Gintama is pretty hit or miss, huh
Gintama is pretty hit or miss, huh
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>Gintama is a gag manga
Correct, one of the best
After episode 20, it's definitely one of my favorite. I understand the humor being hit or miss. The humor is way too Japanese for some people to enjoy
>After episode 20, it's definitely one of my favorite.
same. I just recently started watching the show, and boy does the first season feel like a complete different show than majority of what follows. The first "recap" episode however nailed it for me.
>The humor is way too Japanese for some people to enjoy
the show's occasionally too much even for the Japanese, and Gintama openly acknowledges it as well.
>that picture
Too bad I don't get most of the reference when they talk about actual Japanese people in the anime. Otherwise, it's really fucking great. I love the sol episodes and it's really intense when it gets serious.
>Too bad I don't get most of the reference when they talk about actual Japanese people in the anime.
Same, but fortunately the show's gags mostly revolve around re-occuring character tropes and referencing / parodying other nerd material. Oh, and it even occasionally has a PLOT.
The humor is fine it's just the arc that my pic is from was pretty bad.
The santa claus episodes right after it are pretty great though.
Just like every comedy show you autistic fuck
as in Shinpachi being the straight man
I love this show so much but I can't that's it's for everyone and hell I love when they do that
Not to mention humor is subjective as fuck. It's not everyone's cup of tea
>as in Shinpachi being the straight man
funnily enough, even the show itself makes fun of that fact, and the idea that the "western audiences" would find him only an annoying prick.
Making fun of him being a straight man doesn't change the fact that some people might hate that.
Don't worry shinpachi I still love you
If you like equality this is not the manga for you
>bbbut kagura barfs too and gin hits sacchan
Guys have their dicks out every 10 eps yet there's not one vagina joke in the manga. Look it up not even memeing
Sorachi has made his manga unoffensive to women
Sup Forums please
Is this a reference to the most recent chapters that are all about how women are better than men? Because I don't see why you'd even be reading the series if that bothers you?
>Guys have their dicks out every 10 eps yet there's not one vagina joke in the manga
Does this count?
But yeah, it's not like they exactly would have "hid" the fact that even the show's name is there to get young girls say out loud BALLS in Japanese. Then again, just about every female character in the show is OP as fuck badass.
Not even a Sup Forumsfag dude I'm just stating facts
And facts are you will never see the proper women degrade themselves
Dyou see one single relevant whore in the series despite shilling the Yoshiwara arc to be this sketchy whore town? Hell no.
Even Sorachi made sure Tsukky had no experience
It's alright to have Gin fuck Madao in the ass or grannies or tease Shinpachi relentlessly about being a virgin but the girls are off limits
No, just stating facts. Btw not reading the series since...I forgot. Probably when the Shogun returned
Oh I stand corrected. Forgot all about her
But she's one of the main side characters which was my point
>Then again, just about every female character in the show is OP as fuck badass.
Got no problem with that
Just that Sorachi is willing to degrade his male character's self-esteem but not the female's, a little hypocritical imo
Like when they were washed up on a deserted island, you got Madao and Shinpachi prancing naked or Katsura urinating but all Otae gets is a Bz reference and Kagura a Laputa joke?
Come on. People can't deny the gorilla shelters his women
The entire genderbender arc where everyone was saying Manko. Mantama. The card fight where Otsuu was on her period. The sword arc.
>But she's one of the main side characters which was my point
The reason he made Tsukki a virgin was probably more to appease the Otaku than the female audience. They're the ones obsessed with it.
>The entire genderbender arc where everyone was saying Manko. Mantama.
And the genderbent guys are still the girl's bitches. Status quo didn't change. NEXT
>The card fight where Otsuu was on her period.
Not even the least degrading, she wasn't there to be humiliated
>The sword arc.
About sex not vaginas
Again, find me a scene in Gintama where the men joke about a woman's sexuality at her expense. You'll find none. I'm not saying Gintama's bad for not doing it, I enjoy it all the same, but this is legit criticism and I understand why he does it. Cant got pissing off majority of your fanbase now.
That is true, someone remarked how many hooks her character has.
Are we all in agreement that Zura is best girl?
No, that would be Gedomaru
Do you really think the old gorilla author is gonna know so much about puss to make constant jokes about them in a magazine for 13+ year olds?
You mean Tsukky right?
A Tsukky is fine too. Or a Tama.
Fucking Dragonball has more pussy jokes than Gintama.
I started watching Gintama recently because I heard the serious stuff was good but I ended up really liking it just for the comedy stuff. I just finished the Benizakura stuff recently and thought it was pretty bad, to be honest.
Dr. Slump was his first work, by Dragon Ball he was already a hugely popular and established manga creator with a wife and kids that he proudly talked about with his fans
Sorachi started off under the constant fear his series would get cancelled, and many years into his series, married one of the voice actors (and then kept it a secret for years)
Obviously, Gori-sama can't be expected to have been a huge hit with women at the beginning of his career and to feel comfortable joking about their genitalia
Who did he marry?
