Final fucking straw

Final fucking straw.
Anyone up for a revolution, America is actually corrupt

Count me in, mr FBI

It's time to Storm the castle.

A revolution would just make everything worse than it already is.

Shouldn't they be holding guns, oh wait they'd make them look like Arabs


I won't get things for free anymore waaaaaaah

Get a job nigger

Haha bye bye internet communism

Oh im sorry are you upset your Orwellian government control over the internet is fading?

Goddamn, you're a cuck.

Found the kike.

Thousands dead, destabilized government, economy crashes, etc... Tell me again why a revolution would be a good thing?

this is the state of mind that turn people into a sheep herd.
just allow the goverment to buttfuck you

That's why we have elections.

Look, we hate government control over information. But due to the way that ISPs have been fucking you over you should want net neutrality. It puts pressure on comcast and verizon and other such companies to give YOU the consumer more power.

Working is tiring and depressing and I'm bored and depressed when I'm unemployed, sure I've got nothing to lose.

I the FBI colluding with the DNC to obstruct the democratic process of voting.

Makes you wonder how dense the zombies are for trusting the US government, huh?



Yes because democracy has never failed right

>That's why we have elections.
this is the most cucked thing I've read on this board

Better than living in a country like Somalia.

please don't riot unless you are going to nut up and do 'gangs of new york' levels of rioting please, im bored of these pussy modern riots

Do it, you pussies can't even beat down a single man without a mob.

You would actually end the human race if you were to successfully destabilize the USA
>Russia and China seize upon the opportunity to support you
>WWIII begins
>the USA retaliates in its final moments with a nuclear Holocaust
>the conservatives who all live in the rural areas away from the blast survive in hastily constructed bunkers
>liberalism is taught as sinful heresy for the next 500 years that only leads to pain and eternal toil in the new dark age
Fucking do it. There is only victory! All I must do is wait.

Are you implying it wasn't corrupt until now?


Do it, commie. just gives us an excuse to gun all of you scum down.

Fuck off reddit

to take down the deep state?
fuck yea

The game was rigged from the start

I'm with you, gas kikes!

>mfw I filter "Net Neutrality" "NN" and "btfo" and now only three threads show up when I refresh.

Wtf is wrong with you assholes? Enjoy your chemical castration!? Get mad motherfucker, they're pissing in your face

Not that easy, they control all mainstream media.

No officer. We are all peace loving here. Please take your hate elsewhere officer. N0H8M8

>people who don't contribute equally and don't have the same level of intelligence get an equal say.

democracy is the worst meme.