Would you allow your son to dress like this?

Would you allow your son to dress like this?

I wouldn't raise a son to want to dress like that to begin with.

Trap Snake?

Absolutely not.


Is that actually a boy? Shit

Only if he let me fuck him.

No, I would not let my son borrow my clothes.

Worst case scenario I would beat the gay out of him with a lead pipe.


No. I would insist he dressed like that.

And this is one of the many reasons why we need parenthood tests.

No, if I caught him wearing that I'll beat him up and disown him.

Witness protection can't save him from my right jab.

Only when he goes out to get BLACKED

Hey, I'm perfectly fine with him being a faggot, I'll support that all the way.

But he's my fucking son, not my daughter, he's a boy and he'll dress as a boy.

No, but does it matter?

Why do you care how another man dresses? Faggot

But he is your daughter (male).

My son is my son, not my daughter, son.


Only if he looks like a cute girl, that way i can teach him how to trick lesbians and put an end to the homo era.

Your son is going to be a huge faggot just to spite you

Mixed feelings, I would let him on one hand and the other I would possibly kill myself for letting my old feelings manifest as a son. Also I don't want to question myself and letting it surface anymore while married to any woman making her regret being with me or having bore my son.

No, I would make my son dress like this.

I only have a daughter so no.

Does he get in the robot?

I regret watching this show, everyone in the detective's club is insufferable.

He can suck all the dick he wants and fuck as many guys in the ass as possible, but he's not putting on a fucking skirt.

He's a fucking man, fucking a man.

You don't get to pick. He's born that way or not. Matter of fact, making your son suppress his true nature leads to anger, depression and suicide.

Modern America's attitude toward homosexuality truly is confusing.

Dad, you watch anime.

Far too few doujin of her.

What did he mean by this

Don't worry, I will allow him by let him getting a surgery.

I'm fine with him being a homo, but he'll be transnothing.

And at no point do I wear a skirt or dress.

no, that's gay

>Implying I'm not already dressed like that

Like father, like son
I am proud

Being gay is fine. Being a blubbering neurotic mess that chops off it's cock and tries to tell everyone it's a woman fucking isn't. How is that confusing?

I love traps, but actual trannies are horrid. You need to kill yourself.


Fucking degenerates.


What would be your thoughts on someone who seriously claims to be a helicopter?

One is a fetish, one is a mental illness.

As long as they're not hurting anyone, who cares?

>only gays crossdress
>gay people who crossdress are trannies

Also, kill yourselves. You do not own your children and can't decide for them. Parents who don't realize or accept this are the worst kind of cancer. Sadly that makes up 99% of them.


Just wait until he starts firing missiles at others

Oh, you didn't mention that he was an attack helicopter.

Fucking hell

I do, considering the fact that this degeneracy spreads to our children's minds, and could, someday, happen to my children, or, more realistically, my nephews or nieces.
A strong nation needs a good moral code.

i' not asking if it's acceptable, I'm asking about your thoughts on the person
can you honestly call that a healthy state of mind?

Why should I put in so much time and money for a disgusting failure? Any child of mine who decides to be a degenerate had better have the money ready to reimburse me.

If I found out that he is a Boeing AH-64 Apache, I will tell him to wipe every trapfaggots and trannies in the world.

>A strong nation needs a good moral code.
I would think that person is delusional, but the majority of people are delusional about something, and a lot of them are about things far worse than believing you're a helicopter and have a far greater ramification on me in my life. Which brings me back to my point, why does it matter if they're aren't hurting anyone else?

Is this anime good? Is it bros doing bro things?

Because existing like that hurts others already.

because looking after a child you decided to have is your own responsibility and leaving them with untreated mental illnesses is pushing your problems onto society

Not him but the question here is what makes it wrong.
Saying it's the fact it may influence other people (and the extent of this influence is debatable) is not a valid answer.

This only proves my point further.

For strong people to grow up, loving that nation and be willing to defend it.
Because it makes them unlikely to have any children to spread their genes, for the most technical answer.
What point?

>For strong people to grow up, loving that nation and be willing to defend it.
How does believing you are a helicopter preclude that?

It's actively encouraged.

>is it ok to be hopelessly delusional?
No,it's not, in the same way it's not ok to have low self esteem or be a drug addict. But it's acceptable. oh well


>Would you allow your son to dress like this?
The author would never mention me in his story, thus the kid would dress however he pleased.

>Because it makes them unlikely to have any children to spread their genes, for the most technical answer.
And why is that anybody's business except for the guy in question? Going by that logic we should punish barren people.
>What point?

you're asking me why unhealthy things are bad?

Because it is a natural reaction to be disgusted by certain things, and, the fact is, most men are, at least subconsciously, disgusted by actual trannies, even if it's not completely rational. And a nation that facilitates that kind of thing is a nation that many men do not believe in, and do not love. A nation unloved by its people is a nation ready to be conquered.

It's my business if its my son, a son I raised with the intention of being a grandfather. And it's my business if this degeneracy has any chance to spread to my children, or their children, or their children.

Why is it not okay to be delusional?
So believing you are a helicopter is bad because it's bad for the nation, and it's bad for the nation because other people don't like it. In other words, believing you are a helicopter is bad because it grosses people out?

How is that any different than a SJW's "your rights end where my feelings begin"?

It's not a natural reaction, it's a learned one

nitpicking barren people would be a waste of resources
besides, not all seeds planted grow, that doesn't mean we should start planting rocks

>I own my son
Again, this only reinforces my opinion on the matter.

>Why is it not okay to be delusional?
Gee, I don't fucking know?