Longevity isn't the reason. Or else he'd be comfortable enough to do it now.
He's just politically correct. And I see it as a flaw. But I don't hold it against him.
Definitely hit.
started missing really fucking hard after the studio change
What the hell? Who did the guy marry? He's super secretive about his personal life. I honestly don't even know what he looks like. For some reason I imagine he looks like Shigesato Itoi though.
>studio change
n-nani? I just started watching, who's producing it now?
>I honestly don't even know what he looks like
Maybe it's a lie but apparently he married the voice actor of Sadaharu
Also, in his interview he says which celebrity he looks like
Gintama is since 2015 animated by BN Pictures, an affiliate of Sunrise.
That means he also married Otsu. If that's true then good for him.
The family guy of anime
I love this meme
Unpopular opinion: 80% of Gintoki's awesomeness comes from his seiyuu
That's true, Sugita has a god-tier voice and the other part from his awesomeness, is from his characterization.
So this has probably been pointed out before but I recently decided to read the manga after catching up with the anime. Imagine my surprise when somewhere around chapter 100 I suddenly realized that Otsu's character design is pretty much just female Okita in a different outfit and dark hair.
It's the general sameface and hair that do it.
>tfw female Okita and Otsu will never get together and form a pop duo
>tfw there will never be porn of these two
Personally I think that Sorachi just liked the design too much to completely scrap it. In the anime, they changed female Okita's design just slightly. She didn't have the pieces of hair hanging down the sides framing her face so there was definitely a differentiation there. But it looks like the two designs in the manga are nearly identical which was what finally made me make the connection. I mean, yeah theres some sameface in Gintama but I don't think its THAT bad.
It's certainly not a bad design by any means, so I can't blame him for reusing unintentionally or not.
That design is honestly too good looking for a one off gender bend arc
Side ponytails and moody looking eyes are a great combo
There are word puns around vaginas, and the Renho arc has a couple of vagina jokes.
But yeah, there are more dick jokes. It's easier to make a funny dick joke then it is a funny vagina joke.
BNP and it's just as good, though there are some notable dopey frames during important scenes, so many people hate it (and there's Sunrise Gintama nostalgia).
Agreed. Souko was definitely the highlight of that arc for me. She's just really pretty, even compared to the regular female cast and I'm not sure what it was that made her stand out like that.
Also I find it a little funny that someone would shit on Gintama for not being feminist (which is kind of a ridiculous thing to expect in the first place) even though the bottom line of the genderbender arc was that if the roles WERE reversed men would be absolutely useless. The world definitely has a bias for the physical strength of men but if you take that away from them then what do you have? A bunch of floundering idiots that can't accomplish a single task whereas the women, whose strength normally goes unrecognized, stepped up to the task with marked proficiency. They were more successful as men than the real men were and that says a lot.
Sorachi easily could have gone another route and had the women-turned-men be their usual feminine selves to make jokes that way but he didn't. He chose to use the role reversal to show that the women are a lot stronger than they're given credit for and, if they were in a position of power, would easily surpass whatever accomplishments men have eked out.
I don't even agree with most feminist theory and I'm over here spouting this shit.
Angry Kagura a cute.
How do you think the series will end for her? Do you think she'll return to her home planet, will she stay on Earth? Will Kamui and her make up or will one of them die? Will she hook up with anyone at all? Shinpachi, Okita or Gin-chan? How likely is a timeskip with grown up Kagura?
Won't be Shinpachi or Gin-chan, and in all honesty, I doubt she'll be paired with anybody. She'll probably stay on earth, but I don't know for sure.
Maybe Kamui will die? He's a popular character but Sorachi is willing to kill off popular characters, as he's already shown in the final arc.
Gura-Chan is still cute as fuck no matter she's doing and no matter in the mood she is. She can puke, being rude and picking her nose everyday, Kagura will always stay a cutie pie.
It's weird, but great. Wish there were more characters out there like her but at the same time, I'm glad she's one of a kind.
The only times she's not cute is when she either gets really fat or when something makes her snap and go psycho.
I feel like there have been little snippets here or there that seem to imply a redemption arc might happen for Kamui, specifically in the Shogun Assassination arc, but at the same time it might not happen. I never thought there would be a point where Gin and Takasugi fight side by side again and while I don't know if it was a REAL redemption (haven't gotten that far yet) it did seem a little forced in the anime. Personally I don't know what I'd like to see from Kamui in the end because he's a bit of an enigma.
And I'm a monster who casually ships Gin x Kagura because I love that kind of father-daughter relationship but I think if any serious pairings happen it'll be Gin x Tsukuyo. Which I'm 100% fine with.
Kagura is adorable
That is all.
>It's easier to make a funny dick joke then it is a funny vagina joke without being offensive.
