Name a better canon gay couple

Name a better canon gay couple

Here you go.

Not canon. next.

you and every dick you've ever come across

Me x you

Certainly more canon than Shinji and the guy that always dies 5 minutes after meeting him.

my dick
Yuri and Victor
Shinji and Kaworu are shit especially in contrast to Eva's tones

They had a lot of time together in 3.33

Yuri and Victor is just a poorman's Kawoshin
And it's not canon


Reminder that Shinji is straight Kaworu is dead kawoshin is shit
and you didn't understand eva

Nah, it's not.

>arguing about canon
>posts fanart
Fujoshits everyone.

>Shinji is bi*

source? i need it for a friend

>complains about fujoshits
>posts Ikuharashit
What did he mean by this

Muh tavaritsh

Yuuri x Viktor is giving me feels I never thought I'd experience because of fictional characters

Not that user but that's bullshit if you've actually watched the show, while they have a physical resemblance, their dynamic is not that similar to Kawoshin actually. Other than Yuuri being very introverted and having shit self-esteem and Victor liking him despite that, although Victor does work hard at bringing out his confidence. Yuuri is initially set up like you think he may be a Shinji clone but he turns out to be much more.
Also no.
t. both kawoshinfag and baldfatfag

>love interest
Dumb faggot.

There's not much difference between Victor and Kaworu though

Kaworu still died and Shinji's still bi.

When were Yuuri and Victor confirmed canon?

I watched the show but remember it being kind of vague

>Shinji with any female
Depressed, manic, anxious, neurotic

>Shinji with Kawarou
Acts like he just smoked a ton of weed and is rolling on a bit of MDMA

Yeah, Shinji is totally not a homo

He fapped and came to a girl.


Typical yaoipony.

There is actually. Kaworu is a character known for his selflessness, while Victor's biggest flaw is that he is or can be very selfish. Victor has a bit of a petty side as well.

He wasn't exactly happy about that

Fuck off with this fujo meme. Stop projecting your mental illness onto every character interacting, as if just a hint of something is enough to warrant entirely disrespecting the characters and canon.

A lot of people aren't happy to find out they're gay, doesn't make them less gay.


Asuka looks like a man, though

So you're agreeing that Shinji isn't gay then?

Tell Anno to stop saying Shinji and Kaworu are gay for each other, then.


I'm not the one with the mental illness. It's Shinji who was repulsed with himself for forcing himself to masturbate to a female in a desperate attempt to prove to himself that he is straight.

>so butthurt no one agrees with you so you resort to samefagging

I knew this increase in shinji gayposting lately was from crossboarders.

Fuck off delusional fujo

Shinji is not gay but Kaworu is a flaming faggot.

Kaworu left him so blueballed even a pair of saggy tits got his rocks off

It's not really that vague at all. I mean to the point other characters notice too. They have plenty of development over the episodes, I don't know how the whole eros thing or ep 10 didn't tip you off. Also confirmed soulmates and true rabu.

>projecting this much
Fags must die

It's the other way around.

Shinji only blushes at Kaworu, Kaworu never blushes at him.

All fujoshits should hang.

>if I shitpost enough I'll make my contrived headcanon true
The only way you could believe this is if you haven't even watched Eva. Ergo, you're shitposting, and poorly at it.

Don't be so mean to Shinji, he can't help loving cock

You have to be really delusional to not see Shinji's blatant homosexuality. I say this as a straight man.

>boy LITERALLY masturbates to a girl
>faggots still claim he's gay
>make threads every day claiming he's gay
Even yurifags aren't this delusional.

Plenty of fujos don't have much of a problem with /u/ or even enjoy it though.

reminder that both fujoshits and yurifags are the cancer that is killing Sup Forums

They're not canon tho

I think it's cause Yuri on Ice beat them in sales or something

I know a tranny who tried having sex with a woman once, she(male) didn't like it. Also Shinji is absolutely repulsed with himself for masturbating to a girl.