Because this is based on our natural reactions, ones we can't change, because they make us human, instead of the learned bullshit SJWs spout.
It is a natural reaction.
Well, your opinion is wrong, but since it's an opinion, let's not argue about it.

Like 90% of people who display emotions of gender dysphoria outgrow them and move past them, ending up normal.

I'd rather take those chances than my son hacking off his dick on what's basically a whim and then killing himself because he realizes that's not what he actually wanted.

I want to hear in your own words why it's bad.
So the innateness of the reaction is the only determining factor? Why is that? Both people are having a reaction but we recognize that taking personal offense is not sufficient to banning certain behaviors or speech.

There are many innate behaviors we humans have. Humans can be selfish, especially children. This isn't a learned behavior, people are naturally disposed that way. But as a civilized people we realize the need to overcome those behaviors and attitudes so that we can work together peacefully. So what makes your feelings of disgust so much more important than anything else?

c-can I talk about tricksters here?

>Why is it not okay to be delusional?
because it's a straight up negative mental trait, like being hot headed, arrogant or lazy
with all of those, in different ways, people ignore reason and make bad decisions regardless of they believe those decisions were bad ones or not, the only positive being feeding their own ego, which frequently is not a good thing and further aggravates their problem

>You do not own your children and can't decide for them
Actually, I kind of do until they're 18, if my kid wants to go to a party held by another kid who has several drug offenses, being caught with crack at least a few times, I'm going to step in and have him to stay the fuck home.

Delusions are a symptom of a greater mental illness that inevitably leads to the person harming themselves and/or others.

Fuck off Tumblr.

>make bad decisions
What bad decisions does one make if they believe they are a helicopter?
So someone who believes in ghosts is going to harm another human being?
>I don't like this thing so it should be banned
No, you are the Tumblr.

The innateness is one factor, but also the fact that these people won't have children.
It's a wasted investment.
Your whole argument boils down to "Nothing matters, so why do you care whether I do this or that?"
It's just nihilism. I'm a nihilist, in some ways, because I recognize that it's likely that nothing does matter. But nihilism isn't what made us rise above our hunter-gatherer ways. Nihilism didn't invent philosophy. Nihilism didn't even invent the idea of nihilism. So if I want my society to not be nihilistic, you'll have to forgive me. You can fuck off to ancap memeland with your fucking nihilism, I'm going to fucking church, and taking my kids with me.

>What bad decisions does one make if they believe they are a helicopter?
Trying to take off from a roof, perhaps?

Only if he's also a 2D qt.

It's terrible. Somehow even this thread is better than it.

Tadokoro Azusa's OP and ED are great though

>conflating a belief in the supernatural with delusions

Delusions are an identifiable symptom of mental illness. You can try to be tricky with definitions, but you can't get around the ludicrously high suicide rates.

If my son did crossdress like this then I would not be surprised seeing how he does have my genes and I did that kind of thing.
At least I can relate to him over this.

>there are people ITT who are okay with homosexually but not with trannies

Why? Both are degenerate and both are mental illnesses, so why do you faggots condone one and not both?

Because who gives a shit about degeneracy? I want my son to be happy, not to mutilate himself and then commit suicide, as is the typical outcome for trannies who go all the way.

>Your whole argument boils down to "Nothing matters, so why do you care whether I do this or that?"
No my whole argument is, "if it doesn't hurt others then it shouldn't be banned."
>A delusion is a belief that is held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.
People believe in ghosts. They believe in psychics. They believe in fortune tellers. They believe in mediums. All of that is bunk, with ample evidence showing that it is all fake. Should we ban fortune tellers? People actually go to them to advice and make life decisions based on it.

Not to mention people believe when something bad happens, it was because of the devil, or when something good happens it was because of God's graces. Is that delusional?

Evidence seems to be bearing out that homosexuality isn't really an illness. Gender Dysphoria is undeniably a psychological disorder that needs treatment, but the same can't really be said for being gay.

The moral argument is separate, but one that I struggle to find convincing since there's no real harm.

So you're fine if he's gay?

Because the current state in society says that homos are more socially accepted than trannies. If for some reason Sup Forums still exists in 20 years and anons are still having dumb off topic pol threads, the reaction will be different.

>What bad decisions does one make if they believe they are a helicopter?
from the top of my sleepy head
>behaving like one, needlessly leading oneself into social isolation
>wasting money into whatever worthless accessories or treatments that'll further aggravate the former problem

>no real harm
There's definitely real harm plausible with dysphoria.

Yes, does my post say otherwise?

>Should se ban fortune tellers

Traps are a gateway fetish of the worst kind. It's a retarded concept that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by drawing a literal girl and calling it a boy. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the fetish itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, delusional tumblr faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The males being able to pass as girls, the fluid sexuality where straight men easily turn gay and everything about how the appear completely normal and are not mentally ill fuels their escapist fantasies, while the denial of homosexuality, blogging about transitioning and belief that clothes/mannerisms determine whether you're male or female soothes their closeted faggotry. Exactly the kind of shit that makes literal faggots and tumblr retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Traps are basically THE fetish to attract the most hated fanbase known to Sup Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this fetish and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no trap threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.

You realize that we do actually prosecute psychics and mediums who cause people harm, right?

I meant no real harm in regards to homosexuality.

>with ample evidence showing that it is all fake
If we're gonna be picky with semantics, it's more that there is no evidence to support any of those things, and that people who deal with that stuff have generally been shown to be frauds, unable to produce evidence for their claims.

Ghosts for instance kind of land into the whole unfalsifiable theory category, they could be there, but we could never prove it because we can't see them and they don't interact with our reality, etc.

>is being rational good?
>is not being rational bad?
>are both of these acceptable?
within the golden rule, yes