>someone would shit on Gintama for not being feminist
I'm arguing the opposite
>the bottom line of the genderbender arc was that if the roles WERE reversed men would be absolutely useless
No. The point of that arc was that Kyuu's selfishness of trying to turn into a man to get Tae's romantic affection wasn't worth it since she'll lose whatever they already had going, it wasn't worth destroying her daily life for it, and Tae was never going to choose her in the beginning. It's not a statement about feminism.
The uselessness of the men in that arc were played for GAGS you fucking imbecile. If the men were such floundering idiots then why's the space pirates afraid of a MAN? Why's the gumi being led by a MAN? Why's rebels being led by a MAN? Why is the world of Gintama being run by MALES? They're so incompetent right? No. Competence isn't determined by biological strength.
>Sorachi easily could have gone another route and had the women-turned-men be their usual feminine selves to make jokes that way but he didn't.
Which is what I'm saying. Sorachi didn't have the balls to do that because he was being politically correct, so that he wouldn't insult a femanon like you. Or I suspect, a faganon.
>He chose to use the role reversal to show that the women are a lot stronger than they're given credit for
You should really graduate high school first before posting here. I didn't say nothing about them being given credit for their strength, I love the women in Gintama. What I don't like is how Sorachi exempts them from the more sexual body gags the men are susceptible to. Where's my sandy vagina jokes? You got dicks used as rudders skiing down a hill. Where's my bra jokes? Gintama isn't above making fun of their national leader's briefs.
My first post was about the equal opportunity I felt Sorachi should have given the women instead of coddling them.
>a new "in-Gintama-esque" opening airs
>make an arc out of it
Best anime in the history of animes
>Where's my sandy vagina jokes?
Reminder that Gintama is in a shounen magazine, not a seinen one.
I have been watching Gintama for a long time now and I can definitely say that is has stagnated a lot. I don't any jokes anymore funny. Not to mention very subpar animation with new seasons. But yeah generally it's hit or miss. One episode good, another episode complete dogshit.
>Not to mention very subpar animation with new seasons.
Since Gintamaº, the anime may sometimes have QUALITY moments.
>Where's my bra jokes?
There's enough of them in ecchi.
That's in every season, it's just not as notable in Gintama' as it's the most consistently great season.
That's true
Episodes 100-150 were the worst lookwise.
May I confess something? I don't like Kazuya Nakai's voice. It sounds like an old man. Kyuubei's VA is trying too hard. It just sounds like a regular female making a "deep" voice.
Does anyone know the name of the show that got canned for talking about dieting? They mentioned it in episode something-50.
i never laughed harder at any other show than i did at the episode where the shogun goes to get a haircut.
Episode 79 is my favorite. TOW they don't have toilet paper.
I respect your opinion, but I think it's for showing that Kyuubei is a kind of "tomboy", she was raised as a dude. You know it's pretty similar to the Japanese female seiyuus who are voicing shounen boys.
In the Dekoboro arc, she had the opportunity the become a man, but she's refused.
I respect your opinion, but I think it's for showing that Kyuubei is a kind of "tomboy", she was raised as a dude. You know it's pretty similar to the Japanese female seiyuus who are voicing shounen boys.
In the Dekoboro arc, she had the opportunity to become a man, but she refused.
You misspelled Ketsuno Ana.
I know. I'm surprised because there are that many female VAs who are capable of sounding androgynous instead of sounding like a girl doing a fake man voice. If she is supposed to do it on purpose then I won't be able to take that side of her seriously when I'm supposed to.
is gintama pro-immigration?
Yep. Young shounen MCs voiced by a boy are actually pretty rare. Maybe's she's doing it on purpose... Btw I deleted my post because I forgot some words, sorry.
Gintoki pls
>Again, find me a scene in Gintama where the men joke about a woman's sexuality at her expense.
There you go.
when will they fuck
That's an equality joke right there.
how different is the manga from the anime?
Less risky references and parodies. Most famous parodies in Gintama were anime originals.
It can be.
The actual arcs though are great, good combo of intense action and comedy, unlike the rest where it's 90% comedical.
Shit sometimes I even forget I'm watching Gintama because it gets to serious.
The only remarkable difference between the anime and manga are the special episodes, what parodies are you talking about?
Zura ja nai. Katsura desu.
Zura fucking sucks. I can't stand him.
some user made a pretty good episode list without any of that comedy filler shit.
I thought it was the other way around.
Yikes! Anything but that
I kek'd
Kek ja nai. Kekkaku des.
IRL sougo actually died from kekkaku
She's a virgin loser
And I love it
Not for long, user
She's going to be banged hard by Gin.
Zura would've voted for Trump wouldn't he?
That popular video on youtube of Gintama parodying anime is almost all original to the anime like the Bleach thing, the what Hajime no Ippo one or something...I haven't watched it in a while...I don't watch the anime apart from some clips on youtube as I prefer the manga