>took each others virginity
>not canon


It's because even straight women are wired in a way to think yuri is cute, unlike their straight men counterparts who are wired in a way to think yaoi is disgusting. I'm pretty sure only gay men get triggered over yuri here.

Why does everything Gainax makes have to be so gay

Why do trannies count for anything? They're literally drugging themselves and fucking up their minds.

And you're still somehow not understanding that he ejaculated, meaning he was sexually aroused. If he was actually gay he'd be turned off and wouldn't be able to make his limp dick cum. You'd know if you weren't a fat fujoshit.

He didn't stick it in, he's a faggot.

>Silver haired plus brunette fags
Is this the ultimate fag combo?

It was sexually arousal from Kaworu

He didn't stick it in Kaworu either. Are you being retarded on purpose?

If you rub your dick enough, cum will eventually shoot out unless you're suffering from ED. If you are, I'm sorry.

>I know a tranny
How is blogging about your degenerate social life relevant?

He let Kaworu stick it in him

Yes, Kaworu and Shinji started it


You fucking faggots post about this kawoshin canon or not canon shit every day. Every fucking day

Shinji is heterosexual, it can't be proven otherwise

And that's a bad thing because?

BL selling means less boys will have girlfriends. So girls will have no other option but to date other girls if all the boy already have boyfriends.

Bless Kawoshin for the ultimate fag combo

If you're not looking at any material, sure. If you're looking at something that is supposed to turn you off, no. I don't know about you but I go limp when I see shit that opposes my heterosexual tastes.


Non-troll answer? I really like these two.

Except by Anno himself.

>Interviewer: You said previously that that sort of JUNE-like, or should I say the sort of production that goes beyond friendship, came out that way naturally, didn’t you?

>Interviewer: Who worked on episode 24?

>Anno: A person named Satsukawa (Akio)-san did that. Satsukawa-san is better at—this is bad to say, but—he’s right on the mark when it comes to homoeroticism. *laugh*

>Yuri and Victor is just a poorman's Kawoshin
It's impossible to be a worse character than Anime-Movie Kaworu.


Nice headcanon.

If this isn't the most damning evidence revealing his sexuality then I don't know what is.

Everyone knows Kawoshin is canon, there's just this one closet homo who's trying to convince himself it's not

Because it outsold their favorite Anime

>yaoibait is now canon
I guess every SoL where they intentionally put in yuribait is actually yuri.

Fapping to lolicon makes you a pedophile. Fapping to futa makes you bisexual. Fapping to traps makes you gay.

They're talking about the yaoi bait so what?

>only opens his AT Field for another boy

no no yes

Reminder Shinji ruthlessly crushed Kaworu. If there was ever any doubt to his heterosexuality, it ended with Kaworu's blood spraying everywhere like a human melon.

What do I win?

what's wrong with Shinji being bi? I mean, literally everyone is and Kaworu is a very specific character

Nothing, there's just one closet homo that doesn't want to accept it.

If he's bi then he really hates his hetero side

>Fapping to lolicon makes you a pedophile
Unless that lolicon is also a loli, I'm pretty sure you're not a lolicon.

Nothing. But bi isn't the same as homo. Anyone with a high school education should know this.

>literally everyone is
Stop it with your projection and delusional fantasies. Nobody is gay, you only think they are.

>literally everyone is
Sad to see unironic tumbrlinas on Sup Forums these days.

So a guy who shoves cock up his boipussy every night isn't gay, I only think he is?

Does that mean I can suck your dick without being gay?

>all these (You)'s
Holy shit, that's a hot topic right there
So you boys like girls, huh?

Wew Kaworu and Shinji sure grew up into some sluts then

My doujins taught me no one can beat the cock. NO ONE.

Fujos literally can not prove Shinji's bisexuality with canon material from the show

Go back to tumblr.

Victor is a pure maiden

He's a slut with the heart of a pure maiden.