wasted time trying to look cool

I like that head canon.

>Goku is literally a puppy killer

RIP puppers

>Goku is literally a furry killer

Why are Roshi and Krillen on the team instead of Trunks and Gotenks?

What's his name again?

Goten, not Gotenks

Great Saibamen

Kamen Rider Z

Is there any sign that Super will be ending soon?

Great Saiyacuck

Great Mediocre Son


>Toyo will be ahead of the anime
> manga is closer to toryiama's vision
Sup Forums is full of shite

>mangacucks btfo again

What's new

No, it's killing in ratings, and all that merchandise is selling well too.

Leave Goku to me



What's his name

Speaking of merch, I wonder if we'll get a new line of action figures? The Irwin toys that came out later into DBZ's run were pretty dope

So who is Hit jobbing to? Furry?

> rushed incomplete promotional fanfic comic

Captain Ayy

Ayy lmao


who is this semen demon?


>this is real


Captain Ginyu.

The dub is the definitive version of Super


>semen demon
hahahaha what a faggot


>tracing a few well-drawn panels is bad
>reusing bad animation is okay

Dragon Ball anime series are always shit.

>Beerus the Destroyer

>a few

Does he know Gohan is still strong enough to kick his ass?


the great tireman?

why is Trunks hair blue?

Why isn't yours?