Your Lie in April

The real lie?

Kao should have died a few episodes before the end, the rest should have been about Tsubaki and Kousei getting together

should of just went through with the suicide pact she suggested.

Also what the fuck was with the art style? The lips and nostrils just looked awful.

its shoujo gone too far

Well usually animu doesn't even show a difference between the lips and the skin of the face unless they have lipstick on (or it's a black guy), so they should be complimented for bothering with such a detail at all.

That's not how this works. If a detail makes the face look worse, you shouldn't be praised for including it.

They all had awful looking overbites because they tried to give them realistic mouths

Many details would make them look worse (wrinkles, spots, moles, scars, blemishes, etc).

Point being, I don't get what the fuss is about. I honestly think it's because people are too used to the "norm" (where no one has any lips or nose).

I didn't particularly like the ending and how Kaori and MC's relationship was handled, in the end she felt more like a plot device to get MC over his issues than a character with her own purpose in the show.

Honestly I quite liked the way it made things look a bit different. Not the best choice, but better to try and fail than just mill around in safe choices